









汉语拼音:yī shēng rén






  1. 宋 时称初次卖给人家做奴婢的女子。

    宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷六:“都下买婢,谓未尝入人家者为一生人,喜其多淳谨也。”



  1. 网络
  2. whole life;id

  1. 坦白而言我一生人还从来没有这么兴奋过

    In fact, I don't think, overall, that I've been as excited by anything, ever in my life.

  2. 暴力与犯罪常常毁人一生。

    Violence and crime are often destroyed's life.

  3. 青年时代是人一生中的黄金时代。

    Youth is the golden time in one's life.

  4. 许多人一生追求成名, 但一无所获。

    Many people hunt after fame in their lives but never find it.

  5. 人一生中有时会遭遇险阻困难。

    There are times in one's life when one is faced with difficulties.

  6. 人一生中最活跃或好斗的时期

    Ones period of greatest activity or engagement.

  7. 他这个人一生对名节都非常看重。

    He made too much of reputation, and moral integrity all his life.

  8. 他这个人一生对名节都非常看重。

    He made too much of reputation, and moral integrity all his life.

  9. 这个人一生的离奇遭遇, 实在是前所未闻的。

    The wonders of this man's life exceed all that is to be found extant.

  10. 有事业心的人一生忙碌, 自我意足的人一生轻松。

    He may also lead a quiet life. A career man has a busy life.

  11. 墨道人一生酷爱画画, 画画也伴随着他的一生。

    Modaoren revels in painting all his life, and painting accompanies all his life as well.

  12. 几乎每个人一生中至少要体验一次。

    Nearly everyone must endure at least once in a lifetime.

  13. 普通美国人一生中换九到十次工作

    The average American changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life

  14. 这意味着 人一生中大约有六亿个片刻。

    Which means that, you know, in a life there, are about 598 million of them.

  15. 这个不幸得人一生中没有得到过丝毫快乐。

    This hapless creature had never experienced a moment of pleasure.

  16. 这个不幸的人一生中没有得到过丝毫快乐。

    This hapless creature had never experienced a moment of pleasure.

  17. 学生时代养成的好习惯能使人一生受益。

    Learning habits developed during one's students life would benefit one's whole life.

  18. 有事业心得人一生忙碌, 自我意足得人一生轻松。

    He may also lead a quiet life. A career man has a busy life.

  19. 大多数人一生中的不同时期会患不同类型的痤疮。

    Most people develop one of several forms of acne at some time in their lives.

  20. 健康不佳可能成为人一生中取得成功的障碍。

    Poor health may be a bar to success in life.

  21. 悦耳的音乐赞美了人一生中所有的起起落落。

    The music celebrates the natural ebb and flow of all life.

  22. 搞农业得人一生中大部分时间在户外度过。

    Agricultural workers pass the bigger part of their lives in the open.

  23. 搞农业的人一生中大部分时间在户外度过。

    Agricultural workers pass the bigger part of their lives in the open.

  24. 记住,一个人一生能花多少钱,没有官方上限。

    Remember there is no official upper limit to how much a person can spend in a lifetime.

  25. 没效率的人一生中没有明确目标,总是游移不定。

    Ineffective people drift though life with no clear goals.

  26. 牧师谈论着人一生积德,作为回报,死后才能永生。

    The priest talked about eternal life as reward a good life.

  27. 这个领域努力促进每个人一生的健康和福利。

    This field endeavors to promote health and wellness across an individual's entire lifespan.

  28. 本命盘能揭示一个人一生中的所有事情吗?

    Can the natal chart reveal everything that happens to a person.

  29. 懒惰的人一生沉闷, 毫无生气, 生和死没什么两样。

    A lazy man's life is dull and spiritless. While in life he is lifeless.

  30. 每个人一生中, 总不免有一两次糊涂的时候。

    Every man is mad once or twice in his life.

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