


1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……


1. 弥 [mí]2. 弥 [mǐ]弥 [mí]满,遍:~满。~月(a.整一个月;b.婴儿满月)。~望(满眼)。~天(满天,形容极大的)。补,合:~补。~缝。~封。更加:~坚。欲盖~彰。水满的样子:~漫。久,远:~留(病久留不去,后称病重将……




1. 佛 [fó]2. 佛 [fú]3. 佛 [bì]4. 佛 [bó]佛 [fó]梵语“佛陀”,是对佛教创始人释迦牟尼的简称,亦是佛教徒对修行圆满的人的称呼:~爷。~像。借花献~。指“佛教”(世界主要宗教之一):~家。~寺。~老。~经。~……



汉语拼音:ē mí tuó fó






  • 【解释】:佛教语,信佛的人用作口头诵颂的佛号,表示祈祷祝福或感谢神灵的意思。
  • 【出自】:元·张国宾《合汗衫》第四折:“张寿友曰:‘阿弥陀佛,这个是谁?’卜儿云:‘这便是媳妇儿。’”
  • 【示例】:和尚念经,~。


  1. Chanting " Buddha preserve me" with a rosary in her hand, the scholar's wife replied.


  2. I, Shinran, have never said the nembutsu even once for the repose of my departed mother and father.


  3. He persisted in chanting the mantra and the holy name of Amitabha Buddha very sincerely. However, a year passed and he received no response.


  4. Gu got to work on the Great Mercy Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Pure Land Mantra of Amitabha.


  5. I'm not sure who he is. But there's many pigeons. If someone drops little food, they will all fly to him in a sudden.


  6. Amitabha Buddha emitted uncountable lights from his palm which pervasively illuminated all the Buddhalands.


  7. When he passed away in 975 AD at the age of 72, Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land.


  8. Given that Amida's Primal vow is true, then the teachings of Sakyamuni, which concern only the Vow, cannot be false.


  9. This picture illustrates Amitabha, the ruler of the happiest world, and the performances around the pool.


  1. 皈依阿弥陀佛

    I seek refuge in Amitabha Buddha.

  2. 谁念南无阿弥陀佛

    Who Is Chanting Nama Amitabha

  3. 右为西方世界阿弥陀佛。

    Right is Western world Amida Buddha.

  4. 此二菩萨助阿弥陀佛。

    These two bodhisattvas assist Amitayus in saving all beings everywhere.

  5. 重复得名称, 阿弥陀佛得净土宗。

    Repetition of the name of Amitabha in Pure Land Buddhism.

  6. 重复的名称,阿弥陀佛的净土宗。

    Repetition of the name of Amitabha in Pure Land Buddhism.

  7. 另有西方三圣和阿弥陀佛塑像。

    Another Buddha statue and Sam West.

  8. 后面小洞内供西方极乐世界阿弥陀佛。

    A small niche in the rear houses Amitabha of Sukhavati.

  9. 我向上师, 阿弥陀佛和所有菩萨鞠躬。

    Chatral Rinpoche I bow down before the Lama, Buddha Amitayus, And the bodhisattvas in training.

  10. 一声佛号不离口, 阿弥陀佛常随身。

    May i always call upon the name of the Buddha, and may the Buddha Amitabha always be with me.

  11. 你念观音菩萨还是念阿弥陀佛都能往生。

    You can go there after death by repeating the name of either Avalokiteshvara or Amitabha.

  12. 当阿弥陀佛变成一个圣人,他许了48个愿望。

    When Amitabha has become a saint, he made 48 wishes.

  13. 那好吧, 我怎能拒绝你呢。阿弥陀佛, 善哉, 善哉。

    Well, then, I can hardly refuse you. Amitabha, this is good. This is good.

  14. 朋友,你看车很大,但为什么没有车牌?阿弥陀佛!

    Friend, your car look great, but why no number plate? AMITABHA!

  15. 皆是阿弥陀佛。欲令法音宣流变化所作。

    These birds are manifested by Amida Buddha so that their singing can proclaim and spread the Dharma.

  16. 阿弥陀佛的名字意味着无量光,欢喜光,解脱光和无量寿。

    Aamida Buddha's name means limitless light, happy light, free light, and limitless life.

  17. 头戴束发宝冠,冠的正中饰一坐像,为阿弥陀佛。

    Wearing beam Fabao crown cap decorated the middle of a seated, in order to Amitabha.

  18. 阿弥陀佛放大光明照行者身。与诸菩萨授手迎接。

    Amitayus releases a great flood of light which illuminates the aspirant's body and, along with the bodhisattvas, extends his hands in welcome.

  19. 大佛背后面塑一尊阿弥陀佛,立姿稳健,面目威严,肌肤饱满。

    Buddhabehind a Buddha, standing strong, dignified face, plump skin.

  20. 反清复明只是一个口号,就同和尚经常说阿弥陀佛一样!

    Overturn Qing Dynasty and reinstate Ming Dynasty that is only a slogan, same as what monks usually say.

  21. 佛坛的正中间是降魔释迦像, 左边是弥勒佛, 右边是阿弥陀佛。

    Buddha is in the middle of the altar is Xiangmo as Sakyamuni, is the left side of the Maitreya, the Buddha is on the right side.

  22. 如果你想跳出轮回,那就请阿弥陀佛接你到他的净土去。

    If you want to be free from rebirth, ask Amitabha to take you to live in his Pure Land.

  23. 我也要将修行的功德回向给你们,并请阿弥陀佛照顾你们。

    I also would like to dedicate the merit and virtue of my cultivation to both of you, and respectfully ask Amitabha Buddha to take care of you.

  24. 是诸众鸟,皆是阿弥陀佛欲令法音宣流,变化所作。

    All these birds are the creations of Amitabha Buddha, fashioned in order to broadcast the sounds of the Dharma.


  1. 问:阿弥陀佛拼音怎么拼?阿弥陀佛的读音是什么?阿弥陀佛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿弥陀佛的读音是ēmítuófó,阿弥陀佛翻译成英文是 Amitabha Buddha; may the Buddha preserve us...



阿弥陀佛(梵语Amitābha),又名无量佛、无量光佛、无量寿佛等。大乘经载,阿弥陀佛在过去久远劫时曾立大愿,建立西方净土,广度无边众生,成就无量庄严功德,为大乘佛教所广为崇敬和弘扬。大乘佛经主要如《无量寿经》、《阿弥陀经》、《观无量寿佛经》,对阿弥陀佛及其西方极乐世界均有详述。大乘佛教流传之地,如中国、日本等大乘教区,阿弥陀佛信仰也尤为繁盛和重要。而汉传佛教的净土宗,则完全以往生阿弥陀佛的西方净土作为专修的法门。 (概述图片来源)

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