









汉语拼音:shēng kou péng








  1. While Jane was carrying a pail of milk from the barn to the kitchen, she spilled some of it on her skirt.


  2. On his way to the barn it began to snow.


  3. Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals.


  4. One afternoon when Mac heard the children coming up the driveway, he went to the window by his stall and whinnied.


  5. Many collapsed along the way; others never got to their feet again after nights spent in barns or leaning against a wall.


  6. Two mornings later his leg hurt too much for him to go out to the barn to do his chores.


  7. OK. Let me repeat it. I take the next left turn to the stop sign. Then a right across a blue bridge, and then a big red barn.


  8. Unable to sleep one night, she went for a walk, ending up near the makeshift barn her neighbors helped her build.


  9. So isn't future regulation likely to be closing the barn door only after the horses' low-probability escape?


  1. 他们把牲口牵回牲口棚。

    They led the animals back to their stalls.

  2. 牛被赶进了牲口棚。

    The cows were driven into the barn.

  3. 农夫把奶牛赶到牲口棚门口。

    The farmer herded the cows over to the barn door.

  4. 在饲养牲口的地方后面有个牲口棚。

    There is a stable out back where the animals are kept.

  5. 你胆敢把我的法庭变成牲口棚。

    Don't you dare turn my courtroom into a barnyard.

  6. 牲口棚恶臭难闻,她捏住了鼻子。

    The barn smelled so bad that she held her nose.

  7. 朗尼朝牲口棚走去,听听有什么动静。

    Lonnie walked towards the barn, listening for some sound.

  8. 看到储存在牲口棚的那捆木材了吗?

    See that pile of lumber curing by the barn

  9. 缅因州的沿海的农场上, 有个在建的牲口棚。

    On a farm in coastal Maine, a barn is going up.

  10. 这个人把新买得驴牵进牲口棚得院子里。

    The man the new donkey into the stable yard.

  11. 我在去牲口棚的途中碰到了迪恩,我的房东。

    Before I got there, I met Dean, my landlord.

  12. 谷仓,粮仓。牲口棚贮藏农产品或遮盖牲畜的大型农舍

    A large farm building used for storing farm products and sheltering livestock.

  13. 我能忍受腐烂食物发出的臭气, 可你的牲口棚臭味更甚。

    I can bear the bad smell that cankered food gives out, but stink of your draught animals canopy more very.

  14. 两天后,他的腿痛得非常厉害,他不能到牲口棚干活了。

    Two mornings later his leg hurt too much for him to go out to the barn to do his chores.

  15. 牛在牲口棚里哞哞叫。

    The cattle are lowing in the barn.

  16. 牲口棚里有几头牲畜。

    There were a few animals in the barn.

  17. 农场的牲口被关在牲口棚里。

    Farm animals are kept in barns.

  18. 你是牲口棚里长大的吗?

    Were you raised in a bam?

  19. 这里的牲口棚新刷了油漆。

    The barns are freshly painted.

  20. 闩上牲口棚门以免牛跑出去。

    Bar barn door so the cows can't get out.

  21. 牲口棚里得牲口饿得朝她嗷嗷叫。

    The stock in the barn cried to her hungrily.

  22. 我们去牲口棚取来一盏聚光灯。

    We went to the barn and got a floodlight.

  23. 另一个牲口棚建在那儿。

    Another barn has been built there.

  24. 牲口棚里的牲口饿得朝她嗷嗷叫。

    The stock in the barn cried to her hungrily.

  25. 我们让母牛在牲口棚里过冬。

    We winter the cows in the barn.

  26. 他们让母牛在牲口棚里过冬。

    They winter the cows in the barn.

  27. 厨房与牲口棚一样,也是现代化的。

    The kitchen is just as modern as the barn.

  28. 母牛正在牲口棚里吃乾草呢。

    The cows were feeding on hay in the barn.

  29. 这些母牛靠稻草在牲口棚里过冬。

    The cows are wintering over on straw in the barn.

  30. 牲口棚去过吗?你知道她很喜欢牲口了

    Have you tried the barn You know how much she adores the animals.



牲口棚 shēngkoupéng [stable]喂养家畜的建筑物或建筑物的一部分,如马厩、牛棚 马厩在大牲口棚里,牛栏则分开在另外一个地方

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