




动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:xiǎo mìng








  1. 王命之小者。

    《周礼·夏官·小臣》:“小臣掌王之小命,詔相王之小法仪。” 郑玄 注:“小命,时事所敕问也。小法仪,趋行拱揖之容。”

  2. 个人命运。

    《庄子·列御寇》:“达生之情者傀,达於知者肖;达大命者随,达小命者遭。” 王先谦 集解:“小命谓人各有命,达之则安於所遭,亦无怨懟。”

  3. 犹性命。

    《儿女英雄传》第三七回:“这一下子可要了他的小命儿了!登时急得他脸皮儿火热,手尖儿冰凉。” 巴金 《家》九:“象你这样在外面胡闹,看把你这条小命闹掉!”



  1. He opened his eyes and yelled, thinking that the enemy had sent a fatheaded, smiling devil out of Hell for him early.


  2. A newfound comet is heading for a brush with the sun, one which it will likely not survive.


  3. But I've never lost my head 'cause that would cost me a scalp.


  4. Selfish to the end, aren't you? Thinking only of your own precious hide with never a thought for the noble cause.


  5. Chandler: Yes. Yes, thanks for letting me use your phone. . . and for saving my life.


  6. Then don't cheat sometimes your life is in trouble when you will cheat to other people. You might even die.


  7. The key here is to set up some "rules" about frequency of communication and visits and stick to them, consistency can help a LDR survive.


  8. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.


  9. Those who live on islands in the Caribbean are advised to go elsewhere if they expect to survive what is coming.


  1. 他会小命不保的!

    His frigging life is at stake!

  2. 他让你保住小命

    And he's begging for you to save yourself.

  3. 再说一句就要你小命!

    Utter one word, and you will be a dead man!

  4. 再说一句就要你小命!

    Utter one word, and you will be a dead man!

  5. 你要小心自己的小命。

    You know, you're taking your life in your own hands.

  6. 我拿枪, 你保住小命。

    I keep the gun you keep breathing.

  7. 我拿枪,你保住小命。

    I keep the gun you keep breathing.

  8. 老爸握着你的小命。

    Big daddy gonna snatch the life out of you.

  9. 我想饶你一条小命。

    I came down here offering you an easy way out.

  10. 因为我救过他们的小命。

    For saving their pathetically unimportant.

  11. 你的宝贵的,一文不值的小命!

    Your precious, scrawny little neck!

  12. 我想你一定想要回你的小命。

    I suppose you'd like your life in return.

  13. 我从没想过要取你小命。

    I never wanted to kill you at all.

  14. 这字会让我俩丢了小命。

    I'm going to get us both killed with this word.

  15. 我说不定会饶了你这条小命。

    I may even spare your puny little life.

  16. 我想他今晚保住了我俩的小命。

    I think he saved both of our asses tonight.

  17. 可他马上就送了小命, 真是个混蛋。

    But then he goes and gets himself killed. he's such an asshole.

  18. 看来我又要救你的小命一次了。

    I think I gotta save your ass one more time.

  19. 我所知道的事情足以使你的小命完蛋。

    Because there are things I know that could get you killed.

  20. 回来报仇,也不问问谁救了你的小命。

    You come back yet never asked who saved your pitiful life.

  21. 保安当了半天自己的小命却没保住。

    Poor guy couldn't prevent the loss of his own life.

  22. 有多少次我不是说他这样会送了小命?

    How many time that I said that he could breakneck ?

  23. 我已经尽全力去救他那条可怜的小命。

    That I did everything I could to save his pathetic, miserable life.

  24. 还不如早点找个寺庙住下,保住小命的好!

    Or as early as possible to find secure a temple to live it!

  25. 我没有多少, 就这点也够救你的小命了。

    I haven't much, but you're more than welcome to it.

  26. 您不希望杀人犯逍遥法外, 但您也不想丢了小命。

    You don't to get away with murder, but you to lose your life, either.

  27. 哈,瞧,我刚刚救了大家的小命,我真是一个英雄。

    Aww, look, I just saved everyone's knees, I'm a hero!

  28. 他们认为,家长会不息任何代价保住孩子的小命。

    They think that you'll spend whatever they ask to keep your kid alive.

  29. 你知不知道这年头还是有人为了这丢了小命的?

    You realize people still get shot for that down here?

  30. 我们大家都希望豺狼能有餍足的时候, 羊能保住小命。

    We all want the wolves be sated and the sheep intact.

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