


1. 耶 [yé]2. 耶 [yē]耶 [yé]文言疑问词,相当于“呢”或“吗”:“独不怜公子姊~?”。是~非~?。古同“爷”,父亲。耶 [yē]〔~稣〕基督教的创始人。……




1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:yē sū huì






  1. 天主教修会之一。1534年由 西班牙 人 依纳爵·罗耀拉 创立。会规强调会士应绝对服从教皇十六、十七世,该会的主要活动是维护教皇封建统治和反对宗教改革。於 明 末传入我国。来 华 的耶稣会士中,著名的有 利玛窦 、 艾儒略 等。

    陈垣 《元西域人华化考·华化之意义》:“ 明 末 清 初之耶穌会士,可以谓之 华 化矣。” 陈垣 《吴渔山生平》:“往 澳 之明年,年五十一,入耶穌会。”



  1. Viv : Yeah, but trying to tell a couple of lions that Jesus will save them? I'm just so amazed by how "out there" people can be.


  2. One of the two outsiders invited to the discussions was an Arab Jesuit with uncompromising views.


  3. For her mother's eyes were blue Like forget-me-nots. She knew All her mother said was true, Jesus always answered.


  4. Another Jesuit professor, Joseph Sebes, was one of the most remarkable men I've ever known.


  5. The Jesuits have received a number of private offers for it, and fears had been growing that it might be sold abroad.


  6. I guess it's because he couldn't believe that Jesus could be attracted to a guy, so he had to invent a girl to be the beloved disciple.


  7. The risen Jesus will be with you and you will be His witnesses. I will rejoice with you and protect you with my motherly mantle.


  8. Faced with finely balanced dilemmas, some Americans are wont to ask: "What would Jesus do? "


  9. The theory of heavens as that circulated by missionary was the beginning of Chinese modern science and science education.


  1. 耶稣会教长

    the Black Pope.

  2. 耶稣会会士地产争论

    Jesuit Estates controversy

  3. 他成了一个耶稣会会士

    He became a Jesuit.

  4. 耶稣会创立目的之考析

    Analyzing the Purpose of Establishing Society of Jesus

  5. 耶稣会会士人人受到悬赏通缉。

    A price was set on the head of every Jesuit.

  6. 有耶稣会士或耶稣会教义特性的。

    having qualities characteristic of Jesuits or Jesuitism.

  7. 在那一天,耶稣会区分好坏。

    On that day, Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats.

  8. 天主教耶稣会会士对地震学的贡献

    The Jesuit contribution to seismology

  9. 我也不是僧侣,我是耶稣会的成员。

    And I'm not a monk. I'm a brother of the Society of Jesus!

  10. 耶稣会思想家与近代自然法的复兴

    Jesuit Thinkers and Modern Revival of Natural Law

  11. 因为你的耶稣会会士对那个很清楚。

    Because you Jesuits know a lot about that.

  12. 耶稣会会士也于1922年创办了工商学校。

    In 1922, the Jesuits founded the Industrial and Commercial School.

  13. 耶稣会学校里负责教规戒律的行政官员。

    The administrator in charge of discipline at a Jesuit school.

  14. 耶稣会是天主教中一个重要的传教修会。

    The order of the Society of Jesus is an important mission order in Catholic.

  15. 你猜耶稣会对你现在做的事情说什么呢

    What do you think Jesus would say about what you're doing now

  16. 从第一,耶稣会集中于外国使团,教育和奖学金。

    From the first, the Jesuits concentrated on foreign missions, education, and scholarship.

  17. 加德纳街上,十字形耶稣会教堂的侧廊几乎水泄不通。

    The transept of the Jesuit Church in Gardiner Street was almost full.

  18. 维绍普特,一个犹太人,受耶稣会的教育转而信仰天主教了。

    Weishaupt, born a Jew, was educated by the Jesuits who converted him to Catholicism.

  19. 圣芳济,其中原七人,是第一位耶稣会打开东向传教士。

    Saint Francis Xavier, one of the original seven, was the first Jesuit to open the East to missionaries.

  20. 西维吉尼亚州得威灵耶稣会大学今年初做了一项实验。

    An experiment was done earlier this year at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia.

  21. 西维吉尼亚州的威灵耶稣会大学今年初做了一项实验。

    An experiment was done earlier this year at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia.

  22. 耶稣是否会因为同样的原因指责我们?

    Could Jesus rebuke us today for the same things

  23. 史密斯说,在未来56年内,耶稣将会重新现身审判日。

    Smith said that within the next 54 years Jesus would reappear to mark the Judgement day.

  24. 如果那个男人忏悔了,相信耶稣的血液会覆盖他。

    And if that man repents and believes the blood of Jesus will cover him.

  25. 如果你已经相信了主耶稣,你会听神的话并去顺服吗?

    If you have already believed on Jesus, will you listen and obey God's Word?

  26. 如果我们不是需要拯救的罪人, 耶稣就不会降生在伯利恒。

    Jesus would not have been born in Bethlehem if we were not sinners in need of salvation.

  27. 并非每个信徒都学会靠耶稣的名祷告。

    It is not every believer who has yet learned to pray in Christ's name.

  28. 但对死亡的恐惧摆在他们面前,他们会向耶稣靠拢。

    But put the fear of death in them, and they run to Jesus.

  29. 可是,只要他把北方佬打退20英里,他又会变为耶稣。

    Yet, just let him drive the Yankees back twenty miles and he ll be Jesus again.

  30. 法国耶稣会士

    French Jesuits.


  1. 问:耶稣会拼音怎么拼?耶稣会的读音是什么?耶稣会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耶稣会的读音是,耶稣会翻译成英文是 Society of Jesus

  2. 问:耶稣会教义拼音怎么拼?耶稣会教义的读音是什么?耶稣会教义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耶稣会教义的读音是,耶稣会教义翻译成英文是 jesuitry

  3. 问:耶稣会神学拼音怎么拼?耶稣会神学的读音是什么?耶稣会神学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耶稣会神学的读音是yēsūhuìshénxué,耶稣会神学翻译成英文是 Jesuit theology

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