




1. 种 [zhǒng]2. 种 [zhòng]3. 种 [chóng]种 [zhǒng]生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位:物~。~差(chā),植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质:~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。……



汉语拼音:sì zhǒng






  1. 指黍、稷、稻、麦。

    《周礼·夏官·职方氏》:“ 河 东曰 兗州 ……其畜宜六扰,其穀宜四种。” 贾公彦 疏:“四种,黍、稷、稻、麦。”



  1. This corn got a nutritious boost when scientists this year introduced seven genes that made it a viable source of four vitamins.


  2. The mode parameter that each of the four regex functions accepts should be a string of up to three characters, out of four possible modes.


  3. It's not enough to be graduating from Oxford or Cambridge with a first class degree and to speak four languages.


  4. and I belong to the fourth called "fend for themselves" type, can only look forward to come across the eyes was Ugutsu hook to the girl.


  5. According to the scientific team, only one of these four categories of gamblers actually shows signs of a significant pathology.


  6. I ask you first a series of questions to see to what degree you express these chemicals, and I'm watching who chooses who to love.


  7. None of these four revolutionary forces can be dispensed with if a revolutionary base area is to be established.


  8. We were translating four languages simultaneously for a program that I was conducting for a week.


  9. In a rare and unusually detailed statement published in four languages, the elusive leader repeated his call for foreign forces to leave.


  1. 共有四种核酸。

    There are four kinds of nucleic acids.

  2. 她通四种语言。

    She knows four languages.

  3. 四种橙味扇贝

    Four Citrus Australian Sea Scallops Ceviche.

  4. 四种元素放一起。

    With all four elements put together.

  5. 它们可以分成四种。

    They may be classed in four groups.

  6. 我能说四种语言。

    I can speak four languages.

  7. 四种语言解说龙井茶

    Explaining Long Jing Tea in four Languages

  8. 主要的血型有四种。

    There are four main types blood.

  9. 有四种这样的观念

    And really there are four things here.

  10. 产品涨价的四种风险

    Four risks of product markup

  11. 北京方言有四种语调。

    The Beijing dialect uses four tones.

  12. 这种衣服共有四种尺寸。

    This dress comes in four sizes.

  13. 石灰石有四种主要类型。

    There are four principal types of limestones.

  14. 四种鲜牛肝菌成分分析

    Analysis Components of 2 Kinds of Fresh Boletus sp.

  15. 四种云杉的核型分析

    Karyotype analysis of four species in picea pinaceae

  16. 石灰岩有四种主要类型。

    There are four principal types of limestones.

  17. 此事件至少有四种变体。

    There are at least four variations of this event.

  18. 21世纪主要有四种死亡形式。

    These are the four ways to go.

  19. 四种药用地衣的化学成分

    Chemical constituents of four medicinal lichens

  20. 四种灯芯绒织物新品种介绍

    Introduction of Four New Corduroy Fabrics.

  21. 新疆四种瓜果冰点的测定

    The Freezing Points Measurement of Four Melons and Fruits in Xinjiang

  22. 我以懂四种语言而自豪。

    I pride myself on knowing four languages.

  23. 加莫男人基本分为四种。

    Gamorrean males come in four basic varieties.

  24. 非洲有四种不同的肺鱼。

    Four different species of lungfish are found in africa.

  25. 四种天然色素的护色研究

    The Research on Color Fixing of Four Natural Colors

  26. 芝麻点缀的四种蔬菜沙拉。

    FourVegetable Salad with Sesame Seed Dressing.

  27. 四种企鹅叫声特征的比较

    A Comparison Among the Calls of Four Penguin Species

  28. 这种服装有四种尺寸供选购。

    This dress comes in four sizes.

  29. 我懂四种语言, 如日语, 英语。

    I know four languages, as Japanese and English.

  30. 四种尿沉渣检查方法的比较

    Comparison four methods of urinary sediment


  1. 问:四种子的拼音怎么拼?四种子的的读音是什么?四种子的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四种子的的读音是sì zhǒng zǐ de,四种子的翻译成英文是 tetraspermous

  2. 问:四种技能拼音怎么拼?四种技能的读音是什么?四种技能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四种技能的读音是sìzhǒngjìnéng,四种技能翻译成英文是 four skills

  3. 问:四种气质拼音怎么拼?四种气质的读音是什么?四种气质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四种气质的读音是,四种气质翻译成英文是 Four temperaments

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