


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……


1. 棍 [gùn]2. 棍 [hùn]棍 [gùn]棒:~子。~术。~棒。木~。铁~。称坏人:恶~。赌~。棍 [hùn]捆扎:“~申椒与菌桂兮,赴江湖而沤之”。古同“混”,混成。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dǎ gùn zi






  1. 比喻在政治上打击迫害别人。




  1. na.
  2. come down [

  3. use] with the big stick (

  4. upon sb.);bludgeon;weild the big stick

  1. 否则, 就要追查, 就要扣帽子, 打棍子。

    anyone who did was tracked down, stigmatized and attacked politically.

  2. 我们坚决反对抓辫子,戴帽子,打棍子。

    We firmly oppose ourselves to seizing on others' faultsm to putting hats on people, and to wielding the big stick.

  3. 一棍子打死

    finish somebody off with a single blow.

  4. 用棍子打人

    give sb. the stick.

  5. 用棍子打某人

    prang sb. with a stick

  6. 他用棍子打我。

    He struck me with a stick.

  7. 他用棍子打狗。

    He struck at the dog with his stick.

  8. 他用棍子打儿子。

    He threshed his son with a stick.

  9. 他用棍子打毛毯。

    He beats the carpet with a stick.

  10. 约翰用棍子打他。

    John beat him with a stick.

  11. 他用棍子打那个奴隶。

    He switched the slave with a stick.

  12. 詹姆斯被棍子打了。

    James was hit with a stick.

  13. 爸爸用棍子打了儿子。

    Father wiped his son with a stick.

  14. 他举起棍子打了下去。

    He raised the stick and brought it down.

  15. 找来棍子打自己的头。

    He brings a staff to break his own head.

  16. 对右派是不是要一棍子打死?

    Do we need to finish off the Rightists with one blow ?

  17. 比较喜欢用棍子打人的你。

    When you just hit people with your stick.

  18. 他想用棍子打走那些流氓。

    He tried to beat the thugs off with a stick.

  19. 那人用棍子打跑了偷袭者。

    The man fought his attacker with a stick.

  20. 你有一个好主意,老板就一棍子打死。

    Whenever you have a bright idea, the boss puts a stopper on it.

  21. 我太老了,不能用棍子打死鲨鱼了。

    I am too old to club sharks to death.

  22. 他感觉像是被棍子打了一顿一样。

    He felt as if he had been hit with a club.

  23. 她用棍子打得孩子出了很多伤痕。

    She hit the child into many weals with a stick.

  24. 这小流氓正在用棍子打掉所有得花朵。

    The hooligan was striking off all the flower heads with his stick.

  25. 这小流氓正在用棍子打掉所有的花朵。

    The hooligan was striking off all the flower heads with his stick.

  26. 禅宗修道士会走这么远来用棍子打你。

    Zen monks will go so far as to hit you with a stick.

  27. 我想我还是更喜欢你用棍子打人的时候。

    I think I liked you better when you just hit peoplewith your stick.

  28. 对犯错误的同志,要批评帮助,不能一棍子打死。

    Instead of bludgeoning our erring comrades, we should help them with criticism.

  29. 这还是头一次有人用棍子打他, 他不知所措。

    It was the first time anyone had hit him with a club and he did not understand.

  30. 拿着这跟棍子,万一遇到窃贼你就用棍子打他。

    Take this stick to beat the burglar with in case you find one.


  1. 问:打棍子拼音怎么拼?打棍子的读音是什么?打棍子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打棍子的读音是dǎgùnzi,打棍子翻译成英文是 to bludgeon; to hit with a big stick—criticize...




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