







汉语拼音:shān chuān







  1. 山岳、江河。

    《易·坎》:“天险,不可升也,地险,山川丘陵也,王公设险以守其国。” 唐 沉佺期 《兴庆池侍宴应制》诗:“ 汉 家城闕疑天上, 秦 地山川似镜中。”《儿女英雄传》第十四回:“又问了问 褚一官 走过几省,説了些那省的风土人情,论了些那省的山川形胜。” 陈毅 《重过三峡》诗:“山川壮丽欣重睹,旧梦依稀认血痕。”

  2. 借指景色。

    唐 杜甫 《陪郑广文游何将军山林》诗之六:“祇疑淳朴处,自有一山川。”

  3. 指名山大川。

    《书·舜典》:“望于山川,徧于羣神。” 孔 传:“九州名山大川,五岳四瀆之属,皆一时望祭之。”

  4. 指名山大川之神。

    《楚辞·九章·惜诵》:“俾山川以备御兮,命 咎繇 使听直。” 朱熹 集注:“山川,名山大川之神也。”《史记·蒙恬列传》:“﹝ 秦始皇 ﹞道病,使 蒙毅 还祷山川,未反。”



  1. Now the people sneer at me-the very hills and sky seem to laugh at me till I blush shamefully for my folly.


  2. But at least you will be able to see the mountains from the aircraft. You should get some good photographs.


  3. New Zealand, with its natural beauty, mountains, rivers, and national parks, also attracts tourists form all over the world.


  4. No, Galileo wants to say no, the moon is made of rock just like the earth its got mountains and valleys and all the rest.


  5. Flyers get a unique view in the sky on the mountains and rivers. The feeling is being so close to nature fascinates Meng Xiangzhen.


  6. Most are staffed by a pilot, a crew person and a paramedic and tend to emergencies across land, water and mountains throughout New Zealand.


  7. Out their window, beyond a garden that covers a couple of acres, the mountains well up in gossamer light.


  8. Mountains and oceans are hard to move, but portions of cyberspace can be turned on and off at the click of a mouse.


  9. Sally and her mother sailed to an island in the lake. Ther took a lot of photos of the lake and the mountains.


  1. 山川行旅诗

    Trip Poems.

  2. 上饶山川秀美。

    Shangrao has lofty mountains and pretty rivers.

  3. 二郎山川絮红

    Plain Wadding Red Of Two Vendors Mountain

  4. 山川景色将更加残破。

    The landscape will get more cluttered.

  5. 镌刻山川,以期久长。

    On which mountains and rivers were carved for an expectation of everlasting.

  6. 他谈到河流和山川。

    He talks about rivers and mountains.

  7. 原野山川和天空的宁静。

    The landscape with the quiet of the sky.

  8. 建德历史悠久,山川秀丽。

    Jiande has a long history, beautiful mountains and rivers.

  9. 这里得山川以灵秀著称。

    The mountains, and rivers here are famous for being delicately beautiful.

  10. 这里的山川以灵秀著称。

    The mountains, and rivers here are famous for being delicately beautiful.

  11. 这里的山川以灵秀著称。

    The mountains, and rivers here are famous for being delicately beautiful.

  12. 这里有惊险的山川和河流。

    There are so breathtaking mountains and rivers.

  13. 科罗拉多有河流和山川。

    You have rivers and mountains in colorado.

  14. 桂林有很多山川和河流。

    And there are a lot of mountains and lakes in Guilin.

  15. 再造秀美山川, 重攀农业高峰

    Reforgering the Graceful Land of Country, Climbing the Agriculture Pinnacle

  16. 雄伟得塔就像山川得守护者。

    The grand pagodas are like guardians of the mountains and rivers.

  17. 雄伟的塔就像山川的守护者。

    The grand pagodas are like guardians of the mountains and rivers.

  18. 因为版块构造,山川与河流显现。

    Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics.

  19. 我照射到房屋,树木,山川和河流。

    I shine over the trees, the houses, the hills and the rivers.

  20. 他发现了月球上的山川和峡谷。

    He found mountains and valleys on the moon.

  21. 涵天地之精华, 缩山川之美妙。

    Embrace the essence of the heaven and earth, condense the beauty of mountains and rivers.

  22. 知识经济与建设山川秀美的新西部

    Knowledge Economy and the Construction of a New Curvaceous West China.

  23. 那座美丽的山川无法用语言描述。

    The beautiful mountain is beyond word.

  24. 那座美丽得山川无法用语言描述。

    The beautiful mountain is beyond word.

  25. 第二, 拉开了再造秀美山川的序幕。

    Start to rebuild beautiful environment.

  26. 山川画的意境美更是彰显无遗。

    The mood of the U. S. landscape is even more clear as daylight.

  27. 开发利用水资源润泽云南秀美山川

    To Develop and Utilize Water Resources to Nurture and Moisten Elegant Mountains in Yunnan

  28. 庐山川续断属的新分类群。

    New taxa of dipsacus from lu shan.

  29. 我爱祖国, 因为我爱她那锦绣的山川。

    Love my homeland, because I love her beautiful landscape. Look, that Mr.

  30. 维护土壤水库确保黄土高原山川秀美

    Keeping Soil Moisture and Ensuring the Beauty of Rivers and Mountains of the loess Plateau


  1. 问:山川拼音怎么拼?山川的读音是什么?山川翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川的读音是shānchuān,山川翻译成英文是 landscape

  2. 问:山川均拼音怎么拼?山川均的读音是什么?山川均翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川均的读音是Shānchuān Jūn,山川均翻译成英文是 Yamakawa Hitoshi

  3. 问:山川站拼音怎么拼?山川站的读音是什么?山川站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川站的读音是,山川站翻译成英文是 Yamakawa Station

  4. 问:山川义一拼音怎么拼?山川义一的读音是什么?山川义一翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川义一的读音是Shānchuān Yìyī,山川义一翻译成英文是 Yamakawa Giichi

  5. 问:山川佳子拼音怎么拼?山川佳子的读音是什么?山川佳子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川佳子的读音是Shānchuān Jiāzǐ,山川佳子翻译成英文是 Yamakawa Yoshiko

  6. 问:山川常七拼音怎么拼?山川常七的读音是什么?山川常七翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川常七的读音是Shānchuān Chángqī,山川常七翻译成英文是 Yamakawa Tsuneshichi

  7. 问:山川民夫拼音怎么拼?山川民夫的读音是什么?山川民夫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川民夫的读音是Shānchuān Mínfū,山川民夫翻译成英文是 Yamakawa Tamio

  8. 问:山川菊荣拼音怎么拼?山川菊荣的读音是什么?山川菊荣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川菊荣的读音是Shānchuān Júróng,山川菊荣翻译成英文是 Yamakawa Kikue

  9. 问:山川金六拼音怎么拼?山川金六的读音是什么?山川金六翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川金六的读音是Shānchuān Jīnliù,山川金六翻译成英文是 Degawa Kinroku

  10. 问:山川善三郎拼音怎么拼?山川善三郎的读音是什么?山川善三郎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山川善三郎的读音是Shānchuān Shànsānláng,山川善三郎翻译成英文是 yamakawa Zenzaburō



《易·坎》:“天险,不可升也,地险,山川丘陵也,王公设险以守其国。” 唐沈佺期《兴庆池侍宴应制》诗:“汉家城阙疑天上,秦地山川似镜中。” 明 赵震元《为袁石寓(袁可立子)复开封太府》:“而山川顿易,昧人情于千端。”《史记·五帝本纪》:“万国和,而鬼神山川封禅与为多焉。”《儿女英雄传》第十四回:“又问了问褚一官走过几省,说了些那省的风土人情,论了些那省的山川形胜。”陈毅《重过三峡》诗:“山川壮丽欣重睹,旧梦依稀认血痕。”

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