




鱼类、爬行动物和少数哺乳动物身体表面长的角质或骨质小薄片:鱼~。~片。鳞状的:~爪(zhǎo )。~波。~茎。~屑。~集(群集)。遍体~伤。~次栉比。泛指有鳞甲的动物:~鸿(指“鱼雁”,即书信)。……




1. 甲 [jiǎ]甲 [jiǎ]天干的第一位,用于作顺序第一的代称:~子。花~(六十岁的人)。居于首位的,超过所有其它的:~等。古代科举考试成绩名次的分类:一~(名为“进士及第”);二~(名为“进士出身”);三~(名为“同进士出身”)。古……



汉语拼音:yī lín bàn jiǎ







  • 【解释】:原指龙在云中,东露一鳞,西露半爪,看不到它的全貌。比喻零星片段的事物。
  • 【出自】:唐·高仲武《中兴闲气集·苏涣》:“三年中作变律诗九首,上广州李帅,其文意长于讽刺,亦有陈拾遗一鳞半甲。”



  1. 等待移植,状况一甲

    Awaiting transplant, status 1A.

  2. 我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。

    My knowledge of science is patchy.

  3. 马奇终于回忆起一鳞半爪来了。

    Then Madge remembered something.

  4. 我必须承认我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。

    I must admit that my knowledge of science is patchy.

  5. 而他们仅依靠博客里得一鳞半爪来写文章。

    They rely on mass media for information for their blogs.

  6. 而他们仅依靠博客里的一鳞半爪来写文章。

    They rely on mass media for information for their blogs.

  7. 有时要被迫在极短得时间内对一鳞半爪得情报做出反应。

    One is forced to react to scraps of information in very limited spans of time.

  8. 那名武士装配了一身盔甲。

    The warrior was equipped with a suit of armour.

  9. 骑士穿了一套盔甲防御攻击。

    The knight wore a suit of armor to shield himself from attack.

  10. 街道上一只 龟甲 色的猫正在追逐一片枯叶。

    Down in the street a tortoiseshell cat was chasing a dead leaf, etc.

  11. 街道上一只 龟甲 色得猫正在追逐一片枯叶。

    Down in the street a tortoiseshell cat was chasing a dead leaf, etc.

  12. 一甲基三氯硅烷。

    The applications of methyl trichlorosilane in the preparation of the.

  13. 吸光光度法测定空气中一甲胺的改进

    Modification for the Absorptiophotometric Determination of Methylamine in Air

  14. 他看到一个身形巨大的兽人,穿着全身一套黑色板甲。

    He caught sight of an enormous orc, dressed in a full suit of black plate armor.

  15. 你应该剪一剪你的脚趾甲了。

    You should cut your toenail.

  16. 一株对烟草甲高毒力的苏云金芽孢杆菌的分离与鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of A Bacillus Thuringiensis with High Toxicity to Lasioderma Serricorne

  17. 甲公司推销员一到目得地,就绝望了。

    Shell company salesman arrives destination, acedia.

  18. 您可能听说过这样一句谚语洛阳牡丹甲天下。

    Maybe you have heard the proverb that Luoyang peony is the finest under heaven.

  19. 一阶导数光谱法测定甲硝唑漱口液中甲硝唑的含量

    Determination of Metronidazole in Metronidazole Gargles by First Order Derivative Spectrometry

  20. 根据这一规律,指出三甲金矿矿体深部应向南侧伏。

    According to this regularity, it is pointed out that the orebodies of the Sanjia gold deposit must plunge southward at depth.

  21. 护面甲一块附在头盔或胸铠上的盔甲,用于保护嘴和下巴

    A piece of armor attached to a helmet or breastplate to protect the mouth and chin.

  22. 甲苯酸盐一种苯酸盐或苯酸酯

    A salt or ester of benzoic acid.

  23. 雪上一枝蒿碱甲

    anthorine A

  24. 一种甲醛乙烯的聚合物。

    A polymer of vinyl formaldehyde.

  25. 加一滴甲苯作为防腐剂。

    Add 1 drop on toluene as a preservative.

  26. 取出一瓶卸甲液。

    Get out a bottle of nail polish remover.

  27. 甲队以四比一获胜。

    Team A won the match four to one.

  28. 我偶尔做一次美甲。

    I have a manicure occasionally.

  29. 这是一家甲级饭店。

    It was a first-class awarded restaurant.

  30. 苯甲基是一个化学基团。

    Benzyls are chemical atomic groups.


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