







汉语拼音:yī píng






  1. 谓一归平定。

    《文选·王粲<登楼赋>》:“冀王道之一平兮,假高衢而骋力。” 李善 注:“《尚书》曰:王道正直。 孔安国 曰:王道平直也。”按,王道一平,指王朝的统治恢复正常状态。



  1. There is a bit of frustration. We are disappointed because when we got to the dressing room we were told that Chelsea drew and Arsenal lost.


  2. It retained the ape like face with a sloping forehead, a distinct ridge over the eyes, flat nose and a chinless lower jaw.


  3. Just don't expect them to score 17 goals, win five and draw one out of every six matches.


  4. Liverpool are unbeaten so far this season in European competition, recording five wins and a draw.


  5. apart from the sea and the sky, i feel the lonely night, you don't know my mind.


  6. In 2008 the human field was expanded to six professionals. Out of six matches the humans won two, Polaris won three and one was drawn.


  7. Pour the water into a pan and bring it to boil.


  8. we would only need a Plain Sticker with our Product Code, Barcode and Description, placed on the outside of the Box.


  9. One granite dimension stone development park has been built with being water supplied, powered, open to traffic and flattened land already .


  1. 得分记录是一比一平。

    The score was one all.

  2. 把地平一平

    level the ground.

  3. 要按质定价, 不能一抹平。

    The prices should be different, fixed according to quality.

  4. 小包装大米和小包装面粉零售价格均与前一周持平。

    Small package of rice and small retail prices of packaged flour flat with the previous week.

  5. 上海转过脸来, 平一平心旌, 开始做起温顺的大儿子。

    Shanghai faced about, calmed and took up the role of obedient eldest son.

  6. 一碗水端平

    fair and just in handling matters.

  7. 一推土机铲平这里

    with their J. Crew and abaphony and fitch.

  8. 以为他们可以一推土机铲平这里

    think they're gonna bulldoze in here.

  9. 因此,在北京看来,华盛顿并不打算一碗水端平。

    So in Beijing's eyes, Washington has now taken sides.

  10. 相对论长度收缩导致狮子像一张纸一样平。

    The relativistic length contraction makes the lion flat as paper.

  11. 老太太对待她得两个孙儿从不一碗水端平。

    The old woman always made a difference between her two grandsons.

  12. 老太太对待她的两个孙儿从不一碗水端平。

    The old woman always made a difference between her two grandsons.

  13. 不过, 量能未能有效放大, 与周一基本持平。

    However, the amount can not effectively enlarged, with basically the as Monday.

  14. 经理对他被总裁不公平解雇一事愤愤不平。

    The manager expressed his indignation at being unfairly dismissed by the president.

  15. 他把一小束花压平了,放进他写好的信里。

    Pressing one of the small corsages flat, he put it into the letter he had written.

  16. 她平伸出一只手掌,要挡住他。

    She held her hand out flat, to halt him.

  17. 在周五对阵活塞队的比赛中,禅师将追平这一纪录。

    He is set to catch Riley in Thursday's game against the Detroit Pistons.

  18. 医生在检查小男孩子身体温表前把他平放在一张床上。

    The doctor laid the boy along on the bed before he examined his body.

  19. 本队七胜二负一平。

    Our team has had seven wins, two losses and one draw.

  20. 我们队在最后一分钟将比分拉平。

    Our team evened the score in the last minute.

  21. 支撑一座墙的很平的柱基。

    The pedestal, plinth, or base of a pillar, column, or statue.

  22. 支撑一座墙得很平得柱基。

    The pedestal, plinth, or base of a pillar, column, or statue.

  23. 认为地球是平的这一观点站不住脚了。

    The view that the earth is flat is no longer tenable.

  24. 每一天,我都设想他会被他愤愤不平得下属一枪结果掉。

    Any day, I imagine he will be taken out by the single bullet of an aggrieved underling.

  25. 我估计我们的生意应该约一年就可以打平。

    I figure that our business should be able to break even in about a year.

  26. 平一项记录

    to equal a record.

  27. 我们队胜三局, 平一局, 败两局。

    Our team won three matches, drew one and lost two.

  28. 在过程中夷平一个或多个建筑物。

    Disintegrating one or more buildings in the process.

  29. 政府出于盲目得偏见, 意图铲平一个明显得文化堡垒。

    Out of blind prejudice, the government is razing whats clearly a cultural citadel.

  30. 政府出于盲目的偏见,意图铲平一个明显的文化堡垒。

    Out of blind prejudice, the government is razing what's clearly a cultural citadel.


  1. 问:一平拼音怎么拼?一平的读音是什么?一平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一平的读音是yī píng,一平翻译成英文是 fifteen all

  2. 问:一平方公尺拼音怎么拼?一平方公尺的读音是什么?一平方公尺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一平方公尺的读音是,一平方公尺翻译成英文是 centiare

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