







汉语拼音:wèi xià







  1. 元代对皇室的后妃、诸王、公主等贵戚的称呼。


  2. 对官宦人家守门者的敬称。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·阻奸》:“烦位下通报一声,説裤子襠里 阮 求见老爷。”



  1. Then , please give me a new reservation, When will the next flight to London leave?


  2. Syndesmosis width significantly increased when the screw was inserted in dorsiflexion for 5 Nm of torque.


  3. e. g. Sixty MPS abstained in the vote on capital punishment.


  4. Counterman: Next, next. Who's next?


  5. Linear programming algorithm for solving friction-contact problems of multi-body systems under large displacements


  6. Analyses of the shear lag effect on the top and bottom plates of box beams with varying loading locations


  7. The Feature of Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate Variation and Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity during Different Head-up Tilt


  8. Features of Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate Variability and Cerebral Blood Flow during Sequential Head-up Tilt Test


  9. Improvement Method to the Position Yummy Treats Installment of Overhead Travelling Crane


  1. 体位性低血压是指在直立体位下的血压的下降。

    Orthostatic hypotension is a fall blood pressure after an upright position.

  2. 不同体位下软腭位置与腭后气道的相关性研究

    Relationship between soft palate and retropatal airway in different posture

  3. 他痛骂同盟国对于这位下了台的皇帝不守信义。

    He spoke in terms of the strongest indignation of the faithless conduct of the allies towards this dethroned monarch.

  4. 请就位跳下一支舞。

    Take your places for the next dance.

  5. 当两位班长下命令时。

    If these two cadets give you an order.

  6. 下推连接键可用于索引下推或位向量下推。

    The pusheddown join keys can be used in an index pushdown or a bitvector pushdown.

  7. 他搀扶那位农民老大娘下火车。

    He handed the old peasant woman out of the train.

  8. 观众喝倒彩, 这位喜剧演员下了场。

    The comedian left the stage because of the catcalls of the audience.

  9. 这位老人刚下汽车,汽车就开走了。

    The old man hardly stepped down from the bus it started.

  10. 这位司机摇下车窗和警察说话。

    The driver rolled down the window to speak to the policeman.

  11. 这位年轻妇女下星期六将举行音乐会。

    The young woman is going to give a concert next Saturday.

  12. 我们对这两位女性 欠下感激之债。

    We owe an incredible debt of gratitude to these two women.

  13. 问下这位老大吧。

    There was a disagreement about policy.

  14. 上位和下位运动损伤

    Upper and lower motor lesions

  15. 那棵树下有位老大爷。

    There is an old man under that tree.

  16. 研究基础位移作用下悬挂弹簧的非线性固有振动问题。

    Problems regarding nonlinear natural vibration of pendulum spring under foundation displacement excitation are studied.

  17. 如果是负值,第一个字节将表示位图最下一行的部分。

    On the opposite, if the pitch is negative, the first bytes of the pixel buffer are part of the lower bitmap row.

  18. 妥拉没有记下这位法老的身体。

    The Torah leaves the identity of this Pharaoh unstated.

  19. 于是,这位母亲扯下一把漂亮的麦穗,用它擦净了衣服。

    The mother tore off a handful of the beautiful ears of grain and cleaned his clothes with them.

  20. 直角坐标系与极坐标系下点位误差

    The Discussion of the Positional Error of Points under the Rectangular Coordinates System and the Polar Coordinates System

  21. 这位旅行者得下一个愿望便是要知道这些人是从何处来得

    The next wish of this traveller will be to know whence came all these people

  22. 这位旅行者的下一个愿望便是要知道这些人是从何处来的?

    The next wish of this traveller will be to know whence came all these people?

  23. 哪位高手指点下铁炉的布料军需官在哪里啊,有什么用,谢谢!

    Which master pointing cloth quartermaster under the furnace where the, ah, what's the use, thank you!

  24. 你是站在阳伞下那位女士的近亲吗?

    Are you a dose relative of the woman under the sun umbrella?

  25. 国际米兰看起来最有希望签下这位法国球员。

    Inter Milan are believed to be favourites to sign the Frenchman.

  26. 竞赛速度条件下游泳体位与打腿技术的变化趋势与评价

    Discuss the trend of alteration on the swimming kick technique and body position in the condition of the race speed

  27. 他拜倒在这位女子的石榴裙下。

    Hefalls head over heels for a this woman.

  28. 那位下院议员动议修订该法案。

    The MP moved an amendment to the Bill.

  29. 这位女士愿意买下你儿时的乐高玩具。

    This lady's buying all your old legos.

  30. 天车对位下料装置改进方法的探讨

    Improvement Method to the Position Yummy Treats Installment of Overhead Travelling Crane

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