


输,失利,不成功,与“胜”相对:~北。~退。~绩(a.连队溃败;b.事业的失利)。~诉。~笔。~局。两~俱伤。战胜,使失败:大~敌军。毁坏:~坏。~露。解除,消散:~火。~毒。破旧,衰落,腐烂:~絮。~落。~兴(xìng )(情绪低落)。腐……






汉语拼音:bài tuì







  1. 战败而退却。

    《后汉书·董卓传》:“时众军败退,唯 卓 全师而还。” 郭希仁 《从戎纪略》:“今观之土匪竟如此乎?及败退,电报 北京 。”



  1. It had been losing ground since Friday amid market disappointment at the outcome of the EU summit.

  2. Now they've begun to inch back, regaining territory from Libyan troops pulling back in the face of Western air attacks.

  3. He read every paper he could lay his hands on, exulting in the defeats that were forcing the Germans back at every point.

  4. When the rear-guard of his army retreated, the front giving way too.

  5. And Gorgias saw that his men were put to flight, and that they had set fire to the camp: for the smoke that was seen declared what was done.

  6. As the defenders do not leave combat as a stack but as individual units, they will retreat as individual units instead of as a stack.

  7. He says allied forces are not losing in eastern Afghanistan, but they are not winning as quickly as he would like.

  8. Next day the Germans were in full retreat and hotly pursued on the whole of the Eighth Army front .

  9. Only the laziness and willfulness will make people have no ambition at all with the mask of the doctrine of interest.


  1. 敌军节节败退。

    Again and again the enemy retreated in defeat.

  2. 不过他开始败退下来

    OK, but he's losing ground here.

  3. 现在,自由党正在败退。

    At the moment,the liberals are losing ground.

  4. 敌人好似依然节节败退。

    The enemy still seemed to be fading away.

  5. 她步步紧逼,他节节败退。

    As she moved threateningly forward he shrank back from him.

  6. 凯恩斯主义者败退了。

    The Keynesians were in retreat.

  7. 一些食物法西斯正在压力之下败退。

    Some food fascists are cracking under the pressure.

  8. 国民党败退台湾后的中华民族政策

    The National Policies of The Kuomintang after Withdrawing to Taiwan

  9. 抵抗这个同盟的国家在节节败退。

    The nations that resist that alliance are in retreat.

  10. 云阵像败退似地跑过天空。

    The clouds ran across the sky as though in the flight from defeat.

  11. 他们嘲笑美国军队一次又一次的败退。

    They laughed at retreat afterretreat of the American army.

  12. 但日军主力却完整无缺, 仍未败退。

    But japan's main armies were still intact, and undefeated.

  13. 警察因为遭到甚为强大的抵抗而节节败退。

    The police struck back with even greater ferocity.

  14. 警察因为遭到甚为强大得抵抗而节节败退。

    The police struck back with even greater ferocity.

  15. 败退了的首领们啦,被出卖者啦,不顾一切的逃遁啦。

    Of lost leaders, the betrayed, wild escapes.

  16. 败退了得首领们啦, 被出卖者啦, 不顾一切得逃遁啦。

    Of lost leaders, the betrayed, wild escapes.

  17. 我们发起一场猛烈进攻,敌人便立即败退了。

    We made a powerful charge and the enemy immediately fell back.

  18. 穷人的三大杀手艾滋病,结核病和疟疾都在败退中。

    Three great killers of poor people, Aids, tuberculosis and malaria, are in retreat.

  19. 战斗打得异常激烈,联军在整个战场上节节败退。

    The battle was awfully hot; the allies were steadily giving way all over the field.

  20. 东欧剧变,苏联解体,世界社会主义败退出现多米诺骨牌之势。

    With East European upheaval and Soviet disorganization, the world socialism failed in succession.

  21. 这是我们的枪骑兵, 他们溃不成军, 从进攻中败退下来。

    They were a troop of our Uhlans returning in disorder from the attack.

  22. 而停火对叛军来说也比较好,因为他们现在正节节败退。

    A ceasefire would also suit the rebels if only because they are losing.

  23. 遇战疯人败退后,卡瑞辛把精力转向商业投资和婚姻生活。

    With the Yuuzhan Vong defeated, Calrissian was able to concentrate on his business ventures and marriage.


  1. 问:败退拼音怎么拼?败退的读音是什么?败退翻译成英文是什么?

    答:败退的读音是bàituì,败退翻译成英文是 a retreat in defeat



bài tuì 战败而退却。 例:节节败退。

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