


1. 台 [tái]2. 台 [tāi]台 [tái]高平的建筑物:亭~楼阁。敬辞,用于称呼对方或与对方有关的事物:~鉴。~甫。像台的东西,器物的座子:井~。窗~。灯~。量词:一~戏。台湾省的简称:~胞。~币。姓。桌子、案子:写字~。发生在……





汉语拼音:tái xià








  1. 台榭的下面。

    《春秋·文公十八年》:“丁丑,公薨于臺下。”《韩诗外传》卷二:“ 颜渊 侍坐, 鲁定公 于臺, 东野毕 御马于臺下。”

  2. 古时对人的尊称。

    《水浒后传》第七回:“ 郭京 鞠躬答道:‘臺下世胄英才,神仙骨相,趋謁旌旄,足慰平生。’”

  3. 谓政治舞台之下,即不执政地位。

    毛泽东 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》一:“他们要求实行西方的两党制,这一党在台上,那一党在台下。”



  1. His on-stage persona as a Zen-like mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper.


  2. The audience struggled to grasp the punch lines, and Mr. Wong recalls looking out on the blank faces of a 'polite but serious' crowd.


  3. It is quite exciting to hold the center of the national stage, with the audience not knowing whether to laugh or to weep.


  4. Over 10, 000 rapturous fans roared with approval as Kim Jung Woo shrugged his way up the podium for the crowning moment of his young career.


  5. But, if you want to indulge me, I guess I could talk about it a little bit anyway.


  6. When I'm sitting in an audience listening to a long lecture, my attention usually starts to wane at about this point in the hour.


  7. When our principal came out on stage dressed like a Santa Claus , he brought down the house .


  8. But just looking at it, knowing my mother was out there and thinking of our lunchtime talk, made me proud.


  9. Excuse me, did not work on your performance on the stage when you sit in the audience cheering for you cry, we love to love, sad it?


  1. 台下裁判员

    ringside judge.

  2. 船台下水架

    marine slipway cradle.

  3. 台下评判员如何记分?

    How do the judges score a bout ?

  4. 他们在台下诩嘘我们。

    They booed us off the stage.

  5. 台上扭手, 台下踢脚

    a subtle underplay of antagonism beneath the polite conversation

  6. 他凝视着台下的观众。

    He peered out over the audience.

  7. 台下的群众开始狂叫。

    And the manic roar of the crowd begins.

  8. 台上一分钟, 台下十年功。

    one minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage.

  9. 台下有无任何问题或动议?

    Are there any points or motions on the floor?

  10. 台上讲得精彩,台下听得认真。

    On the stage says splendidly, under the stage hears earnestly.

  11. 台下举起的手还是那么多。

    Still hands went up into the air.

  12. 位于中控台下的中央通道上。

    On the centre tunnel below the centre console.

  13. 筑巢和断头台下料得计算方法。

    Nesting and Guillotine stock cutting calculation methods.

  14. 筑巢和断头台下料的计算方法。

    Nesting and Guillotine stock cutting calculation methods.

  15. 台下的张涵予羞得拿手挠头。

    Under stage Zhang Hanyu shames adeptly scratches the head.

  16. 我知道台下传来的是会意的笑声。

    And I know that's knowing laughter.

  17. 析古戏台下设瓮助声之谜

    The puzzle of vase resonators underneath the traditional theatrical stage for sound enhancement

  18. 在露天看台下,在大雨中,在上体育课时。

    Under the bleachers, in the showers while we're changing for gym class.

  19. 台下所有的观众都加入我,跟我来。

    And I want everybody downstairs also to join in with me and everybody here.

  20. 他无精打采地走上台,台下掌声稀落。

    He slouched onto the stage to light applause.

  21. 有些人,台下也有些人 做出这样的动作

    Somebody, some people, and I saw somebody kind of make the motion over here.

  22. 上年,我也是坐在台下的其中一个。

    Last year, I am also one sitting in the auditorium.

  23. 他们认为这是谁在台上谁在台下的问题。

    And some people think elections is a game.

  24. 第四名成员和后备可在台下协助。

    The fourth member and the reserve can serve as helpersthe stage.

  25. 据媒体报道, 当时台下学生掌声雷动。

    The students, according to published accounts of the address, responded with enthusiastic applause.

  26. 他唱走了调,窘得不敢往台下看。

    His voice went off key and he was too embarrassed to look at the audience.

  27. 台上的人再长的发言也嫌短,台下的人再短的发言也嫌长。

    Speeches cannot be made long enough for the speakers, nor short enough for the hearers.

  28. 不管是台上还是台下的她,都让他着迷。

    She fascinated him, both on and off stage.

  29. 歌迷们在台下高呼着这位歌手的名字。

    Fans shouted the singer's name loudly under the stage.

  30. 歌迷们在台下高呼着这位歌手的名字。

    Fans shouted the singer's name loudly under the stage.


  1. 问:台下盆拼音怎么拼?台下盆的读音是什么?台下盆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:台下盆的读音是táixiàpén,台下盆翻译成英文是 undermount sink

  2. 问:台下聚光器拼音怎么拼?台下聚光器的读音是什么?台下聚光器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:台下聚光器的读音是tái xià jù guāng qì,台下聚光器翻译成英文是 substage condenser

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