


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:bù shùn yǎn







  1. 看不惯,看了心里不舒服。

    老舍 《龙须沟》第三幕:“您心里有这点委屈彆扭,就看什么也不顺眼,是吧?”



  1. I shouldn't go in and see him now if I were you. He's having one of his bad days, swearing at everything and everyone.


  2. Also remember that we met that afternoon to do, when to see some of you dislike it.


  3. If you think life to be less than satisfactory, all come at you unsatisfactory thing can appear as the evil spirits so always.


  4. and as he wore his crown over the wig, he did not look at all comfortable, and it was certainly not becoming.


  5. The idea that Mr Obama is applying proper standards of justice to terrorists is as abhorrent to al-Qaeda as it seems to be to Mr Cheney.


  6. No matter what you are looking at, you can find something wrong with it, something imperfect, something that is not okay with you.


  7. Drunk or just a beautiful pain in the ass, she's turned something like a bump or a stepped-on shoe into World War III.


  8. The media watching and judging him have grown suspicious of presidents to the point, some say, of cynicism .


  9. THEY did not like each other much, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Russia's liberal intelligentsia.


  1. 不顺眼的事

    something offending the eye.

  2. 我看他很不顺眼。

    He really rubs me the wrong way.

  3. 她对男朋友看不顺眼。

    She had a low opinion of her boyfriend.

  4. 新购物中心很不顺眼

    The new shopping centre is an offence to the eye

  5. 一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

  6. 一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。

    Faults are thick while love is thin.

  7. 爱情一淡薄,样样不顺眼。

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

  8. 也许它们彼此看不顺眼。

    Maybe they don't see eye to eye.

  9. 短发可能会很不顺眼。

    Short hair can be very unflattering.

  10. 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!

    That old block of flats is a real eyesore!

  11. 两个男人互相看不顺眼。

    The two men loathe each other.

  12. 他们互相看着就不顺眼。

    They detested each other on sight.

  13. 一朝情义淡,洋样不顺眼。

    Faults are sick when love is thin.

  14. 爱情淡薄时, 样样都不顺眼。

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

  15. 你为什么总是看我不顺眼?

    Why do you always have a problem with me?

  16. 那个家伙使人看着不顺眼。

    That guy gives me a pain.

  17. 所以爸他一直看我不顺眼。

    So that's why he hates me.

  18. 他的岳丈总是瞧着他不顺眼。

    He has always been looked upon with disapproval by his wife's father.

  19. 看这两个人没什么不顺眼吧?

    Have any problem with these guys?

  20. 看别人不顺眼, 是自己修养不够。

    One who constantly looks down on others reveals his lack of moral cultivation.

  21. 看什么都不顺眼, 烦躁, 动辄发火。

    See what all with a revolting feeling, fidgety, become angry frequently.

  22. 你是不是看我不顺眼?你是不是想打架?

    Did you just smart off to me? Are you trying to start a fight?

  23. 对我来说,一切看着都不顺眼。

    Everything was disagreeable to me.

  24. 你看着不顺眼,我一个人去。

    You mean not pleasing to your eye. I'm going on my own.

  25. 很遗憾, 你发现我身上有些不顺眼。

    I am sorry they find anything so disagreeable in me.

  26. 他的奇装异服, 在办公室里很不顺眼。

    His arty clothes look out of place in the office.

  27. 我的身体和头脑都看对方不顺眼!

    My mind and my body hate each other!

  28. 你不能因为你看谁不顺眼就杀人。

    You can't go around killing people just because you don't approve of them.

  29. 你心里有委屈,就看什么也不顺眼。

    You've got this worry on your mind, so nothing suits you.

  30. 现在水手戴耳环,在我们看来很不顺眼。

    Sailors wearing earrings now look very strange to us.




【注音】:bù shùn yǎn


【示例】:老舍 《龙须沟》第三幕:“您心里有这点委屈彆扭,就看什么也不顺眼,是吧?”

【不顺眼的英文翻译】:to incur dislike; to offend the eye; disagreeable to the eye

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