







汉语拼音:sān qù






  1. 犹三驱。谓三次驱逐。

    《左传·僖公十五年》:“千乘三去,三去之餘,获其雄狐。” 杨伯峻 注引 石韫玉 曰:“三去即三驱,其词应於下文之‘三败及 韩 ’盖 晋 人三败,则 秦 人三驱之矣。”



  1. When they predicted that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought clothes for performance.


  2. I was always at the trial on Wednesdays, and sometimes I gave you a lift.


  3. The girls , in twos or threes, go shopping and chat on fashions and cosmetic .


  4. ps - worth every penny - and we went on Wednesday and it was free! ! ! !


  5. Let's go swimming on Wednesday.


  6. I see a film with my friends on Wendseday .


  7. They calculate to go to Nanjing next Wednesday.


  8. A: I want a reservation on the Zi_Qiang for Tainan on Wednesday.


  9. Do you go to school on Tuesday ?


  1. 我受命去三排。

    I was regimented to the 3rd platoon.

  2. 我受命去三排。

    I was regimented to the 3 rd platoon.

  3. 发言共占去三小时。

    The speeches occupied three hours.

  4. 你应该去三潭印月。

    You'd better go to the Three Pools Mirroring the moon.

  5. 我们大约要去三个星期。

    We'd like to be away for three weeks.

  6. 一去三年没有音信, 从来没想到我!

    To be absent and silent for three years, and never to think of me!

  7. 向悬架加负荷。1。卸去三个支柱塔的螺母。

    Load the suspension. 1Remove the 3 strut tower nuts.

  8. 你们三个去教堂那边!

    You three get the church!

  9. 我将坐三等舱去。

    I shall go third class.

  10. 我舅舅因为没有被邀请去三加婚礼而感到气愤。

    My uncle was resentful that he had not been invited to the wedding.

  11. 亚美尼亚德拉姆对美元的汇率已跌去三分之一强。

    The Armenian dram has lost over a third of its value against the dollar.

  12. 他每三天去看老人一次。

    Every three days he comes to see the old man.

  13. 他决定带我们中的三个人去。

    He decided to take three of us.

  14. 每人一天最少三次去厕所。

    At least three times per person per day to the toilet.

  15. 请给我三张去纽约的往返票。

    Three returns to New York, please.

  16. 请给我三张去纽约得往返票。

    Three returns to New York, please.

  17. 请给我三张去纽约的往返票。

    Three returns to New York, please.

  18. 他们订购了三张去北京的火车票。

    They have booked three seats on the train to Beijing.

  19. 请买三张去青岛得头等单程票。

    Three singles to Qingdao, first class, please.

  20. 请买三张去青岛的头等单程票。

    Three singles to Qingdao, first class, please.

  21. 我们有三个人去,其余的人留在家里。

    Three of us will go; the rest are staying at home.

  22. 那时你们三人去参加伊利诺伊博览会了。

    The three of you were at the Illinois State Fair.

  23. 请买三张去青岛的经济座单程票。

    Three singles to Qingdao, economy class, please.

  24. 请买三张去青岛得经济座单程票。

    Three singles to Qingdao, economy class, please.

  25. 我没说过要你们三个去替换她吗?

    What's the sense in sending three of you to cover her?

  26. 你还记得我们三个去野餐的那天吗?

    Do you remember when the three of us went on a picnic?

  27. 在星期六下午,五个孩子去购物了,三个去图书馆了。

    On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library.

  28. 而且,人们花了三年去决定把它 放在哪里。

    For example, it took them about three years to decide where to put it.

  29. 星期五,我就要拿着三颗星去换神笔章了!

    I am going to exchange a new prize with these stars.

  30. 如果我可以纠正您的话,实际上只有三个人去了。

    If I may correct you, only three people go there actually.

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