


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……



汉语拼音:yào qiáng








  1. 争强好胜,不甘落后。

    《红楼梦》第八八回:“ 凤姐 因夜中之事,心神恍惚不寧,只是一味要强,仍然挣扎起来。” 冰心 《超人·离家的一年》:“然而他是个要强的孩子,抵死也不肯说恋家不去的话。”



  1. The scheme seems to be much better than fraudulent public works of the past, having officially provided work to over 47m households.


  2. Civil society "is stronger in Egypt than I had known, " and its long-standing and "articulated set of institutions" merit support, she said.


  3. "We will have to accept that the alternative to what's on the table is not the perfect deal but no deal at all, " he told the meeting.


  4. The States is currently way way way way ahead of China in terms of aircraft carrier technology. However, China is trying to close the gap.


  5. If it is real Devonshire country cider, be careful -- it is stronger than you think when you first taste it!


  6. I feel as if I'm always dragging my wayward brain back to the text.


  7. The effort expended in the name wars would be better spent on smartening up what was once a wonderfully grand provincial metropolis.


  8. It is like a library only a lot better: you don't have to get on a bus, and the thing you want is never out on loan to someone else.


  9. my poor woman , " said the not unkind old minister , " the child shall be well cared for ! - far better than thou canst do it !


  1. 比预想的还要强

    stronger than expected

  2. 她美,她年轻,她要强,她勤俭。

    She was pretty, young, anxious, to better herself and thrifty.

  3. 她在工作上非常要强。

    She's very competitive at work.

  4. 我要强咽下我的自尊心。

    I'd really be swallowing my pride.

  5. 她比两个苏伦都要强!

    She's worth two of suellen!

  6. 而我,可比你要强得多

    And I am a lot tougher than you are.

  7. 意大利队明显比德国队要强。

    Italy were definitely a better side than Germany.

  8. 联合的影响力要强于分裂。

    The uniting influence was stronger than the separative.

  9. 她的抵抗比强盗预料的要强。

    She made a stouter resistance than the thief had anticipated.

  10. 新上任的总理比他的前任要强。

    The new Prime Minister is an improvement on his predecessor.

  11. 问道于人总比迷失于途要强。

    Better to ask the way go astray.

  12. 尽管,我比跳梁小丑要强点。

    Although, I'm really more of a boxers man.

  13. 闲散得豆子总比监禁得糖果要强。

    A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.

  14. 闲散的豆子总比监禁的糖果要强。

    A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.

  15. 她以往的日子比这要强得多。

    She had been used to better than that.

  16. 当然,丹佛和波特兰要强一点。

    Sure, Denver and Portland are much stronger.

  17. 比我所有的能力加起来都要强。

    Is stronger than all my powers put together.

  18. 一点小运气要强于一大堆智慧。

    An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom.

  19. 但那至少比充耳不闻要强得多。

    But it would have been a whole lot better than the silence.

  20. 意识形态都过时了的政权 要强得多

    and ideological old regimes.

  21. 为什么我要强装笑颜取悦我的父母?

    Why should I struggle on to please my parents?

  22. 如今呢,可比以往任何时候都要强。

    As for the present, things are far better than at any time in the past.

  23. 那将比我们目前所有的要强得多

    It's far beyond what we currently have.

  24. 做一年的老虎也比做一辈子绵羊要强。

    Better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as a sheep.

  25. 我非常要强,下定决心不能输给别人。

    I'm a very competitive person and I was determined not be beaten.

  26. 他做算术的脑瓜子比我当年要强。

    He has a better head for figures than I ever had.

  27. 真要强打著精神才能看完整部电影

    It is a real effort to stay awake through the film

  28. 比前面那个要搞80次得算法要强得多了。

    Much better than the 78 s of the previous algorithm.

  29. 真要强打着精神才能看完整部电影。

    It was a real effort to stay awake through the film.

  30. 新生婴儿得能力比以前人们想象得要强得多。

    Newborn babies are more capable than was once thought.


  1. 问:要强拼音怎么拼?要强的读音是什么?要强翻译成英文是什么?

    答:要强的读音是yàoqiáng,要强翻译成英文是 competitive

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