







汉语拼音:yǎo shǒu









  1. 棘手,难办。



  1. MM: As a child I always painted my toenails, but I had a terrible fingernail biting habit that I couldn't seem to cure.


  2. One of his bad habits is biting nails.


  3. I've tried to stop and it's something that bothers me because when I'm signing autographs, the girls are like, 'You bite your nails! '


  4. B: No. It's true. I've tried everything: chewing gum, biting my fingernails and even meditation, but nothing works.


  5. Give yourself rewards for not biting your fingers.


  6. She just can't stop biting her fingernails.


  7. My sister can't help but bite her fingernails when she gets nervous.


  8. 2545, I can't stand you biting your fingernails.


  9. She has some cute habits like biting nails.


  1. 如果不咬手了,给自己一些奖励。

    Give yourself rewards for not biting your fingers.

  2. 别反咬喂的手。不要恩将仇报。

    Bite not the hand that feeds thee.

  3. 别反咬喂的手。不要知恩不报。

    Bite not the hand that feeds thee.

  4. 一只蜘蛛不被觉察地进入辐射的梁并且咬彼得的手。

    A spider crept into the beam of radiation and bit Peter's hand.

  5. 当那只跳蚤在猴子的手上爬的时候说我总是要咬我的手的。

    I always bite the hand that feeds me, as the flea says when it crawls on to the monkeys paw.

  6. 这匹狼咬住猎人的手。

    The wolf snapped at the hunter's hand.

  7. 周家的大黄狗咬没咬着我的手?

    Is the Chinese rhubarb dog of Home Zhou biting my hand?

  8. 他用牙紧咬住那只手, 直到他又一次失去知觉才松开。

    His jaws closed on the hand, nor did they relax till his senses were choked out of him once more.

  9. 所以他索性倒在船舱里,怒吼了一声,恨恨地咬着自己的手。

    He remained motionless, but gnashing his teeth and wringing his hands with fury.

  10. 这条蛇咬了这个男人的手。

    The snake bit him on the hand.

  11. 她用嘴轻轻咬住了我的手, 使劲往后拉。

    She took my hand in her mouth, gently, and backed away, tugging.

  12. 我使劲抓住他的手, 狠狠地咬了他一口。

    I managed to get hold of his hand, and bit deep into it.

  13. 蛇咬伤了那男人得手。

    The snake struck the man's hand.

  14. 咬了哪个?右手小手指。

    Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right.

  15. 蛇咬伤了那男人的手。

    The snake struck the man's hand.

  16. 咬痕不会撒谎,这个家伙不会停手。

    Bite marks don't lie, and this guy can't stop.

  17. 我手上的伤疤是你咬过留下的。

    You bit my hand and left this scar.

  18. 成渝咬住嘴唇,又抡手,又瞪眼睛。

    Chengyu waved his hand warningly.

  19. 而且同时 我还得牙咬着手电照明。

    And through all of this, I had to hold a torch between my teeth.

  20. 他脱下的盖子,把他的手,并认为在大幅咬。

    He took off the lid, put his hand in and felt a sharp bite.

  21. 我手上蜜蜂叮咬处留下了一个肿块。

    The bee sting has left a swelling on my hand.

  22. 如果你用手挠屁股,就不要咬你的指甲。

    If you scratch your bum, don't bite your fingernails.

  23. 她咬着左手的拇指尖,眼睛也不看我。

    She bit the tip of her left thumb, not looking at me.

  24. 眼镜蛇狠狠咬了他一口,毒牙刺进他手上的皮肤。

    The cobra sank its venomous fangs into his hand.

  25. 当他一口咬下去时,老鼠在他手上尖叫蠕动。

    The rat squealed as he bit into it, squirming wildly in his hands.

  26. 那只老鼠跳到那个男孩得手上,狠狠地咬了一口。

    The rat sank its teeth into the other boy's hand.

  27. 那只老鼠跳到那个男孩的手上,狠狠地咬了一口。

    The rat sank its teeth into the other boy's hand.

  28. 当贝拉被詹姆士咬到的时候, 火只在她手的部分燃烧。

    When Bella was bitten by James, the fire was only in her hand.

  29. 一条绿蛇缠绕上他的胳膊, 然后将毒牙深深咬进他的手里。

    A green snake coiled around his arm and sunk its fangs into his hand.

  30. 一条绿蛇缠绕上他的胳膊,然后将毒牙深深咬进他的手里。

    A green snake coiled around his arm and sunk its fangs into his hand.



这是流传在海南省苗族的一首歌谣。"咬手"是海南苗族男女青年表达爱情的一种独特方式。 每逢节假日,特别是三月初三,在槟榔树下,芒果林中,小河溪边,山坡草地上,青年男女唱起美妙而动听的歌曲,抒发自己的理想、情趣和心愿,寻求自己的意中人。随后,小伙子拿起弓箭、鱼叉到河溪里抓鱼,姑娘们在溪边烤筒饭和煮鱼,直到太阳落山才散去。

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