




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:xià shàng










  1. 下等中的上等,即第七等。

    《书·禹贡》:“厥田惟下上。” 孔 传:“田第七。”《汉书·地理志上》:“田下上,赋下中三错。” 颜师古 注:“田第七,赋第八,又杂出第七至第九,凡三品。”

  2. 同“ 上下 ”。谓高低。

    《诗·邶风·燕燕》:“燕燕于飞,下上其音。” 毛 传:“飞而上曰上音,飞而下曰下音。”

  3. 同“ 上下 ”。指高处和低处。

    宋 曾巩 《道山亭记》:“其谿行则水皆自高泻下,石错出其间,如林立,如士骑满野,千里下上,不见首尾。” 宋 梅尧臣 《和平叔道傍竹》诗:“下上乏佳禽,左右杂枯桑。”

  4. 同“ 上下 ”。犹言古今。

    唐 刘禹锡 《魏生兵要述》:“磅礴下上数千年间,其攟摭评议无遗策,用是以干握兵符贵人,宜有虚己而乐闻者。”

  5. 同“ 上下 ”。长幼;尊卑。

    明 李东阳 《贵君墓碑铭》:“理家四十年,下上辑睦如一日。”

  6. 从高处到低处,又从低处到高处。

    南朝 梁 何逊 《七召》诗:“君隐磷而出没,望嶔岑而下上。” 宋 梅尧臣 《观文丁右丞挽词》之二:“白马悲鸣驻,黄鸝下上飞。”



  1. She has been staring at me, I looked down on a bit uncomfortable, she said that we go there?


  2. Air tankers are often used to drop thousands of gallons of water and retardant onto fires.


  3. And yet, we try to convince people to ride with us all the time while we're blindfolded.


  4. Most ticks are probably picked up on the lower legs and then crawl up the body seeking a place to feed.


  5. The hotel's colorful casas and lush gardens were a canvas for the 2010 Pirelli calendar, shot by the bad-boy photographer Terry Richardson.


  6. Think back to the last time you did something to intentionally hurt someone, even if it was very small.


  7. What I have to show for all of my nay-saying, aside from saved time and lower electricity bills, is thousands of dollars saved every year.


  8. These are uploaded to facebook as you ride down and you can read the comments from friends back home on the lift up again.


  9. Exports of services fared better in the first half of the year, bolstered by sustained growth in offshore trade and inbound tourism.


  1. 请脱下上半身衣服。

    Please undress down to the waist.

  2. 弗利克斯边跑边扔下枪, 脱下上衣。

    As he ran, Feliks dropped the gun and tore off his coat.

  3. 最近,沃森的老師讓它在無人指導的情況下上網

    Recently, its teachers let it surf the Internet unsupervised.

  4. 大多数蜱虫从腿脚处下上爬,寻找下手处。

    Most ticks are probably picked up on the lower legs and then crawl up the body seeking a place to feed.

  5. 她在警卫的护送下上了飞机尾部的舷梯。

    She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft.

  6. 将插入符号移动到下上个未命名的书签处。

    Moves the caret to the previous unnamed bookmark.

  7. 你可以让你的人在不被看见的情况下上船吗?

    Can you get your SEALs on board without being seen?

  8. 减荷条件下上埋式圆形结构物周边土压力分析

    Earth Pressure Distribution around Top Buried Type Circular Structures under Reducing Load Condition

  9. 内镜超声下上消化道隆起性病变的诊断和治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of upper gastrointestinal tract protrusion lesions under endoscopic ultrasonography

  10. 我决心杀了它, 在喂它的食儿里下上毒药除掉它。

    I decided to kill it, to put poison down and be rid of it.

  11. 我决心杀了它,在喂它得食儿里下上毒药除掉它。

    I decided to kill it, to put poison down and be rid of it.

  12. 无托槽矫治器作用下上颌尖牙的生物力学研究

    Biomechanics research on maxillary canine under orthodontics forces with invisible appliances techniques

  13. 两种坐标系下上限法求解棒材挤压变形力的对比研究

    The contrastive research of force of bar extrusion deduced by upper bound theorem in two coordinates

  14. 我们来回顾下 上个世纪发生了什么 来了解过去的几百年里

    So let's look at what this last century has been to see where we're going.

  15. 后倾曲作用下上颌支抗磨牙运动趋势的三维有限元法研究

    The study of movement tendancy of maxillary anchorage molar by FEM

  16. 煮滚半锅水, 下上汤及调味料, 先放莲藕, 白萝卜及冬菇滚至稔。

    Bring half pot of water to boil. Add stock and seasoning. Add lotus root, turnip and black mushrooms, cook until soft.

  17. 那天每公顷的土地上 下了1000桶水。

    Over 1, 000 drums of water fell on every hectare of that land that day.

  18. 请先下后上。

    Please allow these passengers to get off before you get on.

  19. 从上到下, 由下而上

    from the top down and the bottom up

  20. 取下衣服上的别针

    to unpin a dress

  21. 削下车窗上的冰

    Chip ice from the car window

  22. 拆下横梁上的约束拉线。

    Remove restraining cables on cross member.

  23. 在线下写上你的名字。

    Write your name below the line.

  24. 你看这岩壁从下到上。

    Look at the rock face from down up.

  25. 拆下拉线上的止动垫圈。

    Remove tab washer on the cable.

  26. 拧下支架上的紧固螺母。

    Unscrew the fastening nuts on the supports.

  27. 他拽下大衣上松弛的线。

    He plucked at the loose threads of his coat.

  28. 通常从下向上写的笔划。

    a stroke normally made in an upward direction.

  29. 将小纸片附在下眼睑上。

    Tiny paper tabs are placed in the lower eyelids.

  30. 在生态环境下地球上没有狗。

    There isn't a dog on this earth that's a natural creature.


  1. 问:下上层阶级拼音怎么拼?下上层阶级的读音是什么?下上层阶级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下上层阶级的读音是xià shàng céng jiē jí,下上层阶级翻译成英文是 lower upper class

  2. 问:下上方影像拼音怎么拼?下上方影像的读音是什么?下上方影像翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下上方影像的读音是xià shàng fāng yǐng xiàng,下上方影像翻译成英文是 inferosuperior projection

  3. 问:下上颚毛域拼音怎么拼?下上颚毛域的读音是什么?下上颚毛域翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下上颚毛域的读音是xià shàng è máo yù,下上颚毛域翻译成英文是 infrabrustia

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