







汉语拼音:wú yàng






  1. 没有疾病;没有忧患。多作问候语。

    《楚辞·九辩》:“赖皇天之厚德兮,还及君之无恙。”《太平御览》卷七三九引 汉 应劭 《风俗通》:“恙,病也。凡人相见及通书,皆云‘无恙’。又《易传》云:上古之时,草居露宿。恙,啮虫也,善食人心,俗悉患之,故相劳云‘无恙’。” 明 王民 《虎丘守岁杂意》诗:“升沉付流水,无恙独渔竿。” 闻一多 《红烛·太阳吟》:“我的家乡此刻可都依然无恙?”



  1. Total want to ask whether you safe, always want to hear that QingJie steps is still, wish you happy forever!

  2. i was so glad to hear of your safety . it was the only piece of good news we had had for a long time.

  3. But even when fit, the Swiss centre back is not taking his place in the Arsenal starting line-up for granted.

  4. and i ran to the door in time to see jim hawkins , safe and sound , come climbing over the stockade.

  5. When father tried to tell me how glad he was to see me safe after the accident, he choked up and was unable to speak.

  6. Still okay tomorrow to see the rise in the sky, the white clouds drift continues, the hearts of indecision, have nowhere to shelter.

  7. We were reassured (to hear) that the ship was safe and sound.

  8. The Chinese embassy in Columbo has confirmed the fishermen are in good condition, and are being allowed to leave their boats.

  9. In the south most of Munster had been granted away , though Kerry's was as yet untouched .


  1. 一切安全无恙

    all serene

  2. 别来无恙吧?

    Is everything Ok?

  3. 齐福思,别来无恙

    Cheves, what's up?

  4. 世界你好, 你别来无恙?

    Well, hello world, how've you been?

  5. 孩子们旅行回来安全无恙。

    The children returned from their trip safe and sound.

  6. 我希望你女儿安然无无恙。

    I hope your daughter is all right.

  7. 女士们,先生们,别来无恙吧。

    Ladies and gentlemen, all hail to you.

  8. 让我们恢复至无恙之躯

    and restore us to wholeness.

  9. 让我们恢复至无恙之躯。

    And restore us to wholeness.

  10. 你的祖母还健康无恙吧?

    Is your grandmother quite well?

  11. 神女应无恙, 当今世界殊。

    The mountain goddess if she is still there Will marvel at a world so changed.

  12. 他安全无恙地抵达纽约。

    He reached New York safe and sound.

  13. 对不起,我必须走了,祝无恙!

    Sorry, but I have to go. peace!

  14. 我性命无恙,可是失去了意识。

    My life was saved but I wasn't conscious.

  15. 小孩最终被找到了,安全无恙。

    The child was finally found safe and sound.

  16. 给我一个标志你是无恙的。

    To give me a sign you're ok.

  17. 白宫枪声响起, 所幸布什无恙

    Man shot outside White House, Bush safe

  18. 那些被淡忘的时光,是否别来无恙。

    Forget those moments, it again unscarred.

  19. 头脚保暖不受凉。其余部位可无恙

    The head and feet keep warm the rest will take no harm

  20. 我们听说该船安全无恙而感到安心。

    We were reassured that the ship was safe and sound.

  21. 由浴室构成的掩避室却完好无恙。

    The bathroom shelter was not damaged at all.

  22. 由浴室构成得掩避室却完好无恙。

    The bathroom shelter was not damaged at all.

  23. 保好头脚不受凉,其余部位可无恙。

    The head and feet keep warm; the rest will take no harm.

  24. 我们都不知道其实我们一直别来无恙着。

    I always believe that. Because I am only a child.

  25. 我们发现孩子们经过那次历险之后安全无恙。

    We found the children safe and sound after their dangerous adventure.

  26. 在大自然里,甲虫十之八九是能够无恙脱险的。

    In nature, the beetles probably survive most attacks.

  27. 我在这儿,凯特姨妈,我像邮件一样安好无恙!

    Here I am as right as the mail, Aunt Kate!

  28. 谁攻击它, 而能安全无恙?普天之下没有一人!

    Who has attacked him and come off unharmed? No one under the sky.

  29. 泰瑞叫金姆放心,只是一个囊肿而已,她无恙。

    Teri assures Kim that it was only a cyst and that she is fine.

  30. 幸好房屋没有被火烧毁,所有的人都安全无恙。

    Luckily, no house was destroyed by the fire and all the people were safe.






【拼音】wú yàng


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