


遭受苦难或不幸:~厄。~病。~祸。~难(nàn )。忧患;苦难:逢此百~。……





汉语拼音:lí huàn







  1. He was very outspoken about freedom and doing what you want, and he took on a fan who had a rare bone marrow disease as a personal crusade.


  2. One of these areas is linked to feelings of sadness, while the other is often active in people suffering from depression.


  3. Even small increases in waist size seem to raise the risk of AMD by up to 75 per cent. But women do not appear to be affected.


  4. She is taken to Dr. House and his team of experts who identify it might be a tumor, and she might have only a week to live.


  5. Cell Phone Use Endangers Boneheads The jury is still out on the relationship between cell phone use and brain tumors.


  6. There was an increased risk of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), anxiety and depression as well as aggressive behaviour.


  7. Another sister was also in an unfortunate condition, having to raise her children on her own and suffering from several chronic diseases.


  8. This shows that the lack of association held up for different racial groups as well, she said.


  9. 'If you are a heavy smoker and you're lucky enough to make it to old age, you're not in the clear. You're still at risk for dementia. '


  1. 罹患某疾病

    fall ill with.

  2. 索尔罹患百日咳

    Sol had whooping cough.

  3. 减少罹患癌症的机会

    Reduces the risk of cancer

  4. 这婴儿似乎罹患感冒了。

    The baby seems to have developed a cold.

  5. 几个罹患脑部疾病的患者

    who has suffered from a brain disorder.

  6. 儿童罹患肥胖症的原因比较复杂。

    The reasons for a child's obesity are complex.

  7. 如果罹患重病 就必须下重药

    If you have extreme diseases, you need to get extreme remedies.

  8. 而便秘正是罹患大肠癌的主因之一。

    Constipation just so happens to be one of the primary causes of colon cancer.

  9. 戒烟与罹患心血管疾病的一些危险因素

    Smoking cessation and risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

  10. 过去每年有四百万名儿童罹患麻疹。

    Measles used to strike four million children a year.

  11. 白人罹患子宫癌的可能性比黑人高。

    Whites are more likely to develop uterine cancer than are blacks.

  12. 白人罹患子宫癌得可能性比黑人高。

    Whites are more likely to develop uterine cancer than are blacks.

  13. 她就象一名医院里罹患癌症的病人。

    She is like a patient with cancer in the hospital.

  14. 超重和肥胖增加了罹患心脏病和癌症的风险。

    Overweight and obesity increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

  15. 年轻时肥胖会增加罹患牛皮癣关节炎的比率。

    Obesity as Young Adult May Boost Psoriatic Arthritis Risk.

  16. 在这些4岁以下的儿童中,许多罹患贫血症。

    A large number of these children under4 suffered from anaemia.

  17. 海洛因依赖者罹患皮肤感染性疾病的临床调查


  18. 如果得不到足够的日晒,人会罹患种种疾病。

    Without enough sun exposure, people get ailments.

  19. 先天隐睾症的男子罹患睾丸癌的风险高于正常的男子。

    Males born with an undescended testicle are at a higher risk than the others.

  20. 然而, 我倒不认为, 罹患肺病这一风险本身是

    I dont suppose it was the risk of lung ailments that was considered immoral.

  21. 不幸的是欧盟同样也罹患罗马的政治失能症。

    Unfortunately, the political dysfunction that has gripped Rome has also paralyzed the EU.

  22. 研究表明,富含钾的食物可以降低罹患高血压的风险。

    Research suggeststhat foods rich in potassium can reduce the risk of high bloodpressure.

  23. 只有在这些细菌变为活动性时,人们才罹患结核。

    Only when the bacteria become active do people become ill with TB.

  24. 医生们报告说今年冬天有很多人罹患流行性感冒。

    Doctors have reported an inordinate number of patients with the flu this winter.

  25. 使家属参与其罹患精神障碍的亲属的治疗和照顾。

    Involve families in the treatment and care of their relatives with mental disorders.

  26. 换句话说, 罹患癌症得风险不会在你身体附近转移。

    In other words, the risk of developing cancer will not be shifted around your body.

  27. 换句话说,罹患癌症的风险不会在你身体附近转移。

    In other words, the risk of developing cancer will not be shifted around your body.

  28. 我们报导八位罹患嗜伊红性膀胱炎的病人。

    Eight patients with eosinophilic cystitis were reported.

  29. 我们报导八位罹患嗜伊红性膀胱炎得病人。

    Eight patients with eosinophilic cystitis were reported.

  30. 使用手机和罹患脑瘤之间的关系目前还没有定论。

    Cell Phone Use Endangers Boneheads The jury is still out on the relationship between cell phone use and brain tumors.


  1. 问:罹患拼音怎么拼?罹患的读音是什么?罹患翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罹患的读音是líhuàn,罹患翻译成英文是 to suffer from a disease; fall ill

  2. 问:罹患率拼音怎么拼?罹患率的读音是什么?罹患率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罹患率的读音是,罹患率翻译成英文是 Attack rate



罹患 líhuàn [suffer from a disease;fall ill] 患病 罹患疫病 罹 基本

解释: 罹 lí 遭受苦难或不幸:罹厄。罹病。罹祸。罹难(n刵 )。 忧患;苦难:逢此百罹。 笔画数:16; 部首:罒; 详细

解释: 罹 lí

【名】 忧患;苦难〖misery;suffering;hardship〗 我生之后,逢此百罹。——《诗·王风·兔·爰》 罹 lí

【动】 受,遭逢,遭遇〖meetwith;sufferfrom〗 无罪者罹其毒。——清·方苞《狱中杂记》 远罹构害。...

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