




不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:sān ràng










  1. 古相见礼。主人三揖,宾客三让。


  2. 指 周 泰伯 让位于 季历 事,后人称为盛德。

    《论语·泰伯》:“ 泰伯 ,其可谓至德也已矣!三以天下让,民无得而称焉。” 邢昺 疏引 郑玄 注云:“ 泰伯 , 周太王 之长子,次子 仲雍 ,次子 季歷 。 太王 见 季歷 贤,又生 文王 ,有圣人表,故欲立之。而未有命。 太王 疾, 太伯 因适 吴 採药, 太王 殁而不返。 季歷 为丧主,一让也; 季歷 赴之,不来奔丧,二让也;免丧之后,遂断髮文身,三让也。”《后汉书·列女传·曹世叔妻》:“ 太伯 建 邠 , 孔子 称为三让。” 唐 骆宾王 《夕次旧吴》诗:“盛德弘三让,雄图枕九围。” 余疚侬 《三年五月一日与同学冒雨登慧山》诗:“ 句吴 始启宇,三让来就封。”

  3. 指古代帝王登位、大臣就封的谦让之礼。

    《史记·高祖本纪》:“ 汉王 三让,不得已,曰:‘诸君必以为便,便国家。’申午,乃即皇帝之位 汜水 之阳。”《后汉书·和帝纪》:“故太尉 邓彪 ,元功之族,三让弥高,海内归仁,为羣贤首。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·章表》:“ 曹公 称为表不止三让,又勿得浮华。” 清 赵翼 《廿二史札记·南北史两国交兵不详载》:“每代革易之际,以禪让为篡夺者,必有九锡文、三让表、禪位詔册,陈陈相因,遂成一定格式。”

  4. 再三责数其过失。

    《周礼·地官·司救》“凡民之未有衺恶者,三让而罚” 贾公彦 疏:“三让而罚者,凡欲治罚人者,皆先以言语责让之,乃行治罚。”

  5. 谓以三种方式资助。

    《逸周书·酆谋》:“三让:一近市,二贱粥,三施资。” 孔晁 注:“以财让也。近来民市,旅资以思也。” 卢文弨 雠校:“﹝旅资以思﹞,疑当作‘施资以惠’也。”



  1. Okay, this one's not fresh, but MomGrind's Wordless Wednesday last week is a fantastic reminder that simple can be beautiful.


  2. Third, allow business to do its job unless formal sanctions are in operation.


  3. So you mean woman shall be both wife and concubine so man can take both advantages?


  4. Third, make complex tasks into fun games, kids just love the game, they think everything is game.


  5. Transferring its business or assets in whole or in substantial part.


  6. It's Wednesday. Let's go and play football.


  7. Topic 3 Let's go and watch the fashion show.


  8. third, allow learners to learn the normal speed of speaking english.


  9. And third, let's assume the demo is a failure in some way -- what have you really lost?


  1. 让三月里的干旱湿到根子里。

    That pierce March's drought to the root and all.

  2. 那辆车停下来让三个人上车。

    The bus stopped to pick up three people.

  3. 星期六他将让三只狗参加比赛。

    He's racing three of his dogson saturday.

  4. 连续让三个攻击队球员出局的行动

    the act of getting three players out on one play

  5. 即命家院, 按丈夫之意再让三尺。

    That is, by her husband GuYuan life meaning again let three feet.

  6. 如何让三重滤网帮助我们取得收益呢

    How could Triple Screen help us benefit from this performance

  7. 是我帮助策划了让三大恶魔自我流放到你们的世界。

    It was I who helped the Prime Evils mastermind their own exile to your world.

  8. 输了球并且丢了三分让人很羞愧。

    It's a shame to lose the match and drop three points.

  9. 我们每隔三年让人把房子粉刷一次。

    We have the house painted every three years.

  10. 凡有一人能让你哭泣,就会有三人让你欢笑。

    For everyone that makes you cry, there are three who makes you smile.

  11. 三是让人物处于自我暴露的地位,达到对丑的否定。

    Lastly, characters expose themselves to achieve the effect of negation of the ugliness.

  12. 三句你让人作呕。

    Three You make me want to puke.

  13. 三件事让他情绪低落

    Three things had combined to lay him low.

  14. 他让了三分。

    He played off 3.

  15. 你有三个机会让你的员工参与招聘工作。

    You have three opportunities to involve your employees in the hiring process.

  16. 正是这三个双误让他送掉了第一盘。

    Those three double faults definitely gave me the first set.

  17. 戴尔在高中三年级时让两个女孩怀了孕。

    Dale knocked up two girls during his senior years of high School.

  18. 我认为有三个原因 让男孩们与今天的学校教育 脱节。

    There are three reasons that I believe that boys are out of sync with the culture of schools today.

  19. 老师让我们三人共同做这个物理项目。

    The teacher split the physics project to three of us.

  20. 老师让我们三人共同做这个物理项目。

    The teacher split the physics project to three of us.

  21. 假如你让我们三个人免费进去玩一会的话。

    If you let us come in for free.

  22. 权利得支配已经让拉贾帕克萨三兄弟够头痛了。

    The reins of power have been drawn into the hands of the three Rajapakse brothers.

  23. 权利的支配已经让拉贾帕克萨三兄弟够头痛了。

    The reins of power have been drawn into the hands of the three Rajapakse brothers.

  24. 在这个示例中,您想让这三个操作一个接一个地发生。

    In this example, you want the three to occur one after the other.

  25. 而让另外三人把伤重得刘备带回铁时空医治。

    And let the other three to wounds healing time of Liu Bei back iron.

  26. 而让另外三人把伤重的刘备带回铁时空医治。

    And let the other three to wounds healing time of Liu Bei back iron.

  27. 这三种物质可以让我们感觉更好。

    Together these three make us feel good.

  28. 三脚架也可以让你在晚上长时间曝光。

    A tripod also lets you shoot long exposures at night.

  29. 你敢顶嘴,我就三个星期不让你出门。

    If you mouth off, I will ground you for three weeks.

  30. 詹姆士提出了三个其他方案让我们选择。

    James brought up three different plans for us to choose from.

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