






中国古代称东部的民族:东~。九~(古时称东夷有九种)。中国旧时指外国或外国的:华~杂处(chǔ ㄔㄨˇ)。平,平坦,平安:化险为~。弄平:~为平地。消灭:~灭。族~(诛杀犯罪者家族)。等辈:“诸将皆陛下故等~”。古代的锄类工具。古同“怡”,……







汉语拼音:xià wēi yí qún dǎo






  1. This may seem like an oxymoron as the economy is declining as more humans upon the mainland go into fear and cease to travel to the islands.


  2. The corals were discovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, near the Hawaiian Islands.


  3. The Hawaiian Islands were formed by volcanoes , so I travel to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to see one for myself.


  4. Visit the U. S. occupied Hawaiian Islands, the gem of the Pacific, and the most beautiful colony of the American Empire!


  5. Alaska, to the northwest of Canada, and Hawaii, in the central Pacific Ocean, are the noncontiguous states of the United States.


  6. The algae-eaters are colorful yellow tang and gold ring surgeonfish , a species found only around the Hawaiian Islands.


  7. Most of the Hawaiian Islands have levels of air pollution well below the national average for the United States.


  8. The Hawaiian Islands were created in the middle of the Pacific Ocean as the plate moved slowly over a hot spot.


  9. The fourth largest of the Hawaiian Islands, Kauai is one of the wettest spots on earth.


  1. 夏威夷群岛

    hawaiian islands.

  2. 在夏威夷群岛

    On the islands of Hawaii

  3. 夏威夷群岛是怎样形成的

    How the Hawaiian Is lands Were Built

  4. 它起初开始于夏威夷群岛。

    It first started on the islands ofhawaii.

  5. 你愿意参观夏威夷群岛吗?

    Would you like to visit the Hawaii Islands?

  6. 夏威夷群岛中的第二大岛。

    the second largest of the Hawaiian Islands.

  7. 我们打算搭机到夏威夷群岛。

    We are going to fly to the Hawaiian Islands.

  8. 夏威夷群岛是美国的属地吗?

    Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependence of the USA?

  9. 夏威夷群岛已不再是美国的属地。

    The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA.

  10. 夏威夷群岛于1898年7月7日并入美国。

    The Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States on July 7,1898

  11. 我们能到夏威夷群岛的另一边去探索

    We can go explore the other side of the Hawaiian islands.

  12. 进入20世纪, 夏威夷群岛得重要性日益显现。

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the military importance of the Hawaiian Islands became clear.

  13. 进入20世纪,夏威夷群岛的重要性日益显现。

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the military importance of the Hawaiian Islands became clear.

  14. 可供选择的是弗罗里达或夏威夷群岛。

    There is Florida or Hawaiian Islands to choose from.

  15. 它们通常隐匿在植物中,遍布整个夏威夷群岛。

    They have quickly spread around the Hawaiian Islands hidden in plants.

  16. 美国州名, 位于太平洋中部, 由夏威夷群岛组成。

    A state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands.

  17. 这是我最近漫游夏威夷群岛的最高成就!

    It is the crowning achievement of my recent cruise through the Hawaiian Islands.

  18. 我们能轻快地掠过夏威夷 看到真正的夏威夷群岛

    We can flit over to Hawaii and see the real Hawaiian islands.

  19. 根据国会决议,夏威夷群岛于1898年7月7日并入美国。

    The Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States by act of Congress July 7, 1898.

  20. 夏威夷群岛在火山的上部,这些火山在太平洋洋底喷发。

    The Hawaiian Islands are the upper parts of volcanoes that erupted on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

  21. 这些珊瑚是在靠近夏威夷群岛的太平洋底被发现的。

    The corals were discovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, near the Hawaiian Islands.

  22. 夏威夷人夏威夷群岛上土著波利尼西西亚人的一员或后代

    A member or descendent of the indigenous Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands.

  23. 夏威夷群岛上土著波利尼西西亚人的一员或后代

    a member or descendent of the indigenous Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands

  24. 夏威夷群岛位于太平洋之中,距加州西海岸近4000多公里。

    The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean almost four thousand kilometers west of California.

  25. 在夏威夷群岛上, 每个人脸上都带著微笑, 且都尽情享受假期。

    On the island of hawaii, everyone has smiles on the face and enjoys the vacation.

  26. 可接着,蒂米出生了,我涌起一股意想不到的情感之潮,这股潮水要把我拉回到夏威夷群岛去。

    Then Timmy was born, and I felt an unexpected tidal pull back to the islands.


  1. 问:夏威夷群岛拼音怎么拼?夏威夷群岛的读音是什么?夏威夷群岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夏威夷群岛的读音是xià wēi yí qún dǎo,夏威夷群岛翻译成英文是 Hawaiian Islands

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