







汉语拼音:bǎi kuò







  1. 显示阔气;讲排场。

    《官场现形记》第十一回:“和尚没趣,只好仍旧坐着马车回来。见了妹子还要摆阔,説 王道臺 同他怎么要好。” 柔石 《为奴隶的母亲》:“听说她底亲夫连饭也没得吃,她不必摆阔了。”



  1. "Yes, " he said, "they pay so much more than these things are worth. They put on so much show. "


  2. Their daughter was ostentatious on her wedding reception.


  3. Agam mother's fable may not be perfect - for example, "she said, has enough money on the line, the extra money is only Baikuo. "


  4. Wildly ostentatious events are out of fashion , unless they are philanthropic . Greed is discreet .


  5. Conspicuous consumption was a manifestation of power.


  6. Wealthy consumers don't want flash and sizzle, they want authenticity, low-key practicality and craftsmanship.


  7. ex: John has been putting on the dog since his rich aunt died and left him $10m. He's bought the biggest house in town and a Mercedes 600.


  8. Having an adequate supply of cooling centres, open for extended hours, is not a frill or a luxury.


  9. Yes. She is surely putting on the dog since shi got a big money from her uncle.


  1. 他不赞成摆阔。

    He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.

  2. 他反对奢侈摆阔。

    He objected on principle to luxury and ostentation.

  3. 暴发户庸俗的摆阔

    The vulgar ostentation of the newly rich

  4. 不摆阔,只讲美。

    Not ostentatious and extravagant, they talk about America.

  5. 他很虚荣, 爱摆阔。

    ostentatious He was vain and ostentatious.

  6. 他很虚荣,爱摆阔。

    Ostentatious He was vain and ostentatious.

  7. 翻译他反对奢侈摆阔。

    He objected on principle to luxury and ostentation.

  8. 我父亲挺会慷慨摆阔。

    My father was capable of flamboyant generosity.

  9. 他不相信摆阔有什麽好处。

    He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.

  10. 他不相信摆阔有什么好处。

    He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.

  11. 如果我有很多钱,我会摆阔。

    If I have much money, I will put on the dog.

  12. 在家里他用不着装面子摆阔。

    At home he didn't have to keep up appearances.

  13. 他们的女儿在办婚事时摆阔。

    Their daughter was ostentatious on her wedding reception.

  14. 我挣的钱足以时不时摆摆阔了。

    I earn enough to push the boat out now and again.

  15. 富人摆阔,穷人却在大街上饿肚子。

    The rich flaunted their wealth while the poor starved on the streets.

  16. 他们生活很节俭,一点也不摆阔。

    They lived meanly and without ostentation.

  17. 他们生活很节俭,一点也不摆阔。

    They lived meanly and without ostentation.

  18. 仅为摆阔气而戴贵重的手表。

    Wear an expensive watch just for swank.

  19. 因她父亲有两部车,所以她老是摆阔。

    Because her father has two cars she is always putting on the dog.

  20. 庆功会应该开成一个毫不炫耀摆阔的会。

    The victory meeting should be one without any splurge.

  21. 我们美国人花钱大手大脚、很慷慨且喜欢摆阔。

    We Americans are lavish, generous, and ostentatious.

  22. 他经商失败以后,他一家人想摆阔便感力不从心了。

    After he failed in business, his family had great difficulty keeping up an appearance.

  23. 虽然西蒙一家人非常富有,但他们从不摆阔。

    Although extremely wealthy, Simon and his family were never ostentatious.

  24. 今年,这些摆阔和炫耀将让位于社会责任的话题。

    This year, those ostentatious displays will take a back seat to social responsibility.

  25. 在一些地方, 有钱人请人代为哭丧, 是为了讲排场, 摆阔气。

    In some places, rich people ask others to cry in funerals for waste and extravagance.

  26. 英语真是有趣,竟然把狗和摆阔气联系上了,呵呵!

    The ENGLISH is very laughably, make the dog with extravagant contact unexpectedly! he he!

  27. 要做她的情人并不难,只要有钱摆阔,引她注意就行了。

    It would not be difficult to remedy that. The trick was having enough gold to fling about in order go get oneself noticed.


  1. 问:摆阔拼音怎么拼?摆阔的读音是什么?摆阔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摆阔的读音是bǎikuò,摆阔翻译成英文是 be ostentatious



bǎi kuò 讲究排场,显示阔气。 例:就是经济宽裕,也不应摆阔。

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