




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:dǐng tóu






  1. 物体的顶上头;最高处。

    唐 秦系 《宿云门上方》诗:“禪室遥看峯顶头,白云东去水长流。”《水浒传》第一一八回:“却説 时迁 一步步摸到关上,扒在一株大树顶头,伏在枝叶稠密处。” 郭光 《仅仅是开始》四六:“四壁顶头的烟黑,被雨雪冲得一道一道的。”

  2. 指尽头。

    张寿臣 《小神仙》:“这小胡同里有个顶头门儿,就一家儿,是车厂子。”

  3. 指源头。


  4. 迎面,迎头。

    《金瓶梅词话》第七八回:“﹝ 敬来 ﹞説着,磕下头去, 西门庆 慌忙顶头相还,説道:‘大舅恭喜。’”《儒林外史》第五四回:“﹝ 陈木南 ﹞走不得几步,顶头遇着一个人。”《何典》第一回:“谁知这阵鬼阵头风还没有住,一路都是顶头大逆风,摇了几日方能到得 三家村 里。”

  5. 直接的(上司)。


  6. 旧谓出钱顶承他人的职位或财产。详“ 顶头银两 ”、“ 顶头钱 ”。



  1. Now is not a good time for Yam's superior to give that sort of chatter any more credibility.


  2. Plug is one of the key deformation tools in cross piercing. Its function is turning a solid bar into a hollow bloom.


  3. Harold chimes in with( the opinion of) his immediate boss as if he had no mind of his own.


  4. He made an end run around his boss and got money for the project directly from the president of the company.


  5. It was overseen by Hakimullah Mehsud until the death of his top commander, Baitullah Mehsud, in a suspected US missile attack in August.


  6. This will be someone you report to, not a co-worker, and someone you probably thought was a permanent fixture of the company.


  7. Thomas was put down from the office for not fawning upon his immediate superior.


  8. That was among the economic headwinds that began to weigh on U. S. shares during the quarter.


  9. 'Well, it's a bit heavy on top. Do you think your dogs will be able to pull that? '


  1. 千斤顶顶头

    jacking header.

  2. 换顶头装置

    plug changer.

  3. 带顶头轧制的

    plug plugging

  4. 游动顶头拔制

    floating plug drawing

  5. 城墙的顶头。城楼

    Top of the city wall

  6. 自动轧管机顶头

    automatical pipe rolling mill plug

  7. 他是我的顶头上司。

    He is my immediate boss.

  8. 我是你的顶头上司

    I'll be your direct supervisor.

  9. 你是我的顶头上司。

    You are my immediately boss.

  10. 约翰是他的顶头上司。

    John was his direct superior.

  11. 约翰是他得顶头上司。

    John was his direct superior .

  12. 他是我们的顶头上司。

    He is our immediate superior.

  13. 御风何似顶头悬。

    The imperial wind what resembles hangs head.

  14. 穿孔顶头使用寿命浅析

    Discussion on Service Life of Piercing Plug

  15. 他受到顶头上司的错怪。

    He was unjustly blamed by his immediate supperior.

  16. 确定了顶头的生产工艺。

    The plug operation process hasbeen set up.

  17. 内水冷穿孔顶头的冷却

    Cooling of the water inner cooled piercing plugs

  18. 他是我们公司的顶头上司。

    He is the head honcho of the company.

  19. 轧管机顶头的温度场

    Temperature field on plug of a tube mill

  20. 那个女的是他们的顶头上司。

    The woman was their immediate superior.

  21. 船破又遇顶头风

    meet unfavourable winds when the boat is broken

  22. 她的顶头上司现在正在出差。

    Her direct superior is now on errand.

  23. 她的顶头上司现在正在出差。

    Her immediate boss is in a business trip at this moment.

  24. 福特先生是我得顶头上司。

    Mr. Ford is my immediate superior.

  25. 福特先生是我的顶头上司。

    Mr. Ford is my immediate superior.

  26. 你必须得到顶头上司的支持。

    It is necessary that you get the support from your immediate superior.

  27. 在它的顶头有四棵树。

    Four trees were to be seen at its extremity.

  28. 镶嵌式钼合金穿孔顶头的研制

    Development of the Mo alloy inlaid piercing plug

  29. 他忙着巴结自己的顶头上司。

    He is busy sucking in with his immediate superior.

  30. 有一个人是他的顶头上司。

    One was his direct superior.


  1. 问:顶头拼音怎么拼?顶头的读音是什么?顶头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶头的读音是dǐngtóu,顶头翻译成英文是 top; come directly

  2. 问:顶头上司拼音怎么拼?顶头上司的读音是什么?顶头上司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶头上司的读音是dǐngtóushàngsi,顶头上司翻译成英文是 direct superior




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