






1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:míng bǎi zhe






  1. 明显地摆在眼前,容易看得清楚。

    邓友梅 《喜多村秀英》:“他们说 喜多村 等三个人,明摆着是国际间谍。”



  1. Like the 13th chime of a clock, policymakers who deny the obvious or claim to know the unknowable call into question all that they say.


  2. and when she considered how much of the truth was unknown to him, she believed she had no right to wonder at the line of conduct he pursued.


  3. He replied to me as if I had asked quite a dumb question, ignoring the obvious new reality.


  4. Why? Isn't it obvious? First, you impose way too much on me, and I'm tired of it. Second, you stood me up on Valentine's Day.


  5. The answer to his problem was staring him in the face.


  6. Before we start celebrating, however, we have to ask the obvious question.


  7. This black woman has walked into a "white" bar and just issued a challenge to all the women in it.


  8. Lee, obviously I'm not the thief if I was the first one who was stolen from.


  9. Still, anger about illegal immigration was, as one opponent put it, the "elephant in the living room. "


  1. 明摆着的事实

    the naked truth.

  2. 明摆着的,委员的位子

    Well, apparently, the committee seat is.

  3. 这是明摆着的事实。

    It is an obvious fact.

  4. 明摆着,他今天心情不错。

    He is clearly in a good mood today.

  5. 法官的结论明摆着是错的。

    The judge's conclusion was plainly wrong.

  6. 明摆着,这些想法将无人问津。

    It is clear that such ideas will be left to moulder.

  7. 学校今年的佳绩是明摆着的。

    The school's good results this year speak for themselves.

  8. 是鹿是马这不是明摆着吗?!

    Was it not obvious whether it was a stag or a horse?

  9. 灾难将临的预兆是明摆着的。

    The handwriting on the wall is clear.

  10. 灾难将临得预兆是明摆着得。

    The handwriting on the wall is clear.

  11. 明摆着这是他该做的事。

    It was clear that that was what he ought to do.

  12. 明摆着的解决方法是取消聚会。

    The obvious answer would be to cancel the party.

  13. 她说的是实情, 这是明摆着的事。

    It stands out a mile that shes telling the truth.

  14. 这不是明摆着吗?我在引诱你。

    Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to seduce you.

  15. 但他们却否认这明摆着的事实。

    But they deny this clear fact.

  16. 可那行手写的字却明摆着说

    but the handwriting says.

  17. 她并不幸福,这是明摆着的事实。

    It was plain to everyone that she was not happy.

  18. 那是明摆着的谎话, 真叫人难为情。

    The obviousness of the lie was embarrassing.

  19. 那是明摆着得谎话,真叫人难为情。

    The obviousness of the lie was embarrassing.

  20. 他到旅馆去过了,这是明摆着的。

    He had been to the hotel, that was plain.

  21. 直到周一早晨,明摆着的,我们破产了。

    By Monday morning, it was clear we were bankrupt.

  22. 这本来是明摆着的,可她还是说了。

    It was too obvious, but she told.

  23. 生活并不总是一帆风顺是明摆着的事实。

    It is axiomatic that life is not always easy.

  24. 做工作不能白做,这是明摆着的事。

    It'stands to reason that nobody will work without pay.

  25. 明摆着他很喜欢自己的女儿,而且女儿也喜欢他。

    It's plain that he adores his daughter, and the feeling is mutual.

  26. 曾几何时,问题和解决方案都是明摆着的。

    In the good old days, the problem and the solution were clear.

  27. 回想起来,造成如今痛苦处境的理由明摆着。

    In retrospect, the causes of today's woes seem obvious.

  28. 生活并不总是一帆风顺,这是明摆着的事实。

    It is axiomatic that life is not always easy.

  29. 我知道我会被解雇的,这事儿明摆着嘛。

    I know I'll get fired. I can see the writing on the wall.

  30. 驱使人们寻找此类机会的动机也是明摆着的。

    And so that clearly is a significant enough incentive for people to seek out those kinds of opportunities.


  1. 问:明摆着拼音怎么拼?明摆着的读音是什么?明摆着翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明摆着的读音是míngbǎizhe,明摆着翻译成英文是 obvious; clear; plain

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