






1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……





汉语拼音:sān quán fēn lì






三权分立 [sān quán fēn lì]
  1. 修订本参考资料:法国学者孟德斯鸠着法意一书,根据英国政治的习惯,发明三权独立的学说,主张将国家的治权,分成立法、司法、行政三权,各自独立,互相制衡。



  1. Instead, he has gone out of his way to stress the need for judicial independence and the separation of powers.

  2. He thought the governmental accountability shall not surpass the limit of power nor offend the fundamental right of the prisoners.

  3. He was the pioneer of the idea of constitutional democracy, including party government, responsibility cabinet and the separate.

  4. "Separation of powers" the United States are the main principles of the political system.

  5. From this comparison, the United Kingdom is not hard to see the separation of powers is not complete!

  6. The system of checks and balances is now cited as the prototype of limiting power in democracies.

  7. He says this means establishing the rule of law, rejecting the idea of a police state and supporting the separation of power.

  8. A Comparative Study of the Doctrines of "Division of Power" and "Five-power Constitution"

  9. Ukraine is a democracy under a semi-presidential system with separate legislative, executive, and judicial branches.


  1. 我们习惯于三权分立制度。

    We were used to the separation of powers.

  2. 英国三权分立制度更加完善。

    British separation of powers system more perfect.

  3. 宪法体现了三权分立的原则。

    The principle of separation of powers is embodied in the Constitution.

  4. 为什么我们要有三权分立的政府?

    Why do we have three branches of government?

  5. 若没有三权分立, 谁来审判政府?

    But where this separation of powers does not exist, who tries the State?

  6. 三权分立的本质是资产阶级民主制度。

    The separation of powers essence is the bourgeois democracy system.

  7. 此外,宪法还将三权分立和法治制度化。

    It also institutionalizes the separation of powers and the rule of law.

  8. 西方的民主就是三权分立,多党竞选,等等。

    Western democracy includes, among other features, the separation of the three powers and multiparty elections.

  9. 西方得民主就是三权分立,多党竞选,等等。

    Western democracy includes, among other features, the separation of the three powers and multiparty elections.

  10. 论传统三权分立与现代行政法思想的发展

    On Traditional Separation of the Three Powers and Development of Modern Administrative Law

  11. 三权分立的政府各行政机构相互独立并各行其职。

    The three main branches of government are separate and distinct from one another.

  12. 政治老师说,三权分立是西方资本主义国家的基本政治制度。

    According to our politics teacher, the separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers is the basic political system of capitalist countries.

  13. 事实上, 在实践中就连美国也难以贯彻三权分立原则。

    In fact, the US also with difficulty implements the separation of powers principle in reality.

  14. 有人可能会指出司法部为历史上三权分立里最弱的一环。

    One may accurately claim that the judiciary has historically been the weakest of the three branches.

  15. 宪法第50条强调了三权分立。

    Article50 of the constitution underlines the separation between the Powers.

  16. 三权分立制衡原则与美国法治。

    The Principle of Parity of the Three Powers and the Rule of Law in the U.S. A.

  17. 对美国三权分立体制的再思考

    Reconsideration of the American Power Sharing System

  18. 他们必须使行政, 立法和司法三权配合。

    They must coordinate the executive and legislative authorities with the judicial authority.

  19. 这是行政立法两权分立相互制衡的宪政架构。

    This separation of powers between the Executive and the Legislature is part of the constitutions checks and balances.

  20. 我们讲民主,不能搬用资产阶级的民主,不能搞三权。

    In developing our democracy, we cannot simply copy bourgeois democracy, or introduce the system of a balance of three powers.

  21. 在资本主义私有制条件下,这三权归属于资本家。

    But under the condition of the capitalist private ownership, the above three rights belong to the capitalist.

  22. 关于建立项目法人制与建设监理制两权分立的构思

    The concept of separation of project legal persons system from construction supervision system

  23. 无非是多党竞选, 三权鼎立, 两院制。

    It is no more than a system of multiparty elections, separation of judicial, executive and legislative powers and a bicameral legislature.

  24. 岛外的人和岛民结婚之初只能获得三年的居住权。

    Outsiders who wed islanders are given only three years' right of abode at first.

  25. 还对联邦和州政府的三权部门提出一系列建议。

    It is also issuing a series of recommendations to the three branches of the federal Government and to the State Governments.

  26. 实际上, 西方国家也并不都是实行三权鼎立式的制度。

    As a matter of fact, not all the Western countries follow the pattern of separation of powers.

  27. 所有雇员都有权每年度假三周。

    All the employees are entitled to three weeks of holiday vacation each year.

  28. 她希望能得到三个女儿的监管权。

    She is hoping to regain custody of her three daughters.

  29. 行政处罚申辩权三题

    Three Problems on the Right of Defence in Administrative Punishment

  30. 这份代理权合约花了三个多月才敲定。

    It took over three months to hammer out the distributorship agreement.


  1. 问:三权分立制度拼音怎么拼?三权分立制度的读音是什么?三权分立制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三权分立制度的读音是sān quán fēn lì zhì dù,三权分立制度翻译成英文是 system of separation of three power

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