


1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:rèn shàng








  1. 谓居职理事。

    宋 曾巩 《襄州到任表》:“伏奉勑命就差权知 襄州 ,已於今月二十七日到任上讫。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“那尚书在京中任上时,与一个僕射姓 裴 名 宽 的,两个往来最好。”

  2. 指任职的时期。


  3. 任所。任职的所在地。

    《官场现形记》第二回:“不过托名头説在原籍,不在任上,打人家个把式罢了。” 王西彦 《老太婆伯伯》:“我们宝宝是茅草丛里出老虎,慢慢来,将来一品当朝,接爸爸妈妈到任上去享清福,去当老太爷。”



  1. It has been pointedly noted this week that he has played as much golf already as Mr Bush did in his eight years in the White House.


  2. he was one of our number and shared in this ministry.


  3. The question of what a PP government would do in office remains largely unanswered.


  4. Gone are the days when a smiling Reagan could be forgiven for raising taxes and ignoring abortion once in office.


  5. 'Susan Rice didn't want a Rwanda on her hands, ' said a senior Arab diplomat deeply involved in the negotiations.


  6. Ms Sarobi says she was scuppered by conservative cabinet colleagues, who even blocked a decree condemning forced marriage.


  7. He also oversaw three reductions of the company's financial outlook.


  8. In his stint as finance minister, Mr. Ghani said, two moments crystallized his disgust and finally prompted him to quit.


  9. The only president ever to resign the office.


  1. 初到任上怎样赢得威信

    How to Win Prestige as a New Leader

  2. 在婺州浙东廉访司佥事任上两年余。

    He served the court as an Inspector in Wuzhou for two years.

  3. 在此任上, 他捕获了当地一个强盗头目。

    After he had assumed his post, he captured a local head gangster.

  4. 北魏孝明帝时为荆州刺史,在州两年,死于任上。

    Northwei xiao ming Cishi Dili for Jingzhou, in the state two years, died in office on.

  5. 可是这四镇将军只要一任上没有不折损嫡裔血族的。

    But these four generals in the town merely a term top have never done not damage Di posterity is akin.

  6. 为了缓冲转型期,基尔茨先生在并购之后又在任上呆了一年。

    Mr. Kilts stayed on for a year after the merger to ease the transition.

  7. 任一温标上的数字表达值都是人为的。

    Numerical values on any temperature scale are arbitrary.

  8. 从材料任一横截面上测量的晶粒直径的平均值。

    The average grain diameter as determined from a random cross section.

  9. 沙漠牛仔马蹄铁是分散符号,可以出现在任一条线上。

    Carnival The Confetti and Gondola symbols are scatter symbols and can appear in any line.

  10. 每个术士只能在任一目标上施放一个痛苦无常或者献祭。

    Only one Unstable Affliction or Immolate per Warlock can be active on any one target.

  11. 我闭上眼睛任思绪在火光中飞扬

    I close my eyes and fly out of my mind into the fire

  12. 搭2号轨道上的任一班火车都可以。

    Take any train on Track 2.

  13. 搭2号轨道上得任一班火车都可以。

    Take any train on Track 2.

  14. 她在伦敦汽车上已经任售票员二十年了。

    She's conducted on London buses for twenty years.

  15. 她仍记得慵懒地躺在沙滩上, 任习习凉风亲吻自己的肌肤。

    She still remembered the breezes that caressed her skin as she lay on the gritty sand.

  16. 从任一客户端上发送一封传真。

    Send a fax from Business One out of any client in the organization.

  17. 在任一选项卡上, 配置所需的选项。

    On any of the tabs, configure the options that you want.

  18. 那些失去父母的孤儿只好任其在社会上自生自灭。

    Those orphanized children were left to take their chances in the world.

  19. 我们赞扬欧洲共同体在其任上提供的杰出领导。

    We commend the European Community for providing sterling leadership during its tenure.

  20. 我在上海的时候, 在上一个公司任前台接待。

    I worked as a receptionist at my former company while I was living in Shanghai.

  21. 学校现有教职工1604恩, 其中中专任教师656任, 副教授以上327任。

    At present, UIBE has a total enrollment of more that20, 000 students, 5000 international students, and6358 postgraduate.

  22. 春日的阳光温暖地照在我的脸上,我闭上眼睛,任它抚慰我。

    The spring sun is warm on my face and I close my eyes, letting it soothe me.

  23. 这使他在防卫问题上较之前任总统更具鹰派色彩。

    It was made him more of a hawk in defence matters than the previous president was

  24. 大家就强迫他上了小竹筏, 任他随竹筏漂浮在海上。

    They forced him onto a tiny bamboo raft, and set him adrift on the open seas.

  25. 公报上刊载他被任为上尉以代替迁升的琼斯上尉。

    He was gazetted as captain vice Captain Jones promoted.

  26. 新总统上任初得和谐时期已经结束了。

    The honeymoon period is over now for the new President.

  27. 新总统上任初的和谐时期已经结束了。

    The honeymoon period is over now for the new President.

  28. 在宗教仪式上涂油是神化或任圣职的象征

    to put oil on during a religious ceremony as a sign of sanctification or consecration

  29. 涂油于在宗教仪式上涂油是神化或任圣职的象征

    To put oil on during a religious ceremony as a sign of sanctification or consecration.

  30. 圆半径将圆心与圆周上任一连接起来的线段

    A line segment that joins the center of a circle with any point on its circumference.

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