词语:萧乾(1910- ),语音朗读:热度:233

词语萧乾(1910- )拆分为汉字:




1. 乾 [qián]2. 乾 [gān ㄍㄢˉ]乾 [qián]八卦之一,代表天:~坤(“坤”,代表地)。旧时称男性的:~造。~宅。乾 [gān ㄍㄢˉ]见“干”。……


查询词语:萧乾(1910- )

汉语拼音:xiāo qián


词语萧乾(1910- )基本解释



词语萧乾(1910- )双语例句

  1. Chapter 4 proves Xiao Qian is competent enough to be a good writer-cum-translator and has his own understanding of translation.


  2. The unique angle of view and the consciousness of life in Xiao Qian's novels give his novels a poetic sentiment with melancholy and solemn.


  3. "Dragon's whiskers" -----Xiao Qian created this word, using its delicate imagery to express the essence and beauty of Chinese ink painting.


  4. Moreover Xiao Qian's choices in the transition stage of Chinese history have the certain representation in the modern intellectuals.


  5. The Lover. Trans. Xiao Qian. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2004.


  6. Xiao Qian's novels of religious topic are highty concerned in the literary history.


  7. in China, many journalists, such as Xiao Qian and Mu Qing whose journalism works are also literary.


  8. A Probe into XiaoQian's Acceptance of the literary Stream of Consciousness


  9. Tow Worlds of the City--on Xiao Qian's novel


  1. 奥威尔书信中的萧乾

    The Portrait of Xiao Qian in Letters by George Orwell

  2. 第一,分析萧乾报告文学的情感力量。

    Firstly, this paper analyzes the emotional strength.

  3. 萧乾小说的诗性与基督教文化

    The Relationship between the Poetic Nature in Xiao Qian's Novels and Christian Culture

  4. 萧乾小说的双重叙事构成其小说叙事的抒情性。

    The double relation in the novels by Xiao Qian is made up of the lyrics.

  5. 萧乾是我国著名的作家、翻译家、新闻记者。

    Xiao Qian was a famous writer, translator and journalist in the history of China.

  6. 萧乾的理想文学殿堂由文学理论与文学实践两部分组成。

    His ideal literary hall is composed of two parts, literary theory and literary practice.

  7. 首先是从文学流派的角度来研究萧乾与京派的关系问题。

    The first is from the perspective of literary genres to study the relationship between Xiao and Beijing School.

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