


1. 跳 [tiào]2. 跳 [táo]跳 [tiào]两脚离地全身向上或向前的动作:~跃。~水。~荡。~跶。~高。~远。~舞。弹(tán )~。暴~如雷。~梁小丑(指上蹿下跳,兴风作浪的微不足道的坏人)。越过:~班。~棋。~槽。一起一伏……





汉语拼音:tiào qù






  1. 逃跑。

    宋 陆游 《三山杜门作歌》之一:“ 淮 边夜闻贼马嘶,跳去不待鸡号旦。”



  1. We used to jump about together many a time, did not we? when the hand-organ was in the street?


  2. I am also pleased, together with her mother said, all the more happy and more light on the stone bench in between that of the around.


  3. soldier a : he jumps back down and pushes himself on top of the radio , as if it was like a seat , you know , just sits down on it.


  4. When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.


  5. "This is not playing, bouncing the baby on your knee or even tossing him up in the air. This is violent, severe shaking, " she said.


  6. You old maid! What, did you think you could catch a man by hopping around like that?


  7. Fortunately, though, you won't need to dress up in a cheesy t-shirt and jump around on national television to do it.


  8. My eyes turned instinctively in the direction, and I saw a figure leap with great rapidity behind the trunk of a pine.


  9. I feel like a rabbit, hopping from project to project all day.


  1. 他兴奋得跳来跳去。

    He jumped and down in excitement.

  2. 鸟儿开始跳来跳去。

    The birds began to hop up and down.

  3. 鸟儿开始跳来跳去。

    The birds began to hop up and down.

  4. 企鹅向四面八方跳去。

    The penguins porpoised away on all sides.

  5. 他们兴奋得跳来跳去。

    They jumped up and down in excitement.

  6. 孩子们兴奋得跳来跳去。

    The children were jumping up and down, eg because they were very excited.

  7. 燕子在她四周跳来跳去。

    The swallow hopped round and round her.

  8. 麻雀在草地上跳来跳去。

    Sparrows were hopping about on the lawn.

  9. 孩子们在床垫上跳来跳去。

    The kids are bouncing on the mattress.

  10. 接着后腿着地, 跳来跳去,

    Next he rose on his hind feet and pranced around

  11. 长发长袜,飘来跳去,

    I see dancing and drifting figures with long hairs and long stocking

  12. 不要跳来跳去的,怪人!

    Stop bouncing up and down, you weirdo!

  13. 小羊在田野里跳来跳去。

    Lambs were skipping about in the fields.

  14. 虽然我跳来跳去,但我没疯。

    I jump around, but Im not a fanatic.

  15. 他在她后面一直跳来跳去。

    He kept hopping up behind her.

  16. 他在她后面一直跳来跳去。

    He kept hopping up behind her.

  17. 那猴子在树枝间跳来跳去。

    The monkey leaps from branch to branch.

  18. 在草地上跳来跳去的小羊。

    lambs frisking in the meadow

  19. 那些松鼠沿着树枝蹦来跳去。

    The squirrels scamper along the twigs.

  20. 她在舞台上用脚跳来跳去。

    She hopped about on stage, jigging her feet.

  21. 她在舞台上用脚跳来跳去。

    She hopped about on stage, jigging her feet.

  22. 也许它太狡猾, 不肯跳来跳去。

    Perhaps he is too wise to jump.

  23. 好的,你们两个快跳去吧。

    Yes, well, hop to it, then, both of you.

  24. 狗兴奋得摇着尾巴跳来跳去。

    The dog leapt and wagged its tail in excitement.

  25. 小鸟在树丛中跳来跳去, 叽叽喳喳。

    The birds were hopping and twittering among the bushes.

  26. 它在笼子里激烈地跳来跳去。

    It began to hop around the cage with a fierce intensity.

  27. 一个孩子在木马上跳来跳去。

    One of the children was hopping around on a hobby horse.

  28. 一个孩子在木马上跳来跳去。

    One of the children was hopping around on a hobby horse.

  29. 它在笼子里激烈地跳来跳去。

    It began to hop around the cage with a fierce intensity.

  30. 接着你知道的, 是你会跳来跳去。

    Next thing you know, youll be skipping to and fro.

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