







汉语拼音:sù yǎng







  1. 修习涵养。

    《汉书·李寻传》:“马不伏歷,不可以趋道;士不素养,不可以重国。” 宋 陆游 《上殿札子》:“气不素养,临事惶遽。” 元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷七:“士气不可不素养。如 明昌 、 泰和 间,崇文养士,故一时士大夫,争以敢説敢为相尚。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第八章六:“他虽然是一位经济学专家,而对于国学却有深湛的素养。”

  2. 平素所供养。

    《后汉书·刘表传》:“ 越 有所素养者,使人示之以利,必持众来。”



  1. Nowadays quality education in middle schools make it a final goal that we should cultivate people with geography attainment.


  2. Assistant for nearly a year personal training experience good speaking skills and a good quality of professional ethics.


  3. These research findings have been used in the practice of conducting the education of media literacy for middle school students.


  4. With a little bit of font-acy and "Vers Libre" candle holders, your candlelight dinner party will certainly make a difference!


  5. A strong, literate, wealthy middle class that wants to stay that way tends to be a check on the abuse of political power.


  6. This was a team of structure and confidence and, once they had taken the lead, the truth is they handed out a thrashing.


  7. Given this reach, I knew Kroll could hire someone with a medical background, legal training, or at least some familiarity with Ecuador.


  8. But he said that, in general, nongovernmental work will not be enough to increase the public's science understanding.


  9. In this period established a good professional quality and literacy, play a strong sense of responsibility, patience.


  1. 新媒体素养

    new media literacy.

  2. 脑科学素养

    literacy of brain science.

  3. 跨文化素养

    intercultural communicative awareness.

  4. 地理信息素养

    geographic informational literacy

  5. 正义是高贵的素养。

    Justice is a noble quality.

  6. 中学物理教师素养浅淡

    Briefly on the Accomplishments of Middle School Physical Teachers

  7. 新斯科舍媒介素养协会

    Association for Media Literacy Nova Scotia.

  8. 工艺人文素养,宏观国际视野。

    Uplifting decent insight and global vision.

  9. 谈谈新世纪共青团干部的素养

    On Attainments of Cadres in the Communist Youth League

  10. 良好的商业道德和职业素养。

    A good business ethics and professional accomplishment.

  11. 电视音乐会与编导的音乐素养

    TV Concert and Music Accomplishment of Director

  12. 浅议小学科学课教师素养

    Some Ideas about the Attainment of Teachers of the Course of Science for Primary Schools

  13. 解读化学新课标中的科学素养

    Deciphering Scientific Attainment in New Chemical Lesson Marks

  14. 有高深学问或文化素养的人

    one who possesses or affects a high degree of culture or learning

  15. 谈高等教育中的公众科学素养培养

    Fostering the Public Scientific Attainments in Higher Education

  16. 如何通过科学、艺术培养大学生素养?

    How to foster undergraduate accomplishment through science, art?

  17. 论现代出版业出版人员素养的提升

    How to Exalt Publishers Quality in Modern Publishing House.

  18. 情报学素养在编辑工作中的作用

    The Function of Knowledge in Informatics in Editing

  19. 文化素养是一种技能,是一项科技技能。

    Literacy is sort of skill of, its, a pool of technology skill.

  20. 一些记者保持了平衡和专业素养。

    Some journalists have remained balanced and professional.

  21. 提高护生人际沟通素养的策略

    Strategies to Enhance the Accomplishment of Human Communication of Nursing Students

  22. 公民科学素养是国家发展的基础。

    Citizen's scientific quality is the basis of country's development.

  23. 学校和谐发展对校长素养的要求

    The Require of School Development Harmoniously for Principle's Qualities.

  24. 视觉文化生活与视觉艺术素养的失衡

    Imbalance between Visual Culture Life and Visual Artistic Attainments

  25. 他是一位很有文化素养的人。

    He was a very culture man.

  26. 媒介素养课程是一项迫切的需要。

    Classes in media literacy are a pressing need.

  27. 文学素养解读苏州古典园林的钥匙

    Literary attainmentsthe key to annotate Suzhou classical garden.

  28. 它强调了荷兰提高媒体素养的工作。

    It stressed the Netherlands efforts to promote media literacy.

  29. 但教师信息素养的内涵究竟是什么?

    But what is the teacher information accomplishment connotation actually?

  30. 网络环境下师范生信息素养的培养

    The Cultivation of the Information Literacy of Normal School Students in the Environment of Network


  1. 问:素养拼音怎么拼?素养的读音是什么?素养翻译成英文是什么?

    答:素养的读音是sùyǎng,素养翻译成英文是 cultivation



素养,谓由训练和实践而获得的技巧或能力。《汉书·李寻传》:“马不伏历,不可以趋道;士不素养,不可以重国。” 宋 陆游 《上殿札子》:“气不素养,临事惶遽。” 《后汉书·刘表传》:“ 越 有所素养者,使人示之以利,必持众来。”

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