







汉语拼音:yī kuài







  1. 一件快事。

    《三国志·吴志·吕蒙传》:“ 公瑾 昔要 子敬 东来,致达於孤,孤与宴语便及大略帝王之业,此一快也。” 宋 苏辙 《次韵子瞻独觉》:“羹藜饭芋如固然,饱食安眠真一快。” 明 王士性 《游梁记》:“余此行计三十五日,行二千三百里,枉道者七八百餘。暑雨,勤僕从力洵苦。然得尽悉中州之胜,亦一快也。”

  2. 谓一舒郁结情怀。

    宋 苏轼 《慈湖峡阻风》诗:“暴雨过云聊一快,未妨明月却当空。” 宋 范成大 《清逸江》诗:“不辞野渡险,弄水聊一快。”



  1. It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace.


  2. Just a few more minutes of catching fireflies on a lazy summer evening. So what if that certain TV show was on?


  3. The two together could produce a negative effect, causing Chinese consumers to feel poorer and to reduce spending.


  4. An ox, grazing in a swampy meadow, chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs, and crushed nearly the whole brood to death .


  5. It gave me such a surprise that I spilt the coffee and made a stain on my skirt.


  6. Surendran recalls spending her first Thanksgiving as a student with her American aunt and uncle.


  7. "Now push your golden plate near me. " said the frog, "so that we may eat together. "


  8. At the entrance of the village there's a stone plate, milled or split to be a very flat. Layed it down, it could be used a ping pang table.


  9. Don't try to do all things at once; take one thing at a time.


  1. 他的衬衣上有一快墨迹。

    There is a mark of ink on his shirt.

  2. 突然,那人被一快石头拌倒了。

    Suddenly the man fell over a stone.

  3. 在每一快陆地上, 你形成的神秘。

    In every land, form ye the mysteries.

  4. 逼得我们与他们拼命,死在一快。

    Compels us and they go all out, to die quickly in one.

  5. 左前边缘有一快体现地位的纹饰。

    On the left front edge wasplaced the clavus, insignia of high dignitaries.

  6. 我们只是返回厨房去享受另外一快蛋糕。

    We just went back to the kitchen and got another cupcake.

  7. 我把一块薄烤饼扔进了河里一快薄烤饼!

    I threw a pancake in the river, aa pancake!

  8. 大雨过后她跑出来, 用一快厚毛巾把身子擦干。

    She ran in after the rainstorm off with a thick towel.

  9. 原始数据信息由两条一快一慢的平滑曲线为代表。

    The raw data is smoothed and represented by two lines, one faster, the other slower.

  10. 起步时离合器踏板的操纵要领是一快,二慢,三联动。

    Manipulation of the clutch pedal when starting essentials are a fast, two slow, three linkage.

  11. 我给了汤姆一块巧克力了, 可他还想要一快, 他真是得寸进尺。

    I gave Tom a piece of chocolate, but he still wanted another, he did eggs in his beer.

  12. 在等待的同时, 请找一快干净的布, 用它紧紧按住伤口。

    In the meantime, find a clean cloth and press it firmly over the wound.

  13. 嗯, 离了快一年了。

    John Yep. Almost a year now.

  14. 嗯,离了快一年了。

    John Yep. Almost a year now.

  15. 这座钟一天快一分钟。

    The clock gains one minute a day.

  16. 快车比慢车快一小时。

    The express train is an hour faster than the local.

  17. 是的,有快一年了吧。

    Yep.Almost a year now.

  18. 是的,有快一年了吧。

    Yep. Almost a year now.

  19. 这只钟每天快一分钟。

    This clock gains a minute a day.

  20. 我的表每星期快一分钟。

    My watch gain a minute a week.

  21. 我得表每星期快一分钟。

    My watch gain a minute a week.

  22. 他在这艘军舰了快一年了。

    He's been on the galleys for a year.

  23. 他靠她哥哥生活已快一年了。

    She's been living off her brother for nearly a year.

  24. 汽姆靠他哥哥供养已快一年了。

    Tom has been living on his brother for nearly a year.

  25. 我快一年没进过那储物室。

    I haven't gone into that locker room in a year.

  26. 这种新潜艇可以比旧型号快一倍。

    The new submarine is able to dive twice as fast as the older model.

  27. 英国的夏季时间比标准时间快一小时。

    British Summer Time is one hour in advance of Greenwich Mean Time.

  28. 最快一年内可进升为管理阶层。

    Excellent structured career path from entry level to management level within 1 year.

  29. 我希望你能把考试的不快一觉消除。

    I wish you could sleep off all the unhappiness from exams.

  30. 我只是想一吐为快

    I just wanna say what I need to say.

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