









汉语拼音:yī kuài ròu







  1. 指亲生独子或遗孤。

    宋 祥兴 二年, 元 兵攻陷 厓山 , 陆秀夫 背幼帝 赵昺 跳海死。帝母 杨太后 闻之,大恸,曰:“我忍死艰关至此者,正为 赵氏 一块肉尔,今无望矣!”遂投海死。见《宋史·瀛国公纪》。 元 张宪 《厓山行》:“皇天不遗一块肉,一瓣香焚海舟覆。”

  2. 指胎儿。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·侠女》:“父官司马,陷於仇……所以不即报者,徒以有母在;母去,又一块肉累腹中,因而迟之又久。”



  1. Customer: Waiter, I've only got one piece of meat in my dish. Waiter: Just a moment, sir and I'll cut it in two.


  2. Waller: I mean it was hard to watch you bite off a piece of the guy's ear and spit it out on the ring floor .


  3. What does he see in the water? He sees a dog looking at him, and he also has a piece of meat in his mouth.


  4. The Buddha took out a knife and cut a piece of meat from the flesh of his own arm.


  5. "I've even seen a homeless man fighting with a dog over a piece of meat in a trash bin, " he said.


  6. You looking at me, I rather excavate a chip of pork above my own body don't ambition to continue again to go for the Qi Xuan Ji for well.


  7. It's best for the meat to be cut as thin as paper, and that's why a sizable piece of meat often shrinks to a small bite after being boiled.


  8. He got off the train at the next station, bought a piece of meat at a butcher shop, and captured the vagrant on the outskirts of the town.


  9. One of the prince's faithful followers, Jie Zitui, cut a piece of muscle from his own leg and served it to his master.


  1. 剜下一块肉

    carve out a piece of meat.

  2. 咬掉一块肉

    to bite off a piece of meat.

  3. 哦!乌鸦有一块肉。

    Oho!The crow has a piece of meat.

  4. 母亲在切一块肉。

    Mymother is knifing a piece of meat.

  5. 母亲正在切一块肉。

    My mother is knifing a piece of meat.

  6. 他开始咬嚼一块肉。

    He had started to chew a piece of meat.

  7. 再来一块肉馅饼吗

    Another piece of meat pie.

  8. 他切了一块肉给我。

    He carved me a piece of meat.

  9. 一个人变成一个东西,一块肉。

    A man becomes a thing, a piece of flesh.

  10. 服务员, 我只有一块肉啊。

    Waiter, I've only got one piece of meat.

  11. 那只狗叼着一块肉。

    The dog was biting a piece of meat.

  12. 她用叉子戳起一块肉。

    She impaled a lump of meat on her fork.

  13. 他正在火上烤一块肉。

    He was roasting a piece of meat over the fire.

  14. 他用折刀扎起一块肉。

    He jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife.

  15. 他用折刀扎起一块肉。

    He jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife.

  16. 包括脊骨部分的一块肉

    a cut of meat containing part of the backbone

  17. 有一天乌鸦找到了一块肉。

    One day a crow found a piece of meat.

  18. 这块石头看上去象一块肉。

    The stone looks like a piece of meat.

  19. 脊肉包括脊骨部分的一块肉。

    A cut of meat containing part of the backbone.

  20. 我要肉贩帮我切下一块肉。

    I asked the Butcher to chop off a piece of meat for me.

  21. 一块肉罢了, 走吧, 皮埃尔。

    just a morsel of flesh. come along , pierre

  22. 有一天,一只乌鸦发现了一块肉。

    One day a crow finds a piece of 1 meat.

  23. 那狮子整天都啃着一块肉。

    The lion has been gnawing away at a piece of meat all day.

  24. 狮子喜欢不断地啃着一块肉。

    Lions like to gnaw away at a piece of meat.

  25. 狮子喜欢不断地啃著一块肉。

    Lions like to gnaw away at a piece of meat.

  26. 她砍下一块肉递给了我。

    She hacked off a piece of meat and handed it to me.

  27. 哦!乌鸦有一块肉。看起来不错呀。

    Oho!The crow has a piece of meat. It looks great.

  28. 一只狗从肉铺里偷走一块肉。

    A dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop.

  29. 他用叉子从盘子里叉起一块肉。

    He stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork.

  30. 我在烤架上又放了一块肉排。

    I put another steak on the barbecue.

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