


1. 济 [jì]2. 济 [jǐ]济 [jì]渡,过河:同舟共~。对困苦的人加以帮助:~世。救~。赈~。周~。接~。补益:无~于事。济 [jǐ]〔~水〕古水名,源于今中国河南省,流经山东省入渤海。(濟)……





汉语拼音:jì shì






  1. 救世;济助世人。

    《庄子·庚桑楚》:“简髮而櫛,数米而炊,窃窃乎又何足以济世哉?” 成玄英 疏:“此盖小道,何足救世。”《后汉书·卢植传》:“性刚毅有大节,常怀济世志。” 唐 温大雅 《大唐创业起居注·起义旗至发引凡四十八日》:“帝素怀济世之略,有经纶天下之心。” 宋 陆游 《梦回》诗:“老抱忧时志,狂非济世材。” 欧阳山 《三家巷》一:“他的儿子 杨志朴 已经继承他的衣钵,行医济世,而且人缘不错,名望一天天往上长。”



  1. All seven had decided to travel throughout the world seeking adventure and performing great deeds.


  2. Today's significance of Buddhist RTW: In this chapter, the following two aspects have to be discussed.


  3. Both offers salvation compassion and great love of mind, and must have the super medical skills, both shall be both.


  4. W: Have you read all this books? Why don't you learn to be a doctor? To be a doctor can save many lives.


  5. He put his run, step by step, embodies the desire to become a reality.


  6. In 2009, after the company's brand re-integration, officially enter to the China market.


  7. Kong Zi's education takes the welldoing the raise, personality influencing, encourage student Wen Dao provides relief.


  8. Network supervisory both neither is great scourges , but also not be medicine of good people of what aid world.


  9. I see her father, aged and bent, but otherwise restored, and faithful to all men in his healing office, and at peace.


  1. 儒家济世观

    Confucian theory for society.

  2. 入世济世与神仙超越

    Follow with interest the life and believe the supernatural being of Taoism

  3. 济世救人, 普渡众生是菩萨, 是佛的工作。

    The work of aiding the world and saving the people is the duty of Buddha and Bodhisattva.

  4. 他把自己济世安民的愿望,一步步变成现实。

    He put his run, step by step, embodies the desire to become a reality.

  5. 佛教传统敦促个人在生活诸方面慈悲济世。

    And in the Buddhist tradition, individuals are urged act with compassion in every facet of life.

  6. 他从小就立下悬壶济世,救助贫病的宏愿。

    From a young age he has aspired to learn medicine well and cure the sick.

  7. 他喜好读经论禅,间接反映了他的济世思想。

    Thirdly, he loved to read books of Confucianism and talk about Zen, which reflected indirectly his thoughts of saving the world.

  8. 他从小就立下悬壶济世,救助贫病的宏愿。

    It is no longer the age of collective economy. We should be flexible in doing business.

  9. 谗书是一部匡政济世, 发愤抒情之作。

    The Book of Slander is a work of suggestions, determination and sentiments.

  10. 当我看到一些医生济世救人时,我想成为一名医生。

    I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients.

  11. 七个人都决心周游世界去猎奇探险,行善济世。

    All seven had decided to travel throughout the world seeking adventure and performing great deeds.

  12. 人们都希望像妈祖这样的济世英雄, 永远不死, 为民造福。

    People all hope that the heir like Mazu never died and can help people forever.

  13. 他能够在国家危难之时挺身而出、匡时济世,实在是不可多得的人才。

    He came out boldly to assist the society when the country was in danger. He is a real hero.

  14. 作为一个重视社会现实的理学家, 希望能以所学匡时济世。

    Attention to the social reality as a physical home, hoping to be learned when Kuang save society.

  15. 第二,民本意识及匡政济世情怀,这是受儒家民本传统的影响。

    Second, people this consciousness and assist politics and do good to society, this is the Confucianist people this tradition influence.


  1. 问:济世拼音怎么拼?济世的读音是什么?济世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:济世的读音是jìshì,济世翻译成英文是 To save the world; to save the earthlings....



济世 jì shì救世;济助世人。 原义出于《论语·雍也》:“博施于民,而能济众。”

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