


1. 涨 [zhǎng]2. 涨 [zhàng]涨 [zhǎng]水量增加,水面高起来:~潮。~落。~水。河水暴~。价格提高:~价。~钱。物价飞~。涨 [zhàng]体积增大:豆子泡~了。他~红了脸。多出来:~出十块钱。……





汉语拼音:zhǎng cháo








  1. 指海洋水面因受月球和太阳引力作用而定时上升。



  1. 'I can tell you that, sir, 'said the sailor. 'I used to go fishing there. High tide is ten minutes before Bradgate. '


  2. He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being.


  3. In other words, if a huge wave of brain cancer is on its way, scientists would expect to see the tide beginning to rise.


  4. High tide at 10. 17p. m. A place where it is only possible for a ship to leave the coast at high tide.


  5. As the Earth rotates, different parts of the land and oceans pass through the high-tide and low-tide zones.


  6. The children were cut off ( eg stranded on a rock) by the incoming tide.


  7. The tide was in and there was good breeze and a surf on the beach .


  8. We waited for the tide to float the boat off the sandbank .


  9. "Rising Tide" suggests that Pakistani artists do not have to go abroad, though some still do, to express their country's turmoil.


  1. 涨潮三角洲

    flood tidal delta.

  2. 现在正涨潮。

    The tide is making now.

  3. 海水涨潮了。

    The high tide was coming in.

  4. 涨潮进出港

    save the tide.

  5. 趁涨潮进出港口

    save the tide

  6. 不久就要涨潮了。

    There was not much time before the tide turned.

  7. 涨潮冲击着珊瑚礁。

    The incoming tides were bathing the coral reef.

  8. 你看见过涨潮吗

    Have you ever seen a tidal wave

  9. 我们在涨潮时起航。

    We set sail at high tide.

  10. 我们在涨潮时启航。

    We set sail at high tide.

  11. 如风起云涌潮涨潮退。

    As crests her bodice green.

  12. 现在是涨潮还是落潮?

    Is the tide coming in or going out?

  13. 涨潮和落潮交替更迭。

    The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other.

  14. 涨潮时会发生什麽事?

    What happens at high tide?

  15. 太阳升起时将涨潮。

    The tide will flow when the sun rises.

  16. 潮涨潮落不误期。

    The tide keep its course.

  17. 小潮涨潮尤其弱潮汐。

    Neap tides are especially weak tides.

  18. 我们在涨潮时离岸出海。

    We put out to sea at high tide.

  19. 涨潮时的巨浪非常可怕。

    The surge of the tide is scary.

  20. 涨潮时,我在那里游荡。

    When the tide came in I was a maroon out there.

  21. 涨潮了, 我们最好回去吧。

    The tide is turningwed better get back.

  22. 涨潮了, 咱们最好回去吧。

    The tide is turning wed better get back.

  23. 我们在港湾停泊, 等待涨潮。

    We moored in the estuary, waiting for high tide.

  24. 涨潮前,孩子们就上岸了。

    The children got ashore before the tide came in.

  25. 涨潮时,海水直冲到悬崖。

    The sea rushes to cliff when high tide.

  26. 涨潮时,孩子们已经上岸了。

    The children got ashore before the tide came in.

  27. 我听见涨潮的第一声海浪。

    I heard the first wave of the rising tide.

  28. 如果涨潮了,他们就去游泳。

    If the tide was in they went swimming.

  29. 涨潮时海水一直涌到悬崖。

    The sea comes right up to the cliffs when the tide is in.

  30. 小潮涨潮期间发生季度卫星。

    Neap tides occur during quarter moons.


  1. 问:涨潮拼音怎么拼?涨潮的读音是什么?涨潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮的读音是zhǎngcháo,涨潮翻译成英文是 incoming tide

  2. 问:涨潮流拼音怎么拼?涨潮流的读音是什么?涨潮流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮流的读音是,涨潮流翻译成英文是 flood current

  3. 问:涨潮量拼音怎么拼?涨潮量的读音是什么?涨潮量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮量的读音是zhǎng cháo liàng,涨潮量翻译成英文是 volume of flood

  4. 问:涨潮低降拼音怎么拼?涨潮低降的读音是什么?涨潮低降翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮低降的读音是zhǎng cháo dī jiàng,涨潮低降翻译成英文是 flood tide depression

  5. 问:涨潮历时拼音怎么拼?涨潮历时的读音是什么?涨潮历时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮历时的读音是zhǎng cháo lì shí,涨潮历时翻译成英文是 duration of flood tide

  6. 问:涨潮强度拼音怎么拼?涨潮强度的读音是什么?涨潮强度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮强度的读音是zhǎng cháo qiáng dù,涨潮强度翻译成英文是 flood strength

  7. 问:涨潮时间拼音怎么拼?涨潮时间的读音是什么?涨潮时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮时间的读音是zhǎng cháo shí jiān,涨潮时间翻译成英文是 tide epoch

  8. 问:涨潮标志拼音怎么拼?涨潮标志的读音是什么?涨潮标志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮标志的读音是zhǎng cháo biāo zhì,涨潮标志翻译成英文是 flood mark

  9. 问:涨潮流速拼音怎么拼?涨潮流速的读音是什么?涨潮流速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮流速的读音是zhǎng cháo liú sù,涨潮流速翻译成英文是 strength of flood

  10. 问:涨潮船闸拼音怎么拼?涨潮船闸的读音是什么?涨潮船闸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮船闸的读音是zhǎng cháo chuán zhá,涨潮船闸翻译成英文是 tidal lock

  11. 问:涨潮间隔拼音怎么拼?涨潮间隔的读音是什么?涨潮间隔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮间隔的读音是zhǎng cháo jiàn gé,涨潮间隔翻译成英文是 flood interval

  12. 问:涨潮分潮时距拼音怎么拼?涨潮分潮时距的读音是什么?涨潮分潮时距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨潮分潮时距的读音是zhǎng cháo fēn cháo shí jù,涨潮分潮时距翻译成英文是 tidal flood interval




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