







汉语拼音:sì zuò








  1. 亦作“ 四座 ”。指四周座位上的人。

    三国 魏 曹操 《善哉行》:“弦歌感人肠,四坐皆欢悦。” 晋 陆机 《吴趋行》:“ 楚 妃且勿叹, 齐 娥且勿謳,四坐并清听,听我歌《吴趋》。”《晋书·唐彬传》:“帝顾四坐曰:‘名不虚行。’” 清 吴伟业 《阆州行》:“四座且勿喧,听我歌 閬州 。”

  2. 四周座位。

    晋 陶潜 《咏荆轲》诗:“饮饯 易水 上,四座列羣英。” 唐 白居易 《游悟真寺》诗:“六楹排玉镜,四座敷金鈿。”



  1. One day after work. Zhang and Li palm tree to sit under the shade to chat.


  1. 七宗罪之四坐马桶

    Daily sin sitting on the loo

  2. 四坐标位姿测量仪设计研究与误差分析

    Design Research and Error Analysis on Four Axis Instrumentation

  3. 我能连坐四个后空翻吗

    Can I do a quadruple back flip

  4. 一张能坐四人的餐桌

    a table to accommodate four diners

  5. 每条凳子能坐四个人。

    Each bench will seat four persons.

  6. 新汽车的后座足够坐四人。

    The back seat of the new car is wide enough for four persons.

  7. 我的汽车最多能坐四个人。

    I can take up to four people in my car.

  8. 我的车子能舒服地坐四个人。

    My car holds four people comfortably.

  9. 每条凳子能坐四个人。男孩终归是男孩。

    Each bench will seat four persons.

  10. 法官最低限度也会判他坐四年牢。

    The judge will put him behind bars for at leas four years.

  11. 哇!那我能打穿墙壁吗我能连坐四个后空翻吗

    Wow! Can I punch through walls Can I do a quadruple back flip

  12. 四个坐在椅子上。

    Four sit on chairs.

  13. 我想预定一个四人坐桌位。

    I want to reserve a table for four people.

  14. 三个人坐这辆车,其它四个人坐那辆车。

    Let''s do three in this car and four in that car.

  15. 暂时恐怕没有四个人坐的空桌。

    I am afraid I do not have anything for four at the moment.

  16. 暂时恐怕没有四个人坐得空桌。

    I am afraid I do not have anything for four at the moment.

  17. 我要一张临近乐队的四人坐的桌子。

    I need a table for four close to the band.

  18. 这辆车我们四个人勉强坐得开。

    The car is fairly large for the four of us.

  19. 他满脸好色的表情,有四个妻子坐在他的身边。

    His face was full of sexual lust and his four wives sat behind him.

  20. 他为我们坐了四年牢。

    He did four years for us.

  21. 坐上四轮车,青天难攀登。

    One does not go to heaven in a carriage.

  22. 摄像机架好了,四个人围坐在这株草周围,静静地看着。

    Well, the camera frame, the four men sitting around in this strain of grass, silently watching.

  23. 她把目光转到一张坐着四个人的桌子上。

    She bent her glance on a table at which four men sat together.

  24. 单位办公用房紧张,一间办公室里坐了四个人。

    The office of our unit is crammed with four people working in one room.

  25. 单位办公用房紧张,一间办公室里坐了四个人。

    The office of our unit is crammed with four people working in one room.

  26. 其他四名士兵当时坐在车的前面。

    Four other soldiers were in the front of the armoured vehicle.

  27. 坐火车要三小时,坐汽车得四小时。

    It takes three hours by train and four by road.

  28. 剧院的座位坐满了四分之三。

    Three quarters of the theatre was full.

  29. 有四个女孩每天都坐出租车去上学。

    Four girls went to school every day by taxi.

  30. 他说,坐在那。于是她就在那里坐了大概四到五个小时。

    He told her, just set there. And so she set there for about four or five hours.

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