











汉语拼音:yī shí sān kè






  • 【解释】:指很短的时间。
  • 【出自】:清·李渔《凰求凤·夥媒》:“机缘凑,把愁肠暂丢,便难成,也一时三刻展眉头。”
  • 【示例】:你出来不出来?~就把你烧成黑炭了!


  1. Where can I find so much money in so short a time?


  1. 一时三刻怎能建好瓮城?

    How can we build a bulwark in such a short time?

  2. 要这么多钱, 一时三刻叫我上哪儿去找哇?

    Where can I find so much money in so short a time?

  3. 今儿辰时三刻,

    On the three quarter today

  4. 我将立时三刻到来。

    I'll be tbere, pronto.

  5. 我九点三刻上床。

    I go to bed at a quarter to ten.

  6. 可能要走三刻钟呢。

    It might take you three quarters of an hour.

  7. 警察审问了她三刻钟。

    The police questioned her for three quarters of an hour.

  8. 他十点三刻的时候在这里。

    He was here at a quarter to eleven.

  9. 墙上的挂钟指着九点三刻。

    The clock on the wall said a quarter to ten.

  10. 我们七点三刻在饭店门口集合。

    We'll gather at the gate of the hotel at a quarter to eight.

  11. 教师用了三刻钟来讲解这一段。

    The teacher spent three quarters of an hour in explaining this passage.

  12. 即使他来了,这个问题也不是立时三刻就能解决的。

    Even if he comes, the problem can't be solved immediately.

  13. 即使他来了,这个问题也不是立时三刻就能解决的。

    Even if he comes, the problem can't be solved immediately.

  14. 我们在雨中等了三刻钟, 可就是不见公共汽车的影子。

    We kept waiting in the rain for three quarters but couldn't see any sign of the bus.

  15. 这场同塞尔维亚的比赛将在今晚七点三刻开始。

    The game with Serbia kicks off at 7.45 pm.

  16. 这场同塞尔维亚得比赛将在今晚七点三刻开始。

    The game with Serbia kicks off at 7.45 pm.

  17. 城堡的钟声刚敲过九点三刻,他还什么也不敢做。

    The chateau clock had just struck a quarter to ten, and he had still not ventured anything.

  18. 卡尼太太偕同丈夫和女儿, 在开幕前三刻钟抵达古典音乐厅。

    Mrs. Kearney, with her husband and daughter, arrived at the Antient Concert Rooms three quarters of an hour before the time at which the concert was to began.

  19. 一时一刻也不要脱离群众。

    Never for a single moment cut yourself off from the masses.

  20. 有她在教室, 一时一刻都很宝贵, 我舍不得出去。

    I could not bear to miss one precious moment of her presence by leaving the room.

  21. 信任一个人, 不是一时一刻, 转瞬即逝, 而是永远!

    And when you believe in someone, it's not for a minute or just for now. It's forever.

  22. 自然在安排呼吸器官的运作上, 是一时一刻都不休息的。

    Nature is uninterrupted to arrange the operation of breath organ.

  23. 天文台表示在上午一时至三时间共录得4,593次闪电。

    The Observatory said there were 4,593 lightning strikes between 1 am and 3 am.

  24. 从那一时刻起

    from that time onwards

  25. 现在是三点过一刻。

    It's a quarter past three.

  26. 这一时刻在弓道中放箭后的一刹那到来。

    It is the moment in kyudo after releasing the arrow.

  27. 在某一时刻你遇到了这位巴勒斯坦人。

    At some point you came in contact with this Palestinian.

  28. 在另一时刻这位教师谋略让他敞开思想说话。

    At another point ? the teacher tries to get him to open up.

  29. 妈妈是不可替代的。珍惜与她在一起的每一时刻吧。

    Theres no substitute for her. Cherish every single moment.

  30. 从那一时刻起,我便开始后悔坐小船上岸了。

    And from that moment I began to regret what I had done.

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