









汉语拼音:zhòu bā bā







  1. 皱纹多的样子。

    沙汀 《堰沟边》:“ 陶青山 身穿一套拙劣而且已经洗褪了色的工农蓝布制服,帽子皱巴巴的,两个口袋经常塞满笔记和文件。”亦作“ 皱皱巴巴 ”。 张天民 《路考》:“ 老梁 穿了一身被压得皱皱巴巴的新衣服。”



  1. "Exhibit A, " he said, and my heart rate increased, but all he held up was a rumpled New York Times.


  2. I found a crumpled tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk, an English paper.


  3. I found a crumpled, tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk.


  4. All he had was a crumpled paper on which he had jotted some rough verse inspired by a visit to the Israeli police, to renew his travel pass.


  5. The parchment paper is still attached in this photo, that's why the bottom (or top, here) of the cheesecake looks wrinkly.


  6. To the east and northeast, the glacier is covered by ash and other volcanic debris, giving it a rumpled, brown look.


  7. There, red and puckered and screwed up against the cold, was the face of a very newborn babe.


  8. He led a very simple sort of life , went around in old clothes that needed pressing , seldom wore a hat .


  9. Up a one of its shape, wrinkled, and at the bottom of the round, really cute!


  1. 它潮乎乎,皱巴巴的。

    It was damp and wrinkled.

  2. 皱巴巴的亚麻布套装

    a rumpled linen suit

  3. 他那身衣服总是皱巴巴的。

    His clothes are always crumpled.

  4. 我不要这些皱巴巴的废纸。

    I don't want this crumpled waste paper.

  5. 他穿上一件皱巴巴的西装。

    He put on a crumpled suit.

  6. 他没有刮脸,穿着皱巴巴的衣服。

    He was unshaven and dressed in crumpled clothes.

  7. 那是因为我的手始终皱巴巴的!

    Thats cause my hands is permanently puckered!

  8. 他接着将钞票搓揉得 皱巴巴 的。

    He proceeded to crumple up the dollar twenty bill.

  9. 他那套衣服已是皱巴巴的了。

    His suit had become creased.

  10. 那是因为我得手始终皱巴巴得!

    Thats cause my hands is permanently puckered!

  11. 一团皱巴巴地从山坡上直直滚下!

    Crumple up, and roll right down the hill!

  12. 她在写字台上把皱巴巴的信展平。

    She flattened out the crumpled letter on the desk.

  13. 约翰坐在地板上一床皱巴巴的毛毯上。

    John was sitting on the floor in a tangle of blankets.

  14. 约翰坐在地板上一床皱巴巴的毛毯上。

    John was sitting on the floor in a tangle of blankets.

  15. 然后,他从枕头下抽出皱巴巴的钱。

    Then, reaching under his pillow he pull out some crumpled up bills.

  16. 她的手指泡得皱巴巴的, 一点血色都没有。

    Her fingers were white and wrinkled with washing.

  17. 看上去松松垮垮,皱巴巴的,邋邋遢遢得不成体统。

    look baggy, wrinkled, and shabby.

  18. 那老人把脸缩成一团成了皱巴巴的。

    The old man screwed up his face into wrinkles.

  19. 那老人把脸缩成一团成了皱巴巴得。

    The old man screwed up his face into wrinkles.

  20. 他们戴着皱巴巴褪了色的圆顶礼帽。

    They had on faded derby hats with dents in them.

  21. 他的脸皱巴巴的,空洞的蓝眼睛布满了乌云。

    His face creased up and the vacant blue eyes clouded over.

  22. 她从包中取出一份皱巴巴的旧剪报。

    She took an old crumpled press cutting out of her bag.

  23. 比尔穿着那套皱巴巴的衣服, 显得极不协调。

    Eg. Bill looks out of place in his crumpled suit.

  24. 比尔穿着那套皱巴巴得衣服,显得极不协调。

    Eg. Bill looks out of place in his crumpled suit.

  25. 由于经年累月得负重, 他那皱巴巴得身子被压得弯弯得。

    His crumpling body bent low from years of carrying heavy loads.

  26. 覆盖着辛托克的树叶,展开了它们皱巴巴的叶面。

    The leaves over Hintock unrolled their creased tissues.

  27. 覆盖着辛托克得树叶,展开了它们皱巴巴得叶面。

    The leaves over Hintock unrolled their creased tissues.

  28. 但是它的身体很干瘪, 小得可怜, 翅膀也皱巴巴的。

    But it had a withered body, it was tiny and shrivelled wings.

  29. 他从夹克口袋取出几张脏兮兮、皱巴巴的纸来。

    He pulled some smudged, crumpled sheets from his jacket pocket.

  30. 由于经年累月的负重, 他那皱巴巴的身子被压得弯弯的。

    His crumpling body bent low from years of carrying heavy loads.


  1. 问:皱巴巴拼音怎么拼?皱巴巴的读音是什么?皱巴巴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱巴巴的读音是zhòubābā,皱巴巴翻译成英文是 Full of wrinkles.

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