


1. 淋 [lín]2. 淋 [lìn]淋 [lín]〔~漓〕a.沾湿或流滴,如“大汗~~”;b.畅快,如“~~尽致。”浇:~浴。~湿。日晒雨~。淋 [lìn]过滤:过~。一种性病,病原体是淋病球菌。病人尿道红肿溃烂,尿有浓血。通称“淋病”……


1. 漓 [lí]漓 [lí]〔~江〕水名,在中国广西壮族自治区。亦称“漓水”。(灕)……



汉语拼音:lín lí








  1. 见“ 淋漓 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 淋离 ”。亦作“ 淋灕 ”。沾湿或流滴貌。

    南朝 梁 范缜 《拟<招隐士>》:“岌峩兮倾欹,飞泉兮激沫,散漫兮淋灕。” 唐 韩愈 《醉后》诗:“淋漓身上衣,颠倒笔下字。” 明 王玉峰 《焚香记·传笺》:“衝锋独斩单于首,腥血淋漓污宝刀。”《红楼梦》第二七回:“﹝ 宝釵 ﹞香汗淋漓,娇喘细细。” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·如愿》:“ 小阿英 两手捧着一只又大又红的苹果,正啃得汁水淋漓。”

  3. 长而美好貌。

    《楚辞·严忌<哀时命>》:“冠崔嵬而切云兮,剑淋离而从横。” 王逸 注:“淋离,长貌也……劒则长好。”

  4. 盛多;充盛。

    唐 宋之问 《龙门应制》诗:“凿龙近出王城外,羽从淋漓拥轩盖。” 唐 李白 《上云乐》诗:“淋灕颯沓,进退成行。” 宋 苏轼 《将至筠先寄迟适远三犹子》诗:“我时移守古 河 东,酒肉淋漓浑舍喜。” 清 钱泳 《履园丛话·艺能·度曲》:“ 仪徵 李艾塘 精於音律,谓 元 人唱曲,元气淋漓,直与 唐 诗 宋 词相頡頏。”

  5. 形容酣畅。

    唐 李商隐 《韩碑》诗:“公退斋戒坐小阁,濡染大笔何淋漓。” 宋 陆游 《哀郢》诗之二:“淋漓痛饮长亭暮,慷慨悲歌白髮新。”《玉娇梨》第九回:“只见楮砚中信笔淋漓,不消数刻工夫早已做成一套时曲。” 老舍 《贫血集·不成问题的问题》:“他发誓,要好好地,痛快淋漓地写几篇文字,把那些有名的画家、音乐家、文学家,都骂得一个小钱也不值!”



  1. People had always found the bodies left in the early morning of the next day, and would be shocked by that.

  2. To combat his agonizing sweats and trembling, Wynn embarked on a routine of climbing into the shower, then returning to bed.

  3. Hilma pulled away from him, mopping her tear-stained cheeks with the little moist ball of her handkerchief.

  4. "If you stick your hand into one of these things, it can get ripped to shreds if you pull it out without great care, " Lambe said.

  5. But he gave no sign. He became immensely wary, for he was wise with knowledge of the low cunning and foul vileness of his kind.

  6. Westeros is torn and bleeding, and I do not doubt that even now my sweet sister is binding up the wounds . . . with salt.

  7. It represents the dreams of our youth, the young crazy, there is no return to the days when that part of the dripping sentimentality.

  8. Excuse me, is actually faced his dripping of the wound, and give it to the suitable environment and condition, make it crusted, healing.

  9. Rattan, wood model, soil and water, life on casting. Like the uninhibited wild cursive, heavy pen having light dye, a dripping juices.


  1. 他全身汗水淋漓。

    He was bathed in sweat.

  2. 他大汗淋漓。

    He is drip ping sweat.

  3. 吃起来酣畅淋漓。

    It makes your armpits juicy, you know?

  4. 这匹马大汗淋漓。

    The horse sweated violently.

  5. 我则大汗淋漓。

    And I sweated.

  6. 我是雨丝温柔的淋漓。

    I am the gentle showers of rain.

  7. 做得我大汗淋漓。

    I really sweated.

  8. 她热得大汗淋漓。

    She was hot and sweaty.

  9. 他干得大汗淋漓。

    He worked himself into a lather.

  10. 我浑身上下大汗淋漓。

    I am sweating all over.

  11. 他浑身上下大汗淋漓。

    He was drenched in perspiration.

  12. 汗水淋漓有人是为了遗忘

    That she calls friends Sweet summer sweats

  13. 这首歌唱得酣畅淋漓。

    That was sung, with booming enthusiasm.

  14. 血流如注、大汗淋漓、泪如泉涌。

    Profuse bleeding, sweating, tears.

  15. 他醒了,浑身大汗淋漓。

    He woke up soaked with sweat.

  16. 高温酷热让他大汗淋漓。

    He was sweating from the intense heat.

  17. 鲜血淋漓的嫩肉就暴露在外。

    The soft and bloody insides are exposed.

  18. 鲜血淋漓得嫩肉就暴露在外。

    The soft and bloody insides are exposed.

  19. 蒙蒂觉得脖子大汗淋漓。

    Monty felt sweat dripping down his neck.

  20. 他作了一次痛快淋漓的演说。

    He made an impassioned and forceful speech.

  21. 恶心呕吐, 大汗淋漓, 呈虚脱状。

    Nausea and vomiting, sweating and collapse.

  22. 窗外传来雨的淋漓声。

    he heard a spatter of gunfire.

  23. 劳动结束后,我们大汗淋漓。

    We were wet with sweat after hard labor.

  24. 他感到愉快,他玩得酣畅淋漓

    He's having fun, he's in the groove, he's in the flow.

  25. 我们品尝淋漓的大雨和果树的味道。

    We enjoy the dripping rain and tasting fruits.

  26. 似乎他是一个口吃淋漓的人。

    It seems that he is a very articulate person.

  27. 我倒到我的脚,我看到鲜血淋漓的待遇。

    I fell down to my feet and I saw they bled.

  28. 既然破碎, 把心打开, 让它畅快淋漓。

    No one has ever died of broken heart.

  29. 他面色苍白,大汗淋漓并有些恶心。

    He was pale, perspiring heavily, and nauseated.

  30. 打壁球弄得我大汗淋漓。

    The game of squash left me perspiring profusely.


  1. 问:淋漓拼音怎么拼?淋漓的读音是什么?淋漓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淋漓的读音是línlí,淋漓翻译成英文是 dripping wet; free from restriction

  2. 问:淋漓尽致拼音怎么拼?淋漓尽致的读音是什么?淋漓尽致翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淋漓尽致的读音是línlíjìnzhì,淋漓尽致翻译成英文是 thorough

  3. 问:淋漓锥拼音怎么拼?淋漓锥的读音是什么?淋漓锥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淋漓锥的读音是línlízhuī,淋漓锥翻译成英文是 Castanopsis uraiana




【拼音】:lín lí


【词意探源】 (1)沾湿或流滴貌。韩愈《醉后》诗:“淋漓身上衣,颠倒笔下字。”;《赤藤杖歌》:“赤龙拔须血淋漓。” (2)形容充盛、酣畅。马荣祖《文颂》:“濡染淋漓,长天伸纸。”《从百草园到三味书屋》“铁如意,指挥倜傥,一坐皆惊呢;金叵罗,颠倒淋漓噫,千杯未醉嗬……”

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