







汉语拼音:qù xióng






  1. 果树或玉蜀黍等进行品种间的杂交时,把所选母本花朵的雄蕊去掉。去雄的目的主要是防止自交,保证杂交。



  1. Use of male sterile lines of a hybrid system can be removed from artificial emasculation, lower labor costs and improved seed purity.


  2. The maize plant of claim 2, wherein said plant has been detasseled.


  3. Factors influencing the rate of healthy seeds in artificial detasseling hybridization of cotton seed production and the countermeasures


  4. The prevention and management of the side effects of androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer


  5. Preliminary Report on Suitable Time of Emasculation and Pollination during Potato Crossbreeding


  6. Operating Condition about Artificial Emasculation Breeding Technique of Hybrid Insect-resistant


  7. Synthesis and Hybridizing Activity of Novel Chemical Hybridizing Agent Pyridazinone Derivatives


  8. Feasible Time of Castration and Pollination for Hybrid Cotton Breeding


  9. Radiation and Androgen Withdrawal Alter the Expression of Apoptosis Pathway Genes of Prostate Cancer Cells


  1. 杉木化学去雄初步研究

    Study on Chemical Emasculation Experiment of Chinese fir

  2. 果树杂交去雄方法的研究

    Studies on the emasculation method for fruit cross

  3. 大麦有性杂交去雄新方法

    A New Method to Emasculation of Spikes for Crossing in Barley

  4. 核桃化学去雄的数学模型分析

    Studies on the Function Model of Walnut Male Flowers Chemical Thinning.

  5. 玉米去雄花粉采集技术研究初报

    A Preliminary Report on the Research of the Gathering Pollen Technology of using Removed Maize Male Ears

  6. 棉花杂交育种适宜的去雄与授粉时间初探

    Feasible Time of Castration and Pollination for Hybrid Cotton Breeding

  7. 杂交玉米制种去雄效果低的原因与提高措施

    Low Emasculate Cause of Hybrid Maize Production and Its Improve Measures

  8. 杂交玉米制种带叶去雄对产量的影响

    Effect of Castrating with Leaves of Hybrid Maize Production on Yield

  9. 玉米制种带叶去雄与产量关系的试验研究

    Effect of Emasculation with Leaves on Hybrid Seed Yield of Maize

  10. 棉花去雄授粉简易器械研制和杂交制种技术研究

    A Study on Easy Applicance and Technique for producing Crossbred of Cotton

  11. 两系杂交稻制种中无毒化学去雄剂应用研究初报

    Studies on the Application of Non toxic Chemical Male Sterilant in Seed Production of Two line Hybrid Rice

  12. 影响棉花人工去雄杂交制种健籽率的因素及对策措施

    Factors influencing the rate of healthy seeds in artificial detasseling hybridization of cotton seed production and the countermeasures

  13. 如果雄蚊子找不到雌蚊子,它们也会死去。

    If they don't find a female, then they'll die anyway.

  14. 但那个时期的雄辩术及畅达的雕像术却是一去不复返了。

    But the eloquence and fluent imagery of that period never returned.

  15. 最后,当一个由一头小鲸鱼、四头雌鲸鱼和五头雄鲸鱼──这从它们背鳍的长度可以判断出──组成的鲸群离开这片捕食海域时,凯科开始和它们结伴向海水深处游去。

    When eventually a pod with one juvenile, four females and five males - distinguishable by the length of their dorsal fins - leave the feeding ground, Keiko swims in line with them.

  16. 明天早上我必须去高雄。

    I have to go to Kaohsiung tomorrow morning.

  17. 骑匹雄马去上班贝里街口,

    Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross

  18. 妈妈会去给你买一只雄山羊。

    Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat.

  19. 我要去高雄了,祝大家元宵节快乐!

    I wish you happy for ever!

  20. 可以请你载我一程去高雄吗?

    Can you give me a ride to Kaohsiung, please?

  21. 我要一张明天晚上去高雄的卧铺票。

    I want a berth to Gaoxiong tomorrow night.

  22. 内源性睾酮在去势雄兔早期动脉硬化中的作用

    The effects of endogenous testosterone on early atherosclerosis of coronary artery in castrated rabbits

  23. 前列腺摘除术与去势术前后雄激素变化的研究

    Study of sexual hormone variation before and after prostatectomy and androgen deprivation therapy

  24. 去势加间歇性雄激素阻断治疗晚期前列腺癌

    Clinical study of the advanced prostatic cancer treated with castration and intermittent androgen supression therapy

  25. 去势对心肌梗死后雄兔心衰心功能的影响

    Effect of castration on the heart function in postinfarction congestive heart failure model in male rabbits

  26. 脱氢表雄酮对去势雌兔免疫功能的调节作用

    Regulative effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on the function of immune systems of ovariectomized rabbits

  27. 也就是派更多的有翅膀的蚁后和雄蚁去交配。

    That is, to send more winged queens and males to that year's mating flight.

  28. 山田秀雄上个月辞去了公司审计师的职务。

    Mr. Yamada resigned from his post as corporate auditor last month.

  29. 早产时母血及脐血硫化去氢表雄酮含量测定及其意义

    The concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in premature mother and umbilical blood

  30. 雄闻古有三谏当去之说, 即欲以律天下士, 岂不陋哉!

    The smell of the three suggestion to say, when to law, not Lou corporal days!


  1. 问:去雄拼音怎么拼?去雄的读音是什么?去雄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:去雄的读音是,去雄翻译成英文是 castration

  2. 问:去雄花拼音怎么拼?去雄花的读音是什么?去雄花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:去雄花的读音是qù xióng huā,去雄花翻译成英文是 eunuchs




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