




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:xiá zi








  1. 小型的盛物器具。一般呈方形。

    《元史·兵志四》:“省部臺院,凡有急速之事,别置匣子发遣,其匣子入递,随到即行。”《水浒传》第五六回:“这副甲,是他的性命;用一个皮匣子盛着,直掛在卧房中梁上。” 赵树理 《登记》:“她的罗汉钱原来藏在板箱子里边的首饰匣子里。”

  2. 指驳壳枪。

    《东北人民抗日歌谣选·屯中来个俏大姐》:“屯中来个俏大姐,镜面匣子腰里别,张口讲的抗日话,闭口唠的大团结。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部四:“ 萧队长 刘胜 跟 小王 ,加上 萧队长 的通讯员 万健 ,都挎着匣子。”

  3. 特指薄而小的棺材。

    沈从文 《边城》:“河街上船总 顺顺 ,派人找了一只空船,带了副白木匣子,即刻向 碧溪岨 撑去。”



  1. Once the conversational ball is rolling, it's easier to ask whether they know of any open jobs or companies who are hiring.


  2. Do you think he just thought of that word , Gore referred to "locked boxes" several times?


  3. Not a bit. I'll talk all day if you'll only set me going. Beth says I never know when to stop.


  4. A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl.


  5. He made a casket for the pearls out of the wood from an unusual tree, and it was fragrant.


  6. then, just as he was turning away, he drew the card out again, and left the empty envelope on the box.


  7. Then I saw that there was an old packet of papers next to its place in the box.


  8. My heart is like the golded casket of your kiss, "said the sunset cloud to the sun. "


  9. Prince Andrey went up to one of them and took out a case.


  1. 琥珀小匣子

    casket of amber.

  2. 在床下的匣子里,

    But in a box beneath my bed

  3. 在床下的匣子里,。

    But in a box beneath my bed.

  4. 匣子里有一枝铅笔。

    There is a pencil in the box.

  5. 把这些匣子装得满满得。

    Fill the cases so that they are tight.

  6. 做了桌子、小匣子。

    Do the table, small box.

  7. 这匣子是母亲给我的。

    That box was a present from my mother.

  8. 把这些匣子装得满满的。

    Fill the cases so that they are tight.

  9. 你要让这个匣子打开吗?

    Do you want this box opened?

  10. 那匣子被认为装有金子。

    The chest was thought to contain gold.

  11. 把匣子里得粉笔数一下。

    Count out the pieces of chalk in the box.

  12. 把匣子里的粉笔数一下。

    Count out the number of the pieces of chalk in the box.

  13. 如一支芬芳满溢的匣子。

    A box compacted lie.

  14. 她将匣子猛地摔在桌上。

    She slammed the box down on the table.

  15. 她用纸板做了一个匣子。

    She made a small casket with paper board.

  16. 我不接受扬声器匣子的命令了。

    I don't take orders from a speaker box anymore.

  17. 她将匣子砰然摔在桌子上。

    She slammed the box down on the table.

  18. 把那弹簧一按,匣子便开了。

    The case opened by the pressure of a spring.

  19. 帽盒用来装帽子的盒子或匣子

    A box or case for a hat.

  20. 小偷眨眼工夫就把匣子撬开了。

    The thief prised the casket in less than a second.

  21. 母亲有一只专放化妆品的匣子。

    Mother has a special case for keeping her cosmetics in.

  22. 她把匣子砰的一下摔在桌子上。

    She slammed the box on the table.

  23. 他砰的一声把匣子扔在桌子上。

    He threw the box on the table with a thump.

  24. 欧也妮揭开匣子,感到一种出乎意外得快乐。

    Eugenie opened the box with a thrill of pleasure.

  25. 欧也妮揭开匣子,感到一种出乎意外的快乐。

    Eugenie opened the box with a thrill of pleasure.

  26. 这些小珠宝匣子是用上等皮革做得。

    These little jewel boxes are worked in fine leather.

  27. 这些小珠宝匣子是用上等皮革做的。

    These little jewel boxes are worked in fine leather.

  28. 赶上他们,他把匣子交给他们中的一个背着。

    When he had rejoined them, he gave the coffer to one of them to carry.

  29. 我偷偷地走进去,打开了他的宝贝匣子。

    I sneaked in and opened his treasure box.

  30. 我能拿一些粉笔吗?把匣子里的粉笔数一下。

    Shall I get some chalk? Count out the pieces of chalk in the box.


  1. 问:匣子拼音怎么拼?匣子的读音是什么?匣子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匣子的读音是xiázi,匣子翻译成英文是 box

  2. 问:匣子枪拼音怎么拼?匣子枪的读音是什么?匣子枪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匣子枪的读音是xiáziqiāng,匣子枪翻译成英文是 Mauser military pistol.





【拼音】: xiá zi

【注音】:ㄒㄧㄚˊ ㄗㄧ 基本

解释:收藏东西的器具,通常指小型的,盖可以开合的小箱子、小盒子。 注:老一辈人把收音机叫电匣子(话匣子),一般都简称匣子。

辞洋 - 辞海网络版字典