




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:sì yào






  1. 旧指治理狱讼的四点要诀。

    明 薛瑄 《从政录》:“治狱有四要,公、慈、明、刚。公则不偏,慈则不刻,明则能照,刚则能断。”



  1. Fourth, like what you 're doing. Be in love with your job. Be convinced it 's a terrific position.


  2. Fourth: We have to always tell ourselves inside 'I'm good! 'something like this.


  3. Fourth, creative campus environment must be built and creative management must be implemented.


  4. Fourth, to make others feel good and ourselves in good conditions, we have to keep away from smoking and drinking.


  5. Fourth, strengthen the incentives to improve professional degree of the community full-time workers.


  6. Fourth, auditing and oversight of credit transactions must be strengthened.


  7. perfect evaluation index system to promote the practice of the scientific development perspective.


  8. A. Great. Could you bring it in tomorrow morning? I've got a test on Thursday.


  9. I've got to discuss a meeting we are having on Thursday.


  1. 治喉四要法

    four therapies for laryngeal diseases.

  2. 四要件犯罪构成理论

    the four elements criminal constitute theory

  3. 四要共同保护知识产权。

    Fourth, protect intellectual property rights.

  4. 四要学会宽容和理解。

    Fourth, we must learn tolerance and understanding.

  5. 四要加强预算监督力度。

    Fourthly, we must strengthen budget supervision.

  6. 四要积极应对气候变化。

    Fourth, we will actively respond to climate change.

  7. 四要大力发展循环经济。

    Fourth, we need to work hard to develop the circular economy.

  8. 四要加强沟通、联系与合作。

    Fourth, we should strengthen communication, contact and cooperation.

  9. 四要加强舆论引导和宣传工作。

    Four must strengthen the public opinion guidance and the propaganda work.

  10. 四要规范农机培训,提升农机手素质。

    Four want standard farm machinery training, promotes the farm machinery poor nature.

  11. 四要加强师生交流,促进情感沟通。

    Fourthly, the teachers and students should strengthen exchanging with each other and promote the emotional communication.

  12. 四要逐步推行合作项目的信息化管理。

    Thirdly audit and supervise the process of cooperation items strictly.

  13. 四要抓紧解决国有企业历史遗留问题。

    Fourth, we need to work quickly to solve longstanding problems in SOEs.

  14. 四要加强测绘科技创新和标准化建设。

    Fourth, we must strengthen the building of surveying and mapping science and technology innovation and standardization.

  15. 四要围绕吸收接纳各种新知识开展学习。

    Fourthly, study around absorbing all kinds of new knowledge.

  16. 四要加快新型农业社会化服务体系建设。

    Fourth, we will speed up development of a new system under which various sectors of society provide services for agriculture.

  17. 四要加强校园环境建设,培育良好的校园德育环境。

    Fourthly, we should enhance the environment construction on campus and establish a good environment for moral education in university.

  18. 四要探索并形成一套持之以恒的宣传教育机制。

    Four must explore and form the public education mechanism which a set perseveres.

  19. 四要优化交通资源配置,强化综合交通运输枢纽地位。

    Fourthly, transportation facilities should be optimized and the central region's status as a comprehensive transportation hub should be further consolidated.

  20. 往返要四个小时。

    It takes four hours to go there and back.

  21. 我要四双长袜。

    I would like four pairs of stockings.

  22. 桥牌要四个人玩。

    It takes four persons to play bridge.

  23. 我要四张航空邮件。

    I'd like four aerograms.

  24. 我们要四份第八餐。

    We want four number eights, please.

  25. 定制这款车要四年。

    Well, it takes four years for these cars to be custommade.

  26. 密码一定要四个数字吗?

    Must the PIN number contain four digits?

  27. 要四张这场歌剧的票。

    Four tickets for the opera.

  28. 要四张这场歌剧得票。

    Four tickets for the opera .

  29. 写两篇日志要四个小时?

    Writing two journal entries takes four hours ?

  30. 这种肉冻要四个小时才能凝固。

    This jelly will set in four hours.


  1. 问:四要一没有拼音怎么拼?四要一没有的读音是什么?四要一没有翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四要一没有的读音是,四要一没有翻译成英文是 Four Wants and One Without

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