




1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……



汉语拼音:yóu cóng








  1. It's better just jump into the sea, and swim inside, just follow your sense, maybe several times you have make a fortune.


  2. He rented a car and drove along the west coast from San Francisco to Los Angeles.


  3. Back from the whirl. and stop Seizo Road. From the back of the tour. Wan islet in the water.


  1. 咱们紧紧跟着妈妈,游从前。

    Let's follow mom closely to the river.

  2. 他租了一辆汽车在美国西岸自驾游,从旧金山一直到洛杉矶。

    He rented a car along the west coast from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

  3. 他们从我面前游过,从黑色的天空猛扑过去。

    They swam past my face, swooping down from the black sky.

  4. 从这游过去,然后回来。

    Swlm to the end and back.

  5. 他敢从这儿游到对岸去。

    He dared to swim from here to the opposite bank.

  6. 我们从这里游到房子那边去。

    We'll swim, then go to house.

  7. 每次我都从打猎游中溜走了。

    I've been sneaking off to go on little hunting trips around the world.

  8. 安娜从池底游上水面后喘气呼吸。

    Anna gasped for breath after she swam up from the bottom of the pool.

  9. 他从桥下游过,游向灌木丛中的家里。

    He swam under the bridge to his brushy home.

  10. 一只彩虹鳟鱼从池塘游到比较冷的小溪。

    A rainbow trout swims out of the pond into a cool stream.

  11. 他明白了,他必须从水面游到岩石的最下边。

    He understood that he must swim down to the base of the rock from the surface of the water.

  12. 他是第一个从英国游到法国的,因而名垂史册。

    He made history by being the first man to swim from England to France.

  13. 他是第一个从英国游到法国的人,因而名垂史册。

    He made history by being the first man to swim from England to France.

  14. 韦布上尉作为第一个从英国游到法国的人而彪炳史册。

    Captain Webb made history by being the first man to swim from England t France.

  15. 韦布上尉作为第一个从英国游到法国得人而彪炳史册。

    Captain Webb made history by being the first man to swim from England t France.

  16. 他们从这邦游到那邦,从这国行到那国。

    When they went about from one nation to another, and from one kingdom to another people.

  17. 他们认为桶眼鱼会游到触角中从管水母那里偷走食物。

    They believe the barreler swims into the tentacles and steals the food from the siphonophore.

  18. 他从河对面游了过来。

    He swam from across the river.

  19. 我刚从墨西哥小小游回来。

    I just got back from my little trip down Mexico way.

  20. 我认为一边从房子中间游过去。

    I think swimming through the middle of the room going.

  21. 你能从英吉利海峡游过来吗?

    Can you swim from across the English channel?

  22. 你看到巨大的蓝鳍从你眼前游过。

    you can see giant bluefin swim by.

  23. 从桂林坐船游漓江到阳朔的船票是多少?

    Is taking boat from Guilin traveling the River steamer ticket to Yang Shuo county a number ?

  24. 有时我们可以看到成群得鱼儿从舢板旁边游过。

    Sometimes we can see schools of fish pass by the sampan.

  25. 有时我们可以看到成群的鱼儿从舢板旁边游过。

    Sometimes we can see schools of fish pass by the sampan.

  26. 珊珊哈哈大笑,从海葵里游了出去,防止被丈夫抓住。

    Carol laughed and swam out of the anemone to avoid getting caught by her husband.

  27. 1946年,他还完成了一项盲人从未完成过的壮举:他只身从卡特琳娜岛游到加利福尼亚海岸,全长26英里。

    And in 1946 he achieved a feat no blind person has ever matched: he swam the 26 miles from Catalina Island to the California coast.

  28. 从游泳池这一头游到那一头, 你要花多少时间?

    How much time does it take you to swim from this end of the swimming pool to the other end

  29. 三只美丽的白天鹅从树荫里一直游到他面前来。

    Just in front of him, he saw three beautiful advancing towards him from a thicket.

  30. 图为新西兰毛皮海豹小心谨慎地从大白鲨上方游过。

    New Zealand fur seals swim warily above a great white shark, the largest predatory fish in the seas.

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