






1. 轴 [zhóu]2. 轴 [zhòu]轴 [zhóu]穿在轮子中间的圆柱形物件:~心。轮~。像车轴的用来卷绕东西的圆柱形器物:画~。卷~。量词,古代用于以轴装成的书卷,现用于缠在轴上的线以及装裱带轴子的字画等:“邺侯家多书,插架三万~……



汉语拼音:zuò biāo zhóu








  1. But if I would change this axis here , look , and I would instead, here, I would put income per person .


  2. The axis display unit must be a numeric value greater than 0 or one of the predefined values in the Display units list.


  3. We have mentioned that independence of choice of coordinate axes is an important aspect of the law of physics.


  4. Input We regard the billboard as a segment on a plane and assume that the road is represented by the abscissa axis.


  5. The third graph is an attempt to get rid of the legend and put labels showing the names of the companies on the axis instead.


  6. You may also create textures that are dependent on the vertex position in respect to a certain axis (height dependent).


  7. If your icon shows the chain links as open then you will want to click it to have them as shown in the image above.


  8. Consists of an axis and a series of labeled horizontal or vertical bars that show different values for each bar.


  9. Please, ignore the numbers on the axes, since they are normalized in some respect, which is not of any interest to us at this time.


  1. 空间坐标轴

    space axes.

  2. 直角坐标轴

    Cartesian axis.

  3. 速度坐标轴

    flight path axis

  4. 重建坐标轴

    reconstructing coordinate axis

  5. 横竖坐标轴。

    The horizontal and vertical axes

  6. 网格坐标轴

    grid axis

  7. 正交坐标轴

    orthogonal axis.

  8. 坐标轴的平移

    translation of axes

  9. 坐标轴的转动

    rotation of coordinate axis

  10. 坐标轴角度关系

    coordinate axis angle relation

  11. 同步旋转坐标轴

    synchronization rotational coordinate ax

  12. 坐标轴变换计算机

    axis transformation computer

  13. 航迹轴速度坐标轴

    flight path axis

  14. 供设计优化坐标轴

    predominant axis

  15. 三次坐标轴旋转订正

    triple axis rotation

  16. 平面图中坐标轴符号之一

    symbol for one of the coordinate axes in a plane

  17. 使用箭头键来移动坐标轴。

    Use these arrow keys to move the coordinate axis.

  18. 通过旋转手轮能移动坐标轴。

    The coordinate axes can be moved by rotating wheel.

  19. 添加或删除图表中的次要坐标轴

    Add or remove a secondary axis in a chart

  20. 选择坐标轴或将它们输入程序中

    Select coordinate axes or enter them into the program

  21. 现在我在这个坐标轴上有人均收入。

    And now I have income per person on this axis.

  22. 给左或右垂直坐标轴分配值系列。

    Assigns value series to left or right vertical axis.

  23. 坐标轴的交叉点,所有相应值都为零。

    The point of intersection of coordinate axes; where the values of the coordinates are all zero.

  24. 原点坐标轴的交点, 比如在笛卡尔坐标中

    The point of intersection of coordinate axes, as in the Cartesian coordinate system.

  25. 利用坐标轴旋转公式,对其工艺计算方便适用。

    The rotation formula of coordinate axis is used to be it's convenient and useful for process calculation.

  26. 这样选坐标轴, 可使这个特殊问题得分析简化。

    This choice of axes simplifies the analysis of the particular problem.

  27. 这样选坐标轴,可使这个特殊问题的分析简化。

    This choice of axes simplifies the analysis of the particular problem.

  28. 坐标轴标志的格式取决于其工作表数据源的格式。

    The format of the labels along the axis reflects the format of the worksheet data that is plotted

  29. 根据需要移动的方向, 按下相应箭头键移动坐标轴。

    According to the directions needed press the corresponding arrow keys to move the coordinate axes.

  30. 根据需要移动得方向,按下相应箭头键移动坐标轴。

    According to the directions needed press the corresponding arrow keys to move the coordinate axes.


  1. 问:坐标轴拼音怎么拼?坐标轴的读音是什么?坐标轴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐标轴的读音是zuò biāo zhóu,坐标轴翻译成英文是 coordinate axis



坐标轴(coordinate axis)用来定义一个坐标系的一组直线或一组线;位于坐标轴上的点的位置由一个坐标值所唯一确定,而其他的坐标轴上的点的位置由一个坐标值所唯一确定,而其他的坐标在此轴上的值是零

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