







汉语拼音:chuǎng dàng







  1. 指离家在外谋生。

    姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第四八章:“造反以后,闯荡了四个多月,下一步应该怎么走,我没有辙儿了。” 梁斌 《播火记》二十:“你东西南北闯荡惯了,虽然不懂军事,你心里路数多。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第九章:“你就放出他去叫他闯荡闯荡呗。”



  1. "I'm ready to go out into the world and test myself, " he said.


  2. If you are a loyal fan of RPG games, then pick up the phone, in the wonderful world of beautiful NABI made it a living away from home.


  3. Striking out on her own, she worked with a preacher to convert prostitutes to Christianity and lived in a progressive communal home.


  4. After that, they were of their own, ready to enter a world with no boundaries.


  5. He gave her a couple of months at the outside.


  6. I was international, open minded, and wanted nothing but to fly away to see the world one day.


  7. Slowly, around the donkey and a tiger, a more casual attitude, grazing spells, it is offensive impact.


  8. Day had dawned , and the bridegroom turned into a tortoise and crawled off to begin his journey around the world .


  9. So, I know, if a man has no sense of responsibilities and admires blindly freeness and traveling, means he is willful.


  1. 闯荡形象代言人江湖

    The World of Fashion Spokesman

  2. 该出去外头世界闯荡闯荡。

    Time to get out in the world a little.

  3. 在岁月的迷宫里闯荡,

    Wandering in labyrinth of day

  4. 他闯荡七大洋去历险。

    He's sailed the seven seas in search of adventure.

  5. 大学毕业后一直在北京闯荡。

    After graduating from college has been living away from Beijing.

  6. 她让她在外面闯荡了数个月。

    He gave her a couple of months at the outside.

  7. 它是一种独自闯荡地球的生物。

    It is a creature which roams the earth alone.

  8. 我不再是只蛋了,是时候出去闯荡了。

    I'm not an egg anymore, it's time I left the nest.

  9. 他决定要在政治职业中闯荡一番。

    He had decided that his career would be in politics.

  10. 在那神奇的武侠世界里闯荡一番呢。

    In an effort to travel the world of ancient kung fu masters.

  11. 她丈夫多大年纪了?大丈夫, 应当出去闯荡。

    How old is her husband? A man's got to get out.

  12. 在那里,特别是在娱乐行业闯荡是非常艰难的。

    Getting there, particularly in show business, is tough enough.

  13. 那个夏天,我决定尝试自己是否能单独闯荡。

    That summer,I decided to see if I could get out on my own.

  14. 我知道要想在肮脏的百老汇大街闯荡

    I know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of Broadway

  15. 我在业界闯荡了四十年, 犯了许多错误。

    I spent forty years in the business, and made lots of mistakes.

  16. 他独自在外闯荡做生意确实需要很大的勇气。

    It took a lot of nerve to go into business for himself.

  17. 所以现在就得打拼就得大胆就得无所顾及的闯荡。

    Therefore the present must fight on the wanderer who bold must not have takes into consideration.

  18. 我在村里生活很封闭,所以我想出去闯荡一番。

    I led a very confined life in my village so I suppose that I wanted to spread my wings.

  19. 我的父辈就在我的不懂的眼光中,闯荡在大江南北。

    My father is in my eyes don't understand, make a great river north and south in.

  20. 如果你不喜欢, 那就去德国捷克匈牙利闯荡。

    If you don't, go to Germany, the Czech Republic or Hungary.

  21. 你不要整天在外面闯荡, 应该有份稳定的工作了。

    You shouldn't wander about outside all day long, and it's time to get a fixed job.

  22. 他十几岁时去米兰闯荡,身上仅带了一些零用钱。

    He moved to Milan as a teenager with just pocket money on him.

  23. 它们在母亲的巢穴里呆一段时间,而后就单独出去闯荡。

    They for a short time in their mother's lair before venturing out on their own.

  24. 赶她不走,有什么办法!难道要我带着老婆闯荡江湖吗?

    What can I do? No one drags his wife along in the martial arts world.

  25. 天亮时,新郎变成乌龟爬出去,开始了他到外面闯荡的旅程。

    Day had dawned, and the bridegroom turned into a tortoise and crawled off to begin his journey around the world.

  26. 外面的世界吸引着他, 但是他没有想到她也愿意一起去闯荡。

    He felt attracted to the outer world, but did not think she would care to go along.

  27. 赶她也不走,有什么办法!难道要我带着老婆闯荡江湖啊?

    What can I do? No one drags his wife along in the martial art world.

  28. 他在中州闯荡多年,却没有见过她这样貌美如花的女子。

    Having lived in the Central Region for many years, he has never seen a girl as beautiful as her.

  29. 他在中州闯荡多年,却没有见过她这样貌美如花的女子。

    Having lived in the Central Region for many years, he has never seen a girl as beautiful as her.


  1. 问:闯荡拼音怎么拼?闯荡的读音是什么?闯荡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闯荡的读音是chuǎngdàng,闯荡翻译成英文是 steel oneself to face the outside world



“闯荡”是个多义词,它可以指闯荡(同名电视剧), 闯荡(词语概念)。

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