







汉语拼音:wǎn xī








  1. 可惜;引以为憾。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·汰侈》:“ 石崇 与 王愷 争豪…… 武帝 , 愷 之甥也,每助 愷 ,尝以一珊瑚树高二尺许赐 愷 ,枝柯扶疎,世罕其比。 愷 以示 崇 , 崇 视讫,以铁如意击之,应手而碎。 愷 既惋惜,又以为疾己之宝,声色甚厉。” 明 陆完学 《<长安客话>序》:“尝谓前代骚人墨士负有当世重名,其所著譔,琳琅膾炙人口,往往散逸不传,尚论者无从窥豹,深可惋惜。” 方纪 《歌声和笛音》五:“‘你们才住一晚,就要走了。’他站在门口,似乎不知说什么好,只惋惜地握住我的手说道。”



  1. I would be sorry to see that happen, Dr Lord, and your departure would be a loss.


  2. " You' ll be sorry to hear that Mr. Barker' s passed over, " she said.


  3. Maria, who came here with her family from Dallas, Texas, regrets that her children will never be able to see another shuttle mission.


  4. "It's as if you had a very large city in Champagne on the soil of the famous wine, " Mr Morel Journel bemoaned.


  5. And although few would regret the party's passing, for a while it would no doubt be bad for business.


  6. Crucially, for half the children, race was one of the key dimensions.


  7. Whenever hear feel sorry for of friends ground with concern inquire, I always smile tell everyone: Everything is all quite good!


  8. You could walk into the office one day, only to be sent away with a pink slip and your employer's "sincerest regrets. "


  9. The more I formerly admired you for your penetration and acuteness of mind, the more do I now weep for you and deplore you.


  1. 真是令人惋惜

    It's so sad.

  2. 我真替她惋惜。

    My heart aches for her.

  3. 我为你感到惋惜。

    I feel sorry for you.

  4. 我对约翰感到很惋惜。

    I felt really sorry for John.

  5. 一副为我惋惜的样子

    Like they feel so sorry for me.

  6. 咂咂嘴, 表示赞叹或惋惜。

    Smacks the lips, indicated that acclaims or regretted.

  7. 我真的为他感到惋惜。

    I actually felt sorry for him.

  8. 我为他的离去感到惋惜。

    I'm sorry he's gone.

  9. 教练为队员受伤感到惋惜。

    The coach regretted the injury to the team member.

  10. 我自己是值不得惋惜的。

    I have no regrets for myself.

  11. 你禁不住要为琼感到惋惜。

    You can't help feeling sorry for joan.

  12. 她的声调充满了深深的惋惜。

    Her voice was full of fierce regret.

  13. 机会得而复失, 人们都很惋惜。

    People felt regret for the chance that was lost after being gained.

  14. 你们离婚了,我感到很惋惜。

    I'm really sorry that you've split up.

  15. 机会得而复失,人们都很惋惜。

    People felt regret for the chance that was lost after being gained.

  16. 你的确犯不着为他感到惋惜!

    He is no object of regret, indeed!

  17. 为什么小弗朗兹开始感到惋惜?

    Why did little Franz begin to have regret ?

  18. 人们惋惜过去的好时光的流逝。

    People lament the passing of the good old days.

  19. 我对此一点也不感到惋惜。

    I feel no sorry for it at all.

  20. 这是一件令人惋惜的事。

    That is a shame.

  21. 他对朋友的去世深感惋惜。

    He feels deep regret about his friend's death.

  22. 他长别人世,使人悲痛惋惜。

    His departure left people grief-stricken.

  23. 不知为什么,我有点儿为他惋惜。

    I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him.

  24. 不知为什麽,我有点为他惋惜。

    I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him.

  25. 惋惜明天我出空?改天好吗?

    What about the day after tomorrow?

  26. 我对于那些损失已经表示了惋惜

    I've done my grieving about the loss.

  27. 我真为失掉那块金表惋惜。

    I really mourn the loss of that gold watch.

  28. 我为她感到惋惜, 鲍勃又说道。

    I felt sorry for her, Bob added.

  29. 我为她感到惋惜, 鲍伯又说道。

    I felt sorry for her, added Bob.

  30. 为洒出去的牛奶惋惜是无用的。

    It is no use crying spilt milk.


  1. 问:惋惜拼音怎么拼?惋惜的读音是什么?惋惜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惋惜的读音是wǎnxī,惋惜翻译成英文是 regret

  2. 问:惋惜的拼音怎么拼?惋惜的的读音是什么?惋惜的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惋惜的的读音是,惋惜的翻译成英文是 regretful



惋惜,表示对某事感到同情、可惜。出自于南朝 宋 刘义庆的《世说新语·汰侈》。

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