


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……





汉语拼音:zhōng nián




  1. 中等收成的年岁。


  2. 犹隔年。

    《礼记·学记》:“比年入学,中年考校。” 郑玄 注:“中,犹閒也。乡遂大夫,閒岁则考。”

  3. 指四五十岁的年纪。

    《列子·周穆王》:“ 宋 阳里华子 中年病忘。”《晋书·王羲之传》:“ 谢安 尝谓 羲之 曰:‘中年以来,伤於哀乐。’” 元 孟汉卿 《魔合罗》楔子:“月过十五光明少,人到中年万事休。” 谌容 《人到中年》:“中年人,正是大显身手的时候。”

  4. 犹言中世,中期。

    《晋书·后妃传序》:“爰自夐古,是谓元妃;降及中年,乃称王后。”《北齐书·魏兰根传》:“缘边诸镇,控摄长远,昔时初置,地广人稀……中年以来,有司乖实,号曰府户,役同厮养。” 清 龚景潮 《平凉新乐府》:“ 平凉 民,耕何田,赋籍沿自 明 中年。”



  1. He was a middle-aged man with a bald top to his head and his hair slicked over it.


  2. "It used to be just a sleepy fishing village when I was a child, " recalls a middle-aged resident.


  3. I hope her old age was better than her middle age. She was a good actress but had terrible taste in men. God's light shine on her.


  4. But today a gamer is as likely to be a middle-aged commuter playing "Angry Birds" on her smartphone.


  5. A middle-aged white couple with clip boards could not look more out of place in this predominantly black neighborhood.


  6. The youngest among the women workers was as dull and colourless as the middle-aged.


  7. Let me try to explain it by telling you a story about one of your peers, and the alternative that hadn't occurred to her.


  8. In about ten minutes a middle-aged gentleman came along and began to look around. Mark Twain asked if he was looking for a dog.


  9. Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever.


  1. 猿猴到中年

    Being a MiddleAged Chimp No Tea Party

  2. 她渐入中年。

    She is getting ore to middle age.

  3. 我将步入中年。

    I am sitting on the cusp of middle age.

  4. 她可不是中年危机

    She's not a midlife crisis.

  5. 中年气骨顿衰

    lost of ambition and ideal in middle age

  6. 中年期心理卫生

    adult mental health

  7. 你知道的,中年危机

    Oh, you know, midlife crisis.

  8. 而不是中年危机先生

    Not Mr. Midlife crisis.

  9. 是青少年时期吗?是中年时期吗?

    Is it teenage years? Is it middle age?

  10. 到40岁,人已进入中年。

    At 40 a man has reached middle age.

  11. 一岁对于老鼠是中年。

    That is middle aged for a mouse.

  12. 讲演者是个中年男人。

    The lecturer was a middleaged man.

  13. 中年人死亡率很低。

    of what it is in this country.

  14. 人到中年最怕天灾人祸。

    The plague was greatly feared in the middle ages.

  15. 往往是中年人,往往是女性。

    Tends to be middle aged, tends to be female.

  16. 她步入中年以后才结婚。

    She didn't get married until she was well into middle age.

  17. 中年的生活变故引发疾病。

    Midlife Events Can Trigger the Disorder.

  18. 腰肢丰腴后,中年亦有时。

    Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle.

  19. 但是人到中年也有补偿。

    But middle age has its compensations.

  20. 一个男情男子,一个中年妇女。

    A young man and a middleaged woman.

  21. 跟她的中年未婚夫同居了。

    moving in with her middleaged fiance.

  22. 男人到了中年往往会发福。

    Men tend to put on weight in middle age.

  23. 那个中年人有个大肚子。

    The middleaged man has a huge belly.

  24. 许多男人到了中年就发胖。

    Many men fill out when they approach middle age.

  25. 她是两人中年长的。

    She is the older of the two.

  26. 太太是用来称呼中年妇女的。

    Ma'am is for middleaged women.

  27. 彼得已是中年人了。

    Peter has reached middle age.

  28. 他到了中年时突然发福了。

    Middle age when he reached middle are he suddenly became very fat.

  29. 中年腹部肥胖, 老年有痴呆症?

    Belly Fat in Midlife, Dementia Later

  30. 你居然敢说我是中年大妈

    How dare you call me middleaged?


  1. 问:中年拼音怎么拼?中年的读音是什么?中年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中年的读音是zhōngnián,中年翻译成英文是 middle age

  2. 问:中年期拼音怎么拼?中年期的读音是什么?中年期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中年期的读音是zhōng nián qī,中年期翻译成英文是 middle-age

  3. 问:中年木拼音怎么拼?中年木的读音是什么?中年木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中年木的读音是zhōng nián mù,中年木翻译成英文是 standard

  4. 问:中年的拼音怎么拼?中年的的读音是什么?中年的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中年的的读音是,中年的翻译成英文是 middle-aged

  5. 问:中年危机拼音怎么拼?中年危机的读音是什么?中年危机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中年危机的读音是zhōng nián wēi jī,中年危机翻译成英文是 midlife crisis

  6. 问:中年问题拼音怎么拼?中年问题的读音是什么?中年问题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中年问题的读音是zhōng nián wèn tí,中年问题翻译成英文是 middle-age problems

  7. 问:中年心身疾病拼音怎么拼?中年心身疾病的读音是什么?中年心身疾病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中年心身疾病的读音是zhōngniánxīnshēnjíbìng,中年心身疾病翻译成英文是 psychosomatic disorders in middle age; mid...

  8. 问:中年轻微慢性犯罪人拼音怎么拼?中年轻微慢性犯罪人的读音是什么?中年轻微慢性犯罪人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中年轻微慢性犯罪人的读音是zhōng nián qīng wēi màn xìng fàn zuì rén,中年轻微慢性犯罪人翻译成英文是 middle-aged chronic petty offender



“中年”是个多义词,它可以指中年(俞平伯散文集), 中年(郑谷诗), 中年(作家梁实秋所作文章), 中年(汉语词汇)。

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