







汉语拼音:dòng zhé






  1. 动不动就。

    《后汉书·南匈奴传》:“臣等生长 汉 地,开口仰食,岁时赏赐,动輒亿万。” 宋 李纲 《辞免知枢密院札子》:“臣本书生,进由庠序,以忠义自许,妄意事功,而性刚才拙,动輒多忤。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录五》:“佃户 曹二妇 ,悍甚,动輒訶駡风雨。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致陶亢德》:“因为我其实不能幽默,动辄开罪于人。”



  1. Next to the Age of Silver came that of brass, more savage of temper and readier for the strife of arms, yet not altogether wicked.


  2. On frequently and four or five hundred age SLATE road, stroking age trace, as if the air has past great empire of strong breath.


  3. Briefing editors of national dailies, a senior Indian official suggested that there was no point in the press showing any "hysteria" .


  4. Both times it resulted in just a sore throat for a few days compared to the full-blown cold that I usually get.


  5. However, many do not expect a return to the multibillion dollar deals from the boom years of retail.


  6. Long-term unemployment, as well as the unbearable high cost of living, made him bad tempered and easily angered.


  7. Consider mail size when REPLY, do NOT always "Reply with history" .


  8. Don't be so ready to lose your temper. You are prettier when you smile.


  9. In some spots, old stone stairways ease the way up the path, lined with bamboo and other vegetation that is often more than head high.


  1. 动辄发怒。

    Be prone to think that.

  2. 黛娜动辄生气。

    Dinah angers easily.

  3. 动辄发脾气

    subject to fits of anger.

  4. 动辄找借口

    be ready at excuses.

  5. 她动辄发怒。

    She is prone to anger.

  6. 他动辄发怒。

    He is prone to get angry.

  7. 他动辄发火。

    He gets angry very readily.

  8. 动辄批评别人

    be forward to criticize others.

  9. 他动辄吵架。

    He was ready to quarrel at the drop of a hat.

  10. 动辄诉诸武力

    Resort to use or threat of force.

  11. 动辄训人的

    always ready to blame others.

  12. 她动辄想入非非。

    Her imagination tends to run away with her.

  13. 她动辄就发怒

    She angers too quickly.

  14. 那老人动辄发火。

    The old man flares up easily.

  15. 他过去动辄发怒。

    He used to be prone to anger.

  16. 动辄发怒的年轻人

    a fiery young man

  17. 她动辄就要发脾气。

    She has a brittle temper.

  18. 如果…她动辄就哭

    she is prone to burst into tears if...

  19. 他动辄就批评人。

    He can dish out as much criticism as he gets.

  20. 不动辄设限和制裁

    Imposing restrictions or sanctions at every turn

  21. 他的话你动辄就相信。

    You are credulous of his words.

  22. 你会动辄烦恼, 焦虑, 急躁。

    You are easily annoyed bothered, and ivitated.

  23. 他近来心情烦躁,动辄发脾气。

    He is easily provoked these days.

  24. 他动辄生别人的气。

    He is swift to take offence.

  25. 她专横自信, 动辄顶撞别人。

    She had a very positive manner, never minded contradicting people flatly.

  26. 他可不像动辄爱哭的人。

    It's unlike him to cry.

  27. 他们动辄施点儿小恩小惠给邻居们。

    They were so prone to oblige their neighbours.

  28. 动辄住院和住院过久是常见问题。

    Excessive inpatient admissions and length of stay are common problems.

  29. 看什么都不顺眼, 烦躁, 动辄发火。

    See what all with a revolting feeling, fidgety, become angry frequently.

  30. 反对动辄进行制裁或以制裁相威胁

    be opposed to imposing or threatening to impose sanctions without good reason


  1. 问:动辄拼音怎么拼?动辄的读音是什么?动辄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动辄的读音是dòngzhé,动辄翻译成英文是 readily

  2. 问:动辄得咎拼音怎么拼?动辄得咎的读音是什么?动辄得咎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动辄得咎的读音是dòngzhédéjiù,动辄得咎翻译成英文是 be blamed no matter what one does



动不动就。《后汉书·南匈奴传》:“臣等生长汉地,开口仰食,岁时赏赐,动辄亿万。” 宋 李纲《辞免知枢密院札子》:“臣本书生,进由庠序,以忠义自许,妄意事功,而性刚才拙,动辄多忤。”《东周列国志》第一百三回:“朱英曰:‘李园以妹故,宫中声息,朝夕相通,而君宅于城外,动辄后时。’” 清 纪昀《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录五》:“佃户曹二妇,悍甚,动辄诃骂风雨。” 鲁迅《书信集·致陶亢德》:“因为我其实不能幽默,动辄开罪于人。”

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