


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……







汉语拼音:dà tuán yuán







  1. 谓小说、戏剧、电影中主要人物经悲欢离合终于团聚的结局。



  1. Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me. This is going to be fun. With Dan coming home from college, it'll be a real family reunion.


  2. "Whatever the reasons behind this, the chances of there being a happy ending are pretty remote, " he said.


  3. Comparing it with an opera, he said: "There are not many with four acts which end happily. "


  4. Christians have the hope of an eternal reunion with Christ and with believing loved ones who have passed away.


  5. On this day in Minamisanriku, where salmon- and seaweed-farming are the staple industries, there were no happy endings.


  6. It is not the happy ending but the myths of destiny in literature and art that remove the Tragical spirit of Chinese tragedies.


  7. Unfortunately its big-screen culmination delivered a very Hollywood ending-- fluffily satisfying, but hardly representative.


  8. The ancient four major beauties each kind of result in drama work, or ends sad, or ends happy, but to satisfy the masculine creation desire.


  9. However, there are not always happy endings with other cases of .


  1. 胜利大团圆

    happy reunion.

  2. 中和之美与大团圆

    Moderate beauty and happy ending

  3. 这是传统的大团圆结局。

    It is the conventional happy ending.

  4. 我发现我的大团圆结局了。

    I've found my happy ending at last.

  5. 影片以大团圆的结局告终

    the film ends on a positive note

  6. 影片以大团圆的结局告终

    the film ends on a positive note

  7. 我喜欢大团圆结局的故事。

    I prefer stories with happy endings.

  8. 这本书以大团圆为结尾。

    The book concluded with a happy ending.

  9. 这种大团圆结局真他妈恶心。

    This happy ending is bullshit.

  10. 圣诞前夜我们全家大团圆。

    We had a big family reunion on Christmas Eve.

  11. 作者安排了一个大团圆的结局。

    The writer contrived a happy ending.

  12. 古典戏剧大团圆结尾的多维透视

    An Overall Analysis of the Joyous Reunion of Classical Drama

  13. 太有意思了。真像是走廊大团圆。

    This is so fun. This is like a reunion in the hall.

  14. 这样的剧情最终很少会有大团圆结局。

    These dramas rarely have happy endings.

  15. 我不喜欢这部电影老套的大团圆结局。

    I don't like the conventional happy ending of this movie.

  16. 我不喜欢这部电影老套的大团圆结局。

    I don't like the conventional happy ending of this movie.

  17. 明末清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局魔力解析

    Magic Analysis for Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in The Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

  18. 论清初才子佳人小说大团圆结局的文化意蕴

    On the Cultural Implications of the Happy Ending Novels about Genius and Beauty in the Early Qing Dynasty

  19. 圣诞前夜我们全家大团圆,过了愉快的一晚。

    We had a big family reunion on Christmas Eve and we had a wonderful night.

  20. 这部书大团圆的结局读来让人感到不真实。

    The book's happy ending seemed contrived.

  21. 史上最烂的三样人事物就大团圆了。

    And you got the three worst things in history.

  22. 以真正的大团圆结局代替了原作中的形式上的团圆。

    Replaced by real grand union final outcome original make medium of formality of reunited.

  23. 这是你的大团圆结局,或者你还要再继续写下去?

    Is this your grand ending, or are you going to continue your episode?

  24. 他们做什么都没有关系,因为最后总是大团圆的结局。

    It doesn't matter what they do, because everything works out in the end.

  25. 大团圆具体地表现了这种不朽的精神永不妥协的抗争。

    Reunion in essence displays this sort of immortal spirit and uncompromising fighting concretely.

  26. 只有主人公先把那些恶龙制服,才有可能实现大团圆结局。

    A happy ending is only possible because the hero has first vanquished the dragons.


  1. 问:大团圆拼音怎么拼?大团圆的读音是什么?大团圆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大团圆的读音是dàtuányuán,大团圆翻译成英文是 happy ending; happy reunion



“大团圆”是个多义词,它可以指大团圆(1969年理查德·布鲁克斯执导电影), 大团圆(中国歌手谭晶演唱歌曲), 大团圆(2008年师小红主演电视剧), 大团圆(日本作曲家川井宪次创作乐曲), 大团圆(陶方宜创作传记类图书), 大团圆(食品名称), 大团圆(中国1948年丁力执导电影)。

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