


1. 条 [tiáo]2. 条 [tiāo]条 [tiáo]植物的细长枝:枝~。柳~儿。荆~。泛称条形的东西:~子。面~儿。便(biàn)~儿。金~。铁~。细长的形状:~形。~纹。~案。~几(jī)。~凳。~幅(直挂的长条字画)。苗~。身~……




1. 刺 [cì]2. 刺 [cī]刺 [cì]用有尖的东西插入:~绣。~伤。~杀。暗杀:~客。被~。行~。侦探,打听:~探。用尖锐的话指出别人的坏处:讽~。讥~。尖锐像针的东西:芒~。鱼~。~丛。刺 [cī]象声词:~地滑了一跤。……





汉语拼音:tiáo jiàn cì jī






  1. 生理学名词。引起条件反射的刺激。如将吹哨子的声音同鸭群喂食结合起来,经多次重复后,单用哨音就可唤回鸭群就食。此时的哨音即为条件刺激。



  1. from the research of psychology and physiology , the stronger the stimulation is , the more easily the conditioned reflex can be built.


  2. This review may provide some reference to understanding the mechanisms of diapausing insect response to environmental stimuli.


  3. pretty soon the conditioned stimulus gives rise to the response.


  4. Unconditioned Stimulus causes an Unconditioned Response


  5. repeated pairings of the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus


  6. conditioned immunosuppression to rabbit anti - rat lymphocyte serum in rats


  7. When the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus


  8. Preparation for the US (saliva)


  9. is when the conditioned stimulus, which is the signal,


  1. 非条件刺激

    unconditioned stimulus

  2. 非条件刺激信号

    signal of unconditioned stimulus

  3. 条件刺激的相对性

    The relativity of the conditioned stimulus

  4. 什么是条件刺激, 暴力行为。

    What's the conditioned stimulus? Violence.

  5. 如何令条件刺激, 条件反应消失呢?

    How do you make conditioned stimulus, conditioned response things go away?

  6. 这就是所谓得, 条件刺激引起了条件反应。

    And now it's known as the conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response.

  7. 这就是所谓的, 条件刺激引起了条件反应。

    And now it's known as the conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response.

  8. 强化尝试是指条件刺激, 与无条件刺激同时出现的时候。

    A reinforced trial is when the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus go together.

  9. 反应减弱因不断接受条件刺激而伴随产生的条件反射减弱

    The decline of a conditioned response following repeated exposure to the conditioned stimulus.

  10. 目得模拟自然条件刺激得方法诱导北虫草产生子实体。

    Objective To probe the method of inducing Cordyceps militaris fruiting body by simulating natural conditions.

  11. 但学习会在条件刺激与条件反应之间, 建立起另一种联结。

    But what happens through learning is that another association develops that between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response.

  12. 边缘刺激条件下错误记忆的实验研究

    Researches on False Memory under the Peripheral Stimulus Condition

  13. 刺激条件对扫描图像翻转诱发电位视力的影响

    Effects of stimulating actors on the sweep pattern visual evoked response acuity

  14. 阈下条件电刺激对患者心脏不应期和起搏节律的影响

    Effect of subthreshold conditioning stimulation on refractory period and pacing rhythm in human heart

  15. 引发条件反应的刺激。

    The stimulus is the occasion for a conditioned response.

  16. 刺激及其操作条件对电刺激单纤维肌电图的影响

    Influence of Stimulation and Operation Condition on Electrical Stimulation Single Fibre Electromyography

  17. 在活性污泥中,适宜的条件甚至可能刺激一些蠕虫卵的孵化。

    The prevailing conditions in activated sludge may even promote the hatching of some helminth eggs.

  18. 条件反应是对无条件刺激的一种准备。

    The conditioned response is a preparation for the unconditioned stimulus.

  19. 知觉或记忆条件下对连续变化刺激的相似判断

    Similarity judgment of continuous changing stimuli under the perceptual or memory model.

  20. 期待不好的刺激出现的一种条件反应。

    a conditioned response that anticipates the occurrence of an aversive stimulus.

  21. 启动刺激含有多个靶子条件下的负启动效应

    Negative Priming with the Prime Containing More Than One Target

  22. 非条件刺激物

    unconditioned stimulus

  23. 研究表明, 它加速神经刺激的传播, 增强耐力, 增强条件反射。

    Research has shown that it speeds the transmission of nerve impulses, increases endurance, and strengthens conditioned reflexes.

  24. 电刺激海马背部对建立空间辨别回避条件反射的影响

    Effect of electrostimulation of dorsal hippocampus on establishing spatial avoidance discrimination conditioned reflex

  25. 催化剂, 刺激物引起自动增长的条件, 如抚恤金计划中

    A condition that imposes an automatic increase, as in a pension plan.

  26. 但盖特纳说,在条件许可时应逆转刺激性措施。

    But stimulus actions must be reversed as conditions permit, Geithner said.


  1. 问:条件刺激物拼音怎么拼?条件刺激物的读音是什么?条件刺激物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件刺激物的读音是tiáo jiàn cì jī wù,条件刺激物翻译成英文是 conditioned stimulus

  2. 问:条件刺激作用拼音怎么拼?条件刺激作用的读音是什么?条件刺激作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条件刺激作用的读音是tiáo jiàn cì jī zuò yòng,条件刺激作用翻译成英文是 conditioned stimulus action

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