




1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……



汉语拼音:chuǎng guò






  1. So you strive through all the difficulties to see that your children grow up to a happy life.


  2. But it would be nice to win the cup having got to Wembley and got through those semi-final ties against Manchester City.


  3. By going to any team in the west, he has no guarantee of even getting past round one.


  4. He could bluff his way through any difficulty.


  5. A non-league side, who have come through the Qualifying rounds, drawn against one of the Premier League's heavy weights .


  6. As it expires in January 2005, it would be in the club's interest to rush through a sale with Milan .


  7. On long-range, to find its way out of a dangerous, running, jumping, you have to defeat all the enemies encountered by the devil.


  8. All the money in place, doctors can do their best efforts, one by one, also do so in the treatment of difficulties one by one break through!


  9. She will have to overcome terrifying obstacles such as flying eyes and trunks and spears that unexpectedly appear from the ground.


  1. 大象横冲直撞, 闯过树丛。

    The elephant smashed its way through the trees.

  2. 她怎么能够闯过这些?

    How could she ever go through with it?

  3. 愤怒的大象闯过森林。

    The angry elephant crashed through the forest.

  4. 遇明师, 闯过生死关!

    Surviving death after meeting master!

  5. 汽车加快速度闯过红灯。

    The car speeded up and went through a red light.

  6. 遇明师,闯过生死关!

    Surviving death after meeting master!

  7. 我们鸣着喇叭,闯过红灯。

    We drove through red traffic lights, the horn blaring.

  8. 他们闯过停止标志和红灯。

    They go through stop signs and red lights.

  9. 他可以招摇撞骗闯过任何难关。

    He could bluff his way through any difficulty.

  10. 正确解读生命必须闯过六关。

    Expounding the life properly must go through six passes.

  11. 愤怒的大象哗啦哗啦地闯过树林。

    The angry elephant crashed through the forest.

  12. 这辆汽车闯过那扇玻璃门。

    The car crashed through the glass door.

  13. 她同他并肩闯过他的一切难关。

    She stood beside him through all his difficulties.

  14. 我打赌你可是闯过的哦,不是吗?

    I bet you ran it though, didn't you?

  15. 所有种子选手都闯过了第一轮比赛。

    All the seeded players got through the first round.

  16. 可是, 你能闯过那车的洪流, 人的洪流吗

    But can you traverse the stream ?

  17. 很奇怪他居然设法招摇撞骗闯过所有难关。

    It's queer that he managed to bluff his way through all the difficulties.

  18. 汽车闯过护栏, 在一块田里停了下来。

    The car crashed through the barrier and came to rest in a field.

  19. 可是,高贵的人儿,你得闯过多少危险啊!

    But what dangers you run, O noble souls!

  20. 闯过炎热的赤道向北,渐渐感寒,不同的毛发,不同的语言。

    Been through the hot equatorial north and gradually a sense of cold, different hair, different languages.

  21. 她总算闯过了一关,他想,这是很不容易的。

    She's made it round a tough bend in the road, he thought, it can't have been easy.

  22. 听起来他好像是属于那种能闯过生活难关的人。

    He sounds like one of life's survivors.

  23. 轻松闯过蒸汽治疗允许调理头发,留下它亮晶晶,丝毛。

    A relaxing steam treatment allows the conditioner to penetrate the hair, leaving it shiny and silky.

  24. 你认为你们球队能够闯过今年季后赛的第一轮吗?

    Do you think you can get out of the first round of the playoffs this year?

  25. 如果欧洲球队能闯过这个难关,他们就有可能取得胜利。

    If the European teams can negotiate this problem, they have a great chance.

  26. 这意味着你已经闯过了第一关,以后有机会被细读了。

    It means youhjteshufuhaove made the first cut and have a chance at a closer read later.

  27. 友谊就像彩虹, 会在你闯过暴风雨时带来那一片光明。

    Keep it simple and you will achieve great things that will brighten your days to come.

  28. 是有人闯进来过吗?

    Wow. Do you think somebody broke in?

  29. 没有爬不过的高山,没有闯不过的险滩!

    But do not climb mountains, but did not break through the dangerous shoals!

  30. 到后来多多少少总会有收获, 至少你闯了经历过。

    Had the harvest to afterward somewhat the general meeting, you rushed at least have experienced.



chuǎng guò 发出大声响地强行通过(如一条路)。如:闯过灌木丛。

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